Next Door Pizza and PubLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Next Door Pizza and Pub

Next Door Pizza and Pub has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 244 designs from 42 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
A neighborhood Chicago Style Pizza Restaurant in a New Urban Community in Kansas City MO.
Color Preferences
No particular preference
Our Ideas & Additional Information
The theme is doors. Customers and families will bring in doors they've decorated and we will use them to decorate the restaurant - walls, the bar, tables made of doors, etc.



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Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
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#2 I really like this design and I like the idea best even though I ranked it second. It creates a brand identity and incorporates all the themes I want. It could be improved by changing the font to bring out the word Pizza. Maybe some typeset style font of varying size or skewed (just an idea). The beer mug doesn't necessarily jump out as a beer mug right away. It might be because of the gap between the n&d at the bottom. If it helps, you can incorporate black or another color to help define it better. The pizza slices are a good touch as well. Something to make them more identifiable as pizza might help. Finally, softening the red would be good - maybe granulating it... Sorry I spent alot of time on this concept because I really like your idea and want to see it perfected! Any one of these improvements could easily put this at the top for me. Thanks for the time and hard work.
15 years ago
#5 this one is great. Maybe add some depth to the door with some thin black lines so it looks like a paneled door??? I like the fonts but would like to compare it with some funkier fonts as well (like i mentioned re 2) - maybe like a typeset or even ransom letter typing.
15 years ago
#1 I'm not opposed to the pure word art concept but would maybe like to see it incorporated into a shape like an emblem or something. Yours is classic and reminds me of cheers but, because there are so many words in my name, the wordart doesn't evoke a brand identity to me. I'd like to see your talent with the lettering put into a modest design....

Thanks for the hard work!
15 years ago
#3 your concept is solid. I have two issues with it - 1. there is a pizza place in Kansas City with a very similar logo and 2. It's not "warm" enough. I mean to say it seems to needs something that is visibly interesting either in the graphic or the font.

Thanks for your entry.
15 years ago
#6 I'm really digging this one. The metro letters combined with the I dream of Jeanie Letters is really good. Well done. Would love to see any variations you can come up with.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for enclosing the pdf file, it was very helpful in getting started with this logo. I was thinking of experimenting with different types of doors. In particular the one in your dining room located near the bar.
Thanks again for the feedback.
15 years ago
Good181 - my wife says maybe try to make the door stand out somehow. Maybe a rounded transom could bring in some color to the door????
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I have a quick question. Will the designer who presented the PDF file be participating in this contest?
15 years ago
Akronix - that's a fair question. The designer that assisted with the art board is my law partner's wife. She does not do illustrations so we were going to hire an illustrator for $2500.00 when I came across this site. We both decided it would be good to give this a try for the whole logo first. She took the ideas I had previously given her for my identity and did the art board pdf.

She works for a large company as a magazine's creative editor and is prohibited from moonlighting. She helps friends and family (like me) with projects from time to time but does not participate on this site.

Plus, I wouldn't do that to you guys - put a shill on the board just to fish for your ideas.
15 years ago
also - more comments on the way this afternoon guys. Thanks for all the great submissions so far.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem. Thanks for offering an explanation.
15 years ago
Well that kind of sucks b/c I really like Scave's design. Akronix - can you reproduce it? Is that ethical and fair? My comments to him were that the fonts were a bit angular, I need to make sure there is an alternative logo without beer for kids menus, and t-ball tshirts, etc.. I also thought it might look cool in a round pattern (although I really liked the pattern he had).

Let me know what the deal is here...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I can't reproduce it exactly, but I wasn't finished developing the concept he was removed for. So don't worry.
15 years ago
Hold on Scave - you need to calm down a little. I didn't ask for your design (which was ranked #1) to be removed. But I'm stuck with it aren't I? So what other option do I have?

Not that I agree, but the arbitration panel determined that it was you who copied akronix's design in the first place. If we assume that is true, then akronix ought have some right to that design style.

If you want me to stick up for you you need to be a bit more diplomatic. I was not involved in the arbitration and didn't even know there was a controversy until after the decision was made.

And as to why I asked for an alternative design without a beer mug on it (btw, I am fine with it on my main logo, but want another logo without beer)- i will be sponsoring t-ball teams, soccer teams, etc. and I'm confident they won't let me put a beer advertisement on a 6 year old's jersey.
15 years ago
All - Thanks for all the great designs! I had two general comments:

1. Red is not a must. So many of you have used it. I love the red, but will not be put off by other colors. I'll consider anything.
2. I'm tending to favor the rounded designs. I'm not saying yours has to be rounded and none of my top 3 are rounded. But consider submitting a version of your designs that way and I'll take a look at it. Also, per the exchange below, I may need the ability to remove the beer from the logo in certain instances (I can't put a beer mug on a 6 year old's team jersey)

Thanks again as this is really awesome!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Ooh, sorry, just caught up with the thread and noticed that the client does not want a beer mug in the design. I think that's fair and makes good sense. Unfortunately I did not see this until after my latest submissions, so please excuse that concept from me. Thanks!
15 years ago
Aitch. I don't mind the beer mug in the design. It just has to be done in such a way that I can use some or all of the logo for certain purposes WITHOUT the beer mug. Like in 59, I could easily remove the mugs if needed for a particular purpose. I hope that makes sense. I'll rank yours and make comments tomorrow a.m. Thanks for the submissions.
15 years ago
With so many good entries it's really tough for me to judge 1-10 (let alone 1-5). All of the top 10 are in contention and, frankly, they are in no particular order. I will pare down the rankings this afternoon when I have a good period of time to sit and look. That should give everyone a good idea of where I sit. Thanks for all the great entries.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
cool...and i did add some circular designs of my doors if you havent seen them yet.
14 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
I have removed the LCs against scave. I have done this because I think almost everyone would agree a beer mug for a pub is fairly obvious. I feel that the vote was against the name, and not the actual concepts.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
welcome back scave...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I think lol
14 years ago
Alright, the designs are now ranked in order 1-10 as I see them now. If I had to choose right now, there would still be some wrangling about which one to pick.

One thing that has occurred to me during this contest is the idea of a series - those logos which lend themselves to a series have an advantage. Of course I would have to negotiate with you separately if and when you win the award.

Next, I really think there should be a consolation prize or at least a tip jar for the top few entries. Some of these are so good and it appears many of you have put forth so much effort it just surprises me you would even go through it.

Anyway, I'll continue to comment and rank as my mind changes (which seems hourly).
14 years ago
wtf happened ??
14 years ago
Logo Designer

Please remember the code of conduct and
And may the BEST design win...I have my fav,,,

LT Moderator
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Check in the logo court...i think there is still some clipart rulings and copy things they are bickering about. Too bad, it looks like sometimes things go a little sour. BUT you definetly don't want a piece of clipart in there, in your logo that isnt legally come by (and by the rules in here, not at ALL used on a logo) You got some good designs in your top 3, hopefully you can pick one that suits your company.
14 years ago
I've removed all rankings. Apparently you all are so petulant and jealous that you can't permit any logo to remain in the top position. Therefore I will not rank any of your logos. This has gotten out of hand.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
haha...i have nothing to do with it, was just filling you in. Good luck, I will have to stop by your Pizza shop when you get it going, sounds like a very cool idea. The New Longview area looks like they are building some nice houses and surroundings. I work downtown in in OP, KS. Sorry, this seems to turned you a little sour but I think there are just some very new people to the business that don't know what they are and learn. I have a client I am doing some freelance for right now in KC that used this sight for his logo (that's how i found out about this website) and he was totally pleased, got what he wanted, etc. You only have a few hours left, you have a couple there you can work with. Good luck in your business! (just noticed you add a couple days to it...hopefully things will sort out)
14 years ago
Thanks JAngell. And it's not that I'm not impressed with the talent, I am. But I've had 3 #1's removed so far. I see no point in ranking if it only serves to put a bullseye on that person's head by the LC brigade. :)

Maybe you'll be the winner. My wife likes your 3 door with the oval the best out of all the entries...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
But you are going to give comments? If not, I can't improve my designs... :( Hope you like mine though
14 years ago
Yes. I'm still giving comments
14 years ago
Logo Designer
TheAitch, I feel the same way! I'm new to this site and have entered 3 contests. Next Door Pizza put my logo in 1st and it was a great logo that I spent many hours creating... only to have it removed because I used a SMALL piece of art (fire) that EASILY could have been fixed or changed! But now I'm SHUT OUT of this entire contest?

pcuezze, all the best in your search for a logo that you really like.
14 years ago
TheAitch - you are absolutely right about the ripoffs.

I was really excited about this contest until last night. I would not recommend this site any longer. The process for removal needs to be much more difficult. At a minimum the designer and I should have a chance to defend the design. As I understand it, you just get removed without even having input.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
whats going on here
14 years ago
Logo Designer
dealt with
14 years ago
Logo Designer
14 years ago
tini - yes, I am. I have tried to be very prolific with comments, particularly in the beginning (as you can probably see) but there have been so many new entries and I'm now fairly jaded about the whole thing....

But I will try to give comments today when I can. Thanks
14 years ago
So what's the rule on this - Many of you are doing variations on a design. If I want all of the variations, can I negotiate the price for all variations prior to closing of the contest? There are some designs I ONLY want as a series and, if the price for all of them is not affordable, I don't want any of them. Just want to make sure I stay within the confines of the rules...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I withdrew due to administrative actions. It's my right to withdraw my entries for whatever reason I choose.

Good luck with your contest.
14 years ago
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