Belief PartnersLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Belief Partners

Belief Partners has selected their winning logo design.

For $550 they received 761 designs from 85 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

Experience Strategy & Design
What We Do
We are a customer experience consultancy which helps businesses improve the quality of their customer touchpoints, such as websites, buildings, forms, and processes.
Color Preferences
We're not particularly bothered about the color. We're open to just about anything. Something with two colors would probably be best. It should also work in black and white and in greyscales.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
As we consult on the design of customer experiences, something with a small bit of flair is also interesting. We're not looking for a logo that looks like a law firm, real estate agent or the like. Something professional, but also bold, young(ish - we're in our late 30s), clever and that we can really be proud of when we see the logo on our office door every day.


Order by
Entry Number
























































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Hi Everyone. Thanks for your contributions so far...really appreciate your efforts and am enjoying this process very much. We'll do our best to give as much feedback as possible to help you with your ideas and designs, and don't hesitate to ask any questions.

While we're interested in logos with graphic elements, we'd also like to see some designs that are a wordtype only (i.e, no images).

In our consultancy, we have a very strong, ahem, belief that by focusing on the needs of customers, businesses can be more successful. Therefore, you could also try to emphasize "belief" more than partners. On the other hand, we partner very strongly with our clients to help them partner even more with their customers. So perhaps you can all try to draw out the idea of partnership, in a subtle way, out a bit more.

Feel free to try the logo without "Experience Strategy & Design." We don't *have* to have that in the logo, although we do like the idea of having it there.

We're not afraid to have something a bit bolder and a bit more creative. Keep in mind we are two guys in our 30s who are just starting up this consultancy. While we need to be professional, we have a reputation with our clients of being slightly different than the other consultancies, slightly more innovative and creative.
15 years ago
15 years ago
I'm not sure if it helps anyone, but we improve websites, buildings, customer processes, forms, etc. Basically, we improve the interface between businesses and their customers. We make those interfaces easier, more useful and more enjoyable. Perhaps there is some idea in there for you guys.
15 years ago
Perhaps an idea for someone to try out..what about making the p the shadow of the b? Take a look at to see what we're thinking of. We also like the simplicity, but playfulness with the green "." of the Deloitte logo ( We're not suggesting that either of these are exactly what we're looking for, but perhaps the spirit of those will also inform you all.
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
Hi Guys, we really appreciate all the efforts. Some of you are clearly providing more interesting ideas than others. As a general feedback to the work done by now, what we *aren't* interested in are designs that are....
- too simplistic designs or those that or that have a weak relationship with our activity.
- some ideas of "connection" that are too generic (e.g., graphic element, like a flower, that doesn't have anything to do with the business or theme)
- ideas that result in unreadable or too distorted words
- monochromatic (or fade and not enough lively) proposals
- plain text with some kind of particular font and nothing particular clever

What we really DO appreciate and like is the strong conceptual thinking into connecting what we do into the logo. As well, the ideas we can see in numbers 1 - 4 -14 - 55 - 61 to 63 are going in the right direction.

Other concepts, ideas to try out...
- How about playing with size a little bit? Putting much more emphasis, for example, on belief?
- Our business is about understanding people - any way to include a human figure or human elements?
- We're still looking for more wordtype only logos (but keep ideas for the other kind as well)
- Also, consider the fact that we focus on making complex things easier for people to use and interact with
- we help businesses put clients at the center of their activities
- we generate deep understanding of customer needs, sometimes it's like shining a light on the customer
- we help companies see themselves from the customer's point of view
- we believe so strongly in the power of customer-centered design that it's almost like a religion (although no religious motives, please - we just wanted to convey strength of belief, which might give you ideas)

And, please don't forget, we'd like to see more WORDTYPE only logos.
15 years ago
Hey everyone - we just read the post at We didn't quite understand how everything worked until reading that, and now we get it a bit better.
15 years ago
**Daily update***
-- Does anyone have any questions? We feel like we're doing all the talking and aren't always sure that we're communicating in a way that works for you guys. Please feel free to ask questions if you want further guidance.
--- Please *don't* submit the same logo in different colors. We don't need to see that at the moment, we're just intersted in logo concepts, and will put duplicate logos with different colors or only slight variations in the bin since they don't add much to the conversation. We want you to put your energy into different *concepts,* not different color schemes.
--- Lots of ideas coming through with human forms, connections, etc. Don't forget to explore some of the other ideas posted on June 16th - there are some important aspects of what we do in there that have yet to be explored by anyone
15 years ago
*** Daily updated***
-- We've done our first ranking! Actually, we didn't feel prepared to rank any designs yet, but we understand it's important to you guys to get an idea of what is really appealing to us and what isn't. I imagine the rankings will change a lot over the next few days...
-- Thanks for all the new designs - again, please avoid submitting multiple versions of the same logo. We can understand the concept you want to get across with one single version, and then we'll ask you to explore that if we think it's got some legs behind it...
-- It's clear some of you are really dialling into what we want to get across. Thanks SO much for your efforts to think deeply about that. It's also clear that some of you are just submitting designs without reading our brief or the notes above. Please read those ideas and try to explore them - it will save both you and us a lot of time if you read our stuff..and ask questions!
-- We've left a lot of comments on individual designs - please read what we've written for other designers, as it might give you some ideas as well.
15 years ago
*** Daily Update ***
--- Starting to develop the rankings...which is quite difficult. When looking at the rankings, we-re tending to rank CONCEPTS, rather than actual designs, together. So, if you see a few of the "interlocking people" ideas together, it isn't necessarily that we like one of those more than the others, but we tend to like that concept.
--- Having said that, we-re getting lots of the interlocking people ideas. Thats good, but we'd really like to see some of the other ideas in our notes from june 16th explored.
--- As always, read the personal notes we-ve left under each logo. That's where the feedback is, not here.
--- We extended the contest, as we feel the real strong ideas are just starting to come in. We hope you stick with us in the journey
--- Talk back to us! If we leave a comment, it would be good to hear your thinking of what direction you're going in and to know if you have questions or want to explore ideas. You guys are all TOOOOOOO QUIET!
--- Thinking about the idea of "Belief" - the word brings up images of conviction, light, explosion of confidence, strength, sharing with others that belief, glowing, radiance. Not sure if those words help anyone, but perhaps some inspiration...
15 years ago
*** Daily Update ***
--- We did a major cleaning up and reranking today. If some of your designs got binned, it's because we didn't feel they were going the right direction and it didn't make sense for you to work on it any further. We will do our best, though, to make sure that we keep at least one design of everyone who submits a design gets ranked by the end of the contest.
15 years ago
*** Daily Update ***
--- We've decided to abandon the idea of three interlocking people (or three interlocking anything). We've seen lots of similar ideas througout other contests at this site, and also other logos that use the same sort of approach in the market. While we love the message it conveys, and some of the ideas you all have submitted, we feel that such an image isn't something that we can really "own."
--- As you can see, the logos that are getting our higest rankings tend to be simple, bold, with a clever twist that requires a second look. Keep those kinds of ideas coming, since this contest is still quite wide open...
15 years ago
*** Daily Update ***
--- Gosh, where does the time go? Only two days left. Thanks for the overwhelming number of entries. As always, comments are in individual designer areas.
--- Still focused on simple, bold, with a clever twist logos. You can see that by our top ranked submissions. Focus on that kind of approach....looking for the subtle idea that makes someone look twice at the logo.
--- While we like the lower-case b, we prefer an uppercase B if a design will support it. Please keep that in mind.
15 years ago
*** Daily Update ***
--- Guys, guys - PLEASE DON'T SUBMIT VARIATIONS ON THE SAME DESIGN (unless we ask you to).
Sorry to shout, but we've said it earlier in our comments and many new entrants are doing it. Just one version per concept is enough for us - it saves you time and makes it simpler for us. Thanks for all your efforts!
--- The integrated B and P or single shape representing a B and P is not interesting for us. It just keeps coming across as too complicated, so don't try any more logos like that. Move on to other ideas.... : - )
15 years ago
*** Daily Update ***
Thank you, thank you, thank you. It's late here in Switzerland, and even though we have a few hours to go in the contest, we're going to make our final decisions and then go to bed. In the morning (our time), the competition will be over, and we thank you all for your hard work. This has been a great process and we have truly enjoyed it. Cheers, David and Bojan, Belief Partners, Zurich
15 years ago
Logo Designer
RE- "the competition will be over, and we thank you all for your hard work. This has been a great process and we have truly enjoyed it. Cheers, David and Bojan, Belief Partners, Zurich "

Please do not forget Contest Holders - if you do not complete the contest it stays in judging mode.
Which is not exactly the end of the contest...

Thankyou for taking the time to read this
15 years ago
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