Can you remove "Chicago Style" from #80. Also, my screen shows the reds as closer to mauve than red. Is that a function of my screen or your design. Could you redden it up a shade or two? Good stuff!!
#89 - Here is the revised version of #80. I made the checkerboard pattern more red & added a white outline around 'PIZZA & PUB' so is stands out more, I also used a more stylized font on that. I also changed the angle of the checkrboard to contrast the angle on the'Next Door' copy. Hope you like the changes, let me know if any more are needed. Thanks, Don
Thanks for the feedback, please see following logos: #90 - Grayscale: Useful for newspaper or yellow pages. #91 - 2 color: Useful for takeout menus or inexpensive promo. #92 - Black & White: Useful for pretty much all of the above.
Sure, I will make that change later on tonight. By 2-color, I assume you want just red & green, correct? (no black) I can also provide a design in just black & white and grayscale (like #90 & #92)
These rankings are real. Yours is currently third. I have narrowed my selection down to 3. My graphic design consultant says the "hierarchy" needs the following:
1. Remove or modify the checkerboard b/c it evokes diner a bit to much. 2. Scale the door down considerably; 3. Use the muted red from #80 inside the door so the door doesn't pop as much. Let the eyes be drawn to Next Door rather than the door she says. Thanks for your hard work!
Here are some revised version of #89 #207 - I made the background pattern more like a pizzeria tablecloth. I live in the Chicago area & I've seen ALOT of pizzerias. (also explains why I included "Chicago Style" on the one design) I also scaled down the door & muted the red in the door a little. #208 - #209 - #210 - Removed the tablecloth & made a more simplistic design. (varied color combinations from desing to design) Hope you like the changes, let me know if you need any more. Thanks, Don
Just realized that I muted down the red on the door too much compared to #80, Here is a better looking red (not so pink looking) I can cross that over to any of the latest revisions if needed. (Re: #208 #209 #210) Thanks