hi there - very cool! my only concern is that the 'e' in the orange could be confused as three lines ... this is an issue as it could be read as skinngineer, which is someone elses trademark so have to be a bit careful there, also becuase i am looking to sell SKIN ENGINEER thru www.skinengineer.com (which is being overhauled to be a fully functioning cool ecommerce site in 2mths time), i have to make sure that men arent confused and try to go to www.skinngineer.com instead ... #249 is my favourite of your versions due to the finer font; it makes it more premium masculine ... i like that you have taken a simple design and tried to add soemthing so it 'pops', are able to have another think , also appreciate the other colour choices - and that the design looks good on just black and white also... hope that this feedback helps you refine your design ...
hi - tks for your other concepts! althou i like the idea of using 3d looking font using block colours, i think that this comes off more looking generic/cheaper brand then an upmarket brand that i am going for - #556 and #577 are on the right track thou ... the only reason why im still liking your #277 design better is because you have taken simple font and just changed it a bit (you will see this is a common theme in the top 3 designs ive ranked so far) - because i see this as being more innovative and going one step beyong the rest, which is what skin engineer is all about! tks again for your designs!
hi bordo - you are defn on my page now! tks for your designs ... i am still leaning towards my ranked four right now just because they hav taken the skin engineer and just tweaked something different; which i read as innovation which is key to skin engineer ... so althou #616 and #617 hit all aspects of the brief, they look a bit flat in comparison (unlike #600) , #227 is still testing well but there is always two out of 10 that cant recognise that the three lines are e straight away so i have had to push that concept back a bit. tks for your designs