SKIN ENGINEERLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest

SKIN ENGINEER has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 656 designs from 75 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

What We Do
High Performance Skin Science Formulated for Men Only.
Color Preferences
Would like to see Masculine Colours: Black, White, Grey, Orange.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Have a flick through GQ Magazine to get a feel for where we want to take SKIN ENGINEER.


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1 2 3 ... 9 10 11 1 ... 11 Next >


Welcome! - I am the founder and formulator of SKIN ENGINEER, and just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your time and energy. SKIN ENGINEER is more then a brand to me ... we are a high performance, innovative, r+d focused business that is set to take the male skin care market by storm!

After recently signing off on our final ingredient cut for our formulations (SKIN ENGINEER is formulated by a Chemical Engineer and guaranteed to produce results) we are now looking to turn our brand into life with a 'face' (logo) that differentiates SKIN ENGINEER from the competition; whilst still maintaining a premium/masculine image.

The winning entry will be used on all SKIN ENGINEER communications, advertising, website, packaging and products (face scrub/wash, eye gel, after-shave balm and shaving gel) - as a result all entries must be easily idenfiable/simple and preferably use under three colours.

This is a great chance for you to get exposure also - SKIN ENGINEER will be sold worldwide and numerous press have already agreed to write up SKIN ENGINEER products. I am happy to provide references for the best designers also.

Look forward to seeing your concepts - good luck and game on!
15 years ago
Because SKIN ENGINEER is a premium/up-market skincare line - I am looking for some entries that are more 'expensive' looking and denote a 'premium brand' ..... The target price point will be $50+ per product, thus making it on the same price level as Lancome Men, Biotherm Homme, Clinique for Men, Clarins for Men, Refinery and Lab Series. The logo really needs to look both 'premium' and 'up market', the products will be housed in top quality innovative packaging, so everything needs to tie in and denote 'expensive'.

Also when I am talking masculinity, I am talking refined masculinity (think GQ magazine) - not so much the beer drinking/football watching masculinity :) haha

I will make private comments to everyone that submits an entry and will try to give feedback at least daily - there is some serious genius out there - cant wait to see whats coming next ...

15 years ago
Below links for the packaging that I am intending to use - your logo could be on it!!!

I haven't decided on the colour of the containers yet - leaning towards grey, stoney colour or matt black ... open to any other colour suggestions, Pls remember that shelf presence is a massive factor in the premium male skincare market, so the logo really has to make the product standout and say 'buy me!' to the 25-35aged men who I have formulated this product for.

FYI #26 and #42 are appealing to me the most at the moment ... I particularly like the different font of #26, simple yet eye-catching and different, i also like how both have taken 'SE' and made a seperate logo out of it (I can put that emblem on the top of the lids for example, or on other packaging); it looks cool and its innovative.

If you are working on your weekend on this - you rock! I will keep giving individual feedback, tks again for everyones support!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
If you'd like to have any other kind of graphical mark, you could update Contest Brief, now it's showing wordmark only and that's pretty confusing...
15 years ago
tks paull ... i am only after a wordmark so wont change the brief - didnt mean to confuse anyone! i just thought the SE was a different touch, which I hadn't thought of before - lets just keep it to the words SKIN ENGINEER ... as i want to also distribute online through (which will be transformed into a very cool professional funcitonal e-commerce site in 2 mths time ), the words SKIN ENGINEER are what matters most, so will leave it as wordmark - tks for your feedback!

15 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem, and thanks for quick response :)
15 years ago
have just done my first ranking - i hope that this helps show the direciton where i am trying to go. i have marked a lot of 'non-suitable' ones', please do not withdraw your logo - i have just done that to make it easier for me to go through them ... before the competition ends, I will bring them all back in so at least you get 1pt if you are ranked 10+ (that's what you guys are after apparently) - ill also happy to send out samples of SKIN ENGINEER at my own cost (just email me your postal address, no strings - u wont go on a distribution list!) and a lot of positive karma to those people who didnt make the cut as i really appreciate your time and energy in working up a design for me ...

let me know if you have any questions - or if i can do anything to help you out more ....
15 years ago
Logo Designer
You mentioned in one of your comments in my section that you will have your products screen printed. This may affect the type of design you need - screen printing uses blocks of solid colour, things like gradients and fades aren't suitable ... you may wish to establish what is possible in your production procedure before going down a particular design route - I'm bringing it up here in this section for the benefit of everyone in the contest ... best wishes,

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Definitely agree with Husk,
gradients , reflections and other trendy stuff may seem pleasant to eye, but can lead in disappointment when showed in solid colours. Especially when you consider using logo in real production...

But, dear logo buyer, if you decide you'd like to see entries WITH special effects, there's absolutely no problem with that.
15 years ago
tks guys - you are all over it ... i will be using screen printing on my products so lets just keep the logo to solid colours ... i think i made that comment to #26 also who did gradients etc, but best to get it out there for everyone ....

some other things that i have said on individual feedback that might benefit everyone also - looking for:
* simple design in standard block colours (under 3 colours must be used)
* the design has to be scalable (e.g readable when scaled down as will be printed on packaging; e.g the diameter of the rollerball eye gel is only 1cm)
* logo should be a refined masculine, look 'expensive', simple and appeal to my target market (see target market in brief: men aged 25-35 etc) ... think 'effortless cool', rather then a product that is a 'try-hard'.
* happy to see other colours other then black, orange, grey or white .... but the logo still has to fit the brief of being masculine and premium ...
* shelf presence is a must - i am using innovative high qualtiy packaging to help grab attention, so I am looking for a logo that is simple and minimilist, but still jumps off the product and grabs attention (I know this may be a tough ask - but its vital!) - pls keep this in mind.

let me know if you have any questions - or if i can do anything to help you out more ....

PS - tks for all the support out there, i have had a lot of people talk about how much they want their work on a tangible product and how gratifying it would be, i understand this - hence why i have gone about developing a product from nothing! tks for your input - I will be fair and provide as much feedback i can to give everyone a go - all the best!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear Ch

can you please update brief, its so confusing, you say you want upscale market word mark and you rank web like logo with icon highest. Its very important difference for us to know, so question is :do you want word mark or logo with pictorial elements.

Thank you !
15 years ago
tks wookasheen - i am just after a wordmark ... when i am looking at the designs, i am only looking at the words SKIN ENGINEER .... it is just coincidence that the designs i am most drawn to have a icon looking (SE in there) - but that has got nothing to do with the pictorial/icon element, it has to do with the way SKIN ENGINEER looks .... if you look at the words SKIN ENGINEER in the top five they all look pretty similar.

I have also asked Designers to use block colours only.

tks for your feedback, I have had other designers ask the same question so i hope this clarifies things; actually ill ask everyone who has put a pictorial mark in there to take it off to make it easier for you all and then re-rank, let me know if there is anything else i can help with, cause last thing i want to do is confuse people and waste peoples time! :) keep the feedback coming :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear CH, could you, please, mark designs you do not like as "Not interested"?It will keep gallery cleaner. Thank you in advance.
15 years ago
that was absolutely heart breaking for me to do that revision (yes, i was avoiding doing it!) ... they should change the words 'not interested to 'not suitable' :) .... if you were not suitable, please do not withdraw your design, as in above post, at the end of the competition i will bring all designs back in and rank 1->whatever the final number is, also i am test marketing all of the logo concepts with my target market so want to make sure that their decisions are inline with mine (one of the troubles when you are a girl engineer designing a product for men!), so dont withdraw it as you may just get a 2nd chance .....
15 years ago
hi designers - i think that everyone has got the direction of where im going with SKIN ENGINEER ... and am looking forward to what comes up next ....

im a bit affraid that i have a certain thing/concept stuck in my head and may be closing out options that could totally rock, am trying to keep an open mind .......

i was hoping that a couple of you could hit me with designs you think i should use! yes, this is a very random hit/miss strategy which has a very high chance of failure haha!, but if you have something totally different that you think would work and you think i should use - throw it at me, you are the experts ;)!!

15 years ago
ugh! just want to tell u how hard this is getting now - u are all so talented it really flips me out when i look at your designs! im kinda suffeirng serious logo fatigue after reviewing all of them - how u guys/girls can keep coming up with stuff is amazing (i am the type of person who thinks using tahoma 10pt is creative because its not aerial 10pt, haha!) tks for your hardwork + introing me to the creative world - home stretch now, i think theres less then 48hrs to go, so will try to re-rank more often and review a cpl of times a day as the designs come in :) ... amp up!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I hope you can recognize real design work , not just use of ordinary tech fonts...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Is it essential, placing logo on black background?
15 years ago
fair enough - excluding your own, which ones do u think show 'real design work'? ....
15 years ago
re wookasheen - i can hear where u coming from: but u have to understand that im delivering what my target market wants + what makes sense in the skincare market - althou yive seen v many kool looking designs, it is no use to me if it confuses, cant be easily reproduced, cant be read (ive tested some of the logos ive received and some have fallen into this category; particularly on blind tests with e's as three lines for example) or doesnt suit my target market .... it has to make commercial sense and suit a number of applciations - hope u can see where im coming from here, sometimes simplicity is best ... tks for your feedback :) anyway - like abv, wld like to know which ones u htink are the best designs at mom ...

re paull - its not essential to put logos on black background - on the ones i gel with i ask for a couple of revisions so i can talk it over with my product manufacturer on what logos would best work screen printed (on black - as well as grey, white) ... minimum order is 20,000 units on each product , so as im sure u understand its something i cant stuff up! if its confusing for u, i can take them away + leave just the top 15, let me know if that helps, cheers
15 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem, I can put any logo on any background if it's helpful for you.
15 years ago
hi designers - thankyou all for your time, energy + awesome designs ... I couldn't get my full test market together before today (competition end) so I have extended the competition two days .... your designs will be reviewed by a test group, and together we will decide the winner - all the best + good luck!

btw - because I will be focusing on the existing designs im less inclined to look at new ones, pls keep this in mind as I dont know how much time i will have to give feedback. tks again.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
hello skinengineer.. please watch my logo.. hope you like it, thx..
15 years ago
tks big_deman ... i have reviewed and provided feedback - hope it helps!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello skinengineer.. please see my logo update, thanks..
15 years ago
tks vx - i have reviewed and provided feedback - hope it helps!

for everyone else pls dont withdraw your designs - at the end ill bring them all back and rank them all start->finish,
15 years ago
hi paull - one of my friends just texted me abt the comment you made on the russians n's (#429 back to front n's actually meaning i's in russian) ... im going for world domination for skin engineer and for that ill need the russians on side ;) haha - yes, ive got big dreams! , tks for your note, im having a think abt this and have reranked to normal n's for the meantime, that was very kind of you so thankyou :)
15 years ago
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