Hi, got some feedback from the committee. Many like 28,29.30.31 (I'm only ranking one version of each for now) The didn't like the font used for 30/31. Prefer it to be bolder (next to the star in 31) and only in blue. They like how the design element can be used in other ways on stationery, etc.
sorry..i was out of town for a day. And couidn't connect to the committee for feedback. but, til i hear from them. on 108/109 (i think the committee will like 109 layout better..even more traditional with the name beside the design element...will let you know). But what i had in mind re: colors is...Blue heart in the middle to match blue font. Top and every other one in purple. others in green (purple, green, purple, green, purple, green), which defines the 2 triangles of the star. i didn't like the gray middle heart.
I'm not sure re: the half star design. I didn't like the same colors above and below the j, And we didn't like the first letter being a different color. How about in 113 switching the blue hearts with the purple (purple top and bottom).
And could you use the weight of the words in 109 in 29?
Hi, The committee liked the one color hearts more 28-29.. But something is missing...not quite sure what. The word that came up in the call is that it needs more depth. I'm sorry that I can't give you more direction than that. And they felt the font didn't match well with the hearts in the star. They also liked the words being the same size/weight as in 124 and 125.