It's a cool design, but I really feel like you've stolen the best ideas from other logos, including some who have been booted. Sorry but I can't reward that.
wow, I didn't even see the logos that were booted:( as I just joined your contest today. If you click on my name, you will see my folio, this is my style. I have NO way of seeing removed entries, so this is entry was solely based on your brief, and direction board, both I read thoroughly, so this WHY my design may look like some other entries.
color/font choice/distressing, from Mozza & laural wood logos Frame is a door, next door pizza, and the slice of pizza, obvisios to use in pizza logo
I am alittle offended. I have never stolen a design.
Sorry if that was harsh, but I really feel for the people who got booted. On in particular was very similar to yours. I just can't see him get booted and have a strikingly similar design win. It wouldn't be right. Nothing personal.
Sorry, I'm somewhat jaded by the whole process as I've had 3 #1 ranked entries removed by LC in the past 2 days. I'm very frustrated myself and for the designers who got booted (seemingly) because I ranked them #1. I can put yours as #1 and see what happens if you want :)
my logo entry is NOTHING like those, yes my logo has a door, is this the similarity?(your co, name, next door)(this is what I stole?)......I am really confused. I find feedback helpful, but this is beyond imaginable.
All of my entries are 100% my own concept, adn artwork created by me, for your contest (just wanted to state this, as all the problems that you've had in your contest, you can be assured of my artwork)
Cool. 180 is perfect with one exception (sorry I should have mentioned this) Please capitalize Door so it's Next Door. Then it's done. Thanks for the great entry. Unless something unusual happens this is the winner.
Sorry to bother you with another change, but can you scale the D to make it equal to the N, extend the swoosh under both Next and Door and center "pizza & pub" a bit. Thanks in advance.
Eightball studios, I submitted my first design on the 23rd, well into the contest, I have no IDEA where you get your accusations from, but they are WAY off. Now, If you'd like to provide the image that I 'copied' go right ahead, (NONE of the designs in LC/removed are like mine) because it seems to me you need to get your facts and attitude straight before making this type of comment.