Nice work. What is the eyeball in 69? I think I like it better than 68 but the eyeball think is a bit creepy. Can I see them in b&w? Also can you make 69 into an emblem - maybe just put it in a circle or shape?? Thanks!
funny..... what I was trying to do is utilize the circle as a door knob. but once I distorted the icon it kinda lost what it was... But no problem on the B/W, emblem and working on that nasty eye ball! lol.
Thanks for the comments, and expect something here in the near future. Pat
Thanks for the comments, Here is the revised design like you asked for. I brought the knob down between type, tying the icon in with the type which makes it a stronger mark. But take a look and let me know what you think. B/W will be coming directly. Thanks again, Pat
Nice work. I'm still not sold on the door knob. It's not instantly recognizable. I actually think 68 is your best but be careful b/c the pizza slices in the transom will draw heat on you by another designer. Can I see 68 in b&w and grayscale?