About to officially select the winner. but first wanted to explain the process. I finally got the final okays.
We had a committee made up of Board members, (along with me, the dir.of mktg and our exec. dir), who will recommend the winning logo to the Board. The vote was very close between the top two designs...many pros and a couple cons for both. So we got the opinions from people from outside of the agency who have clear heads. We heard that #198 said "social services, we help people" more than #174. The extra design element of the ... (along with his explanation) added in #198 also opened a door we never considered.
As I think I've said earlier, this is my 4th LT contest (peronal and through the agency). I recommended this site at an annual Jewish Family Service association (US and Canada) meeting, and continue to recommend it to others outside of the JFS family.
So thank you for your patience in my selecting a winner. And thank you for your creative designs.