hi - tks for your time eschcol, unfotunatly these two designs arent doing it for me - i appreciate the thought that went into them; the #27 probably has too much of a asian feel about it with the letter N and logo, whilst #25 is little bit dull and not exciting enough. i hope it helps - tks again for your time
tks eshcol - i think that your design looks more like a corporate logo then for a brand for a male skin care product, i like how you have tried to use blue which noone else has used at the moment, but unfortunatly this one isnt grabbing me ...
tks eschcol - u have stepped it up, especially when looking at your original designs! i like how u have added a little orange triangle to the R on #403 ... gives it something a bit extra.#386 and #378 are creative as well - tks!
tks for this - appreciate you trying to keep on coming up with different and new concepts! i like #524 with the red triangle but i think the spacing of the font look a bit off partiucular iwth the word skin - hope it helps