hi heres my entry thanks for the pdf it was very helpful for kids menu you can just take the beer mug out and let it say pub thanks...dave any feed back would be great if you like logo....
hi heres my entry thanks for the pdf it was very helpful for kids menu you can just take the beer mug out and let it say pub thanks...dave any feed back would be great if you like logo....
hi heres my entry thanks for the pdf it was very helpful for kids menu you can just take the beer mug out and let it say pub thanks...dave any feed back would be great if you like logo....
hi heres my entry thanks for the pdf it was very helpful for kids menu you can just take the beer mug out and let it say pub thanks...dave any feed back would be great if you like logo....
hi heres my entry thanks for the pdf it was very helpful for kids menu you can just take the beer mug out and let it say pub thanks...dave any feed back would be great if you like logo....
Who's dave? Anyway, great logo. Can you make the transom more defined from the door. Maybe detach it completely? Also, maybe make the inner white circle line a bit thicker? I think this one could move up fast with Scave's gone.
Excellent. I'm putting it in the top 5 and am going to run it by my consultant before I figure out how to rank it. My top 5 or 6 are not necessarily in order I just want to let everyone know they are on the right track. I presume it wouldn't be hard to add the crackled effect to 46?
the guy who got kick out for clip was trying to said my banner was clip art so since you ask me to make that banner into a box I just took it out if you want to put it back I will let me know these crying designers are a drag make me not want to be in contest with them but thanks for the good feed back like me know of anymore changes I can make to be the winner lol :)
That's horse shit. I understand wanting to avoid copying but jesus. Anyway, your entry has gotten enormous positive feedback from my side. I'm moving it to #2. The main concern everyone seems to express is that it is not sparse enough - i.e. too red and not recognizable at a distance. Can the sam design easily be reversed to white on red rather then red on white (if needed?) Thanks?
ahhh good ideal I will go for it I did this layout because it can be change up anyway the beer mug can be taken out for the kids we would just add another slice of pizza or you could add the ball team name there...
Ok. These rankings are real. I like yours best, but graphic design consultant likes your 2nd best :(
She says (re #100):
1. The hierarchy is a bit off - make Next Door larger even if it leaves the circle; and 2. put pizza and pub floating below "Next Door" instead of trying to fit it in the space (on one line)
BTW, she complimented your illustrations as appearing very artistic and not stock (the lamp and the scroll); she used some designer language that I don't understand :)
new look, you can change whats inside of the door and keep the banner the same if you want to have a series of designs I would be more then happy to work with you on it :) awsgarments@gmail.com
new look, you can change whats inside of the door and keep the banner the same if you want to have a series of designs I would be more then happy to work with you on it :) awsgarments@gmail.com
new look, you can change whats inside of the door and keep the banner the same if you want to have a series of designs I would be more then happy to work with you on it :) awsgarments@gmail.com
Yeah the new ones are really nice. I like them even better. This one has a skewed hierarchy as well though. It doesn't draw your eyes immediately to the word "next door". I don't know if making it bigger would work or changing the text or background...