A clear reference to prior branding but can easily stand as the parent organization and logo. The icon standing on its own will accomplish this too. I've kept it to spot colours only. The design translates very well to a single colour or black and white. It scales well too. As in your prior contest, I value your feedback. Cheers, Steve.
thanks steve. Nice to see you again. Since I know you're wondering, the Board wanted to see more design ideas...I was happy with the prior contest winner, but they felt the heart and star looked like separate clip art elements that didn't mesh. I am afraid they may think the same thing in 22 and 23.
hints..a couple things they wanted to keep: The color scheme, that you picked up on. I like the spot colors. And also the name in lower case letters. I cannot read the 23 name
Just wondering....Do you think there is a way to make a star the same way as the heart you have as it's own stand alone design element that would look like the same agency, yet separate designs? (the flow and division). I really want the heart to be identified with adoption when people see it.
We also were leaning to the name being a wordmark more than the other contest. But that is open.
You've seen this mark before. I still feel strongly about it for your purposes. It's clean, simple, suggestive, scalable, versatile, and unforced graphically. I've updated it with your font and colour specifications and hope you'll give it fresh consideration:)
52 yep i recognized it. And it does look good in these colors. This variation of the people forming a star has been used for several years. So i not only have seen it before here, but all over. Before I started this contest, I hired a local designer to try...and got the same variation. sorry. But maybe the board committee will like it. who knows?
got some committee input. And you were right about 52. Glad you brought it back. Although seen before, some committee members agree with you re: the design simplicity and usability. But they want to see the font bolder and stacked. lwer case. Friendly font. I prefer a y with a tail vs a straight line. Not sure if in blue only or in the three colors.
I've switched fonts for something a bit bolder but more open. It's very legible but has features that tie it in well with the graphic device, such as the round dot on the 'j' and the 'i', rather than the square dots of the previous font. Also, while I recognize your aim to draw relatively equal attention to the three words of the name, it seemed reasonable to me to add a bit of extra emphasis to the word 'service' since that's really what it's all about. To that end, I've italicized 'service' which has the added benefit of nesting it neatly next to the 'y' of 'family' for a nice visual rhythm across the entire line of text. As well, because service is an on-going thing, I've added the three dots at the end to be suggestive of that. Overall, there is good balance between the graphic and the text. It coveys the message in a clean, simple, uncontrived fashion. As always, I value feedback from you and the committee...
thanks steve, i'll get committee coments tomorrow. i know they wanted to see the font stacked also. i actually find the dots interesting and can see how dots could be used in collateral materials. it willbe interesting what the comments are. thank you
sorry..i left town for a day and could not connect to office email througy my netbook.. One committee member really likes your 52 design the most (don't know if you can see friend rankings), but he wants to see the name stacked alongside the design (you could use the 109 stacking). thanks
122, i like the font with the dots to match. And I like the stronger font. No comments yet from the committee re: the dots. But I bet the committee is going to ask for the name to be even larger and bolder!
Thanks for the feedback and continued consideration, Sherry and committee. Here is a version with bolder text still. This still looks good (and professional) but I would be hesitant to go any bolder as it would begin to skew juvenile rather than full life service ("cradle to grave", as you said).
i love your take on it. ..you are correct re: it looking too juvenile if bolder. I do like 122 more. Thank you for showing the difference. I'm hoping for more input...may not happen til our next meeting on monday morn.
conference call results: I have them ranked now for side by side comparisons as per "votes". Discussion re: people making the star.."been there done that" But with the three dots after service, it looks more like a design element than people.
Comments: 1. 123 stronger font "won" over 122, but it needs to be separated a little so the j doesn't connect to the f or the y to the i when reduced in size.
2. 103 no italicized service (even if it does fit in nicer....not liked as much)
3. discussion on how the design would look without the dots around the star. Lost its punch when I played with it in photoshop. But what if no dots, but instead had a heart in the middle? It would have to be a related heart made up of lines similar to the star (2 lines?) or somehow to look like one unit rather than a clip art heart stuck in the middle
4. 103 in black and white...a little space between the words so they don't run into each other? Or show family in outline?
one more re 123, etc. (don't get mad at my "artistic interference"). But what about flipping your design so it is tilting to the right toward the name rather than to the left, away from the name?
thank you...So what do you think about the flipped icon vs the other? Haven't pointed it out to the committee yet. Not crazy about the 149 3 dots in the middle. Couldn't get a heart inside that worked for you I assume. And the new star of 143, etc lost the friendly movement feeling I liked about the original, but thank you for showing it. The committee may like it more.
thank you...So what do you think about the flipped icon vs the other? Haven't pointed it out to the committee yet. Not crazy about the 149 3 dots in the middle. Couldn't get a heart inside that worked for you I assume. And the new star of 143, etc lost the friendly movement feeling I liked about the original, but thank you for showing it. The committee may like it more.
sorry for double posts..had 2 windows opened which I guess stopped the post from uploading at first click. 147 tilted toward name got positive feedback. Will you also tilt the icon in 145? thanks
This and the stacked text equivalent are actually 80% black which is websafe, perceptually more friendly than pure black, and saves toner on office printers.
thank you. 184 looks nice, although it adds a new color 182, 183 work, but don't hit me exactly right..can't figure it out. Maybe if everything was one color, say blue, except for all of the dots in the icon and after service? Or only the dots after service were the other color? or the inside swoops of the star /name were in blue the outside swoops and dots of icon were another color?
thanks..trying to answer the questions that will come up.
i'm putting the two top logos side by side to send to the committee...and realized that 147 design element is pretty large. What do you think if it were a little smaller relative to the name?
One more..147 with a tad more spacing between the words (also in blacck and white)
thank you for 195. Still not 100% sold on the two color versions. Maybe if everything was blue but the 3 dots after service. Or all blue except for the inside most star? Or if this is the most favored, we will use it only as 3 color or 1 color.
They say "if you can't make it good - make it colour. And if you still can't make it good - make it big". The foundation is of primary importance - colouration is secondary. We've got a good foundation here...I'll give it some more thought.