hi magnita. thanks for joining the contest. love the energy and motion in your idea, and i think it's worth exploring. i wonder if the "I" in belief could some how represent a person? im not suggesting you insert the clear figure of a person, but perhaps something that suggests a customer. also, please read our main page notes...no need to submit multipe versions of the same concept.
Thank you very much for your feedback and ranking! I deeply appreciate that! As you wished i will try to make the "i" as stylized person. Please, keep sharing your ideas with me, It will help to reach the final result - the bes for you.
As you requested, i tried to insert a clear figure. Hope you like the shape of it. I made a version of the logo with colored "head", just because it looks more like a person, but I uploaded one variant with clear dot. Hope you like it! Please, keep sharing your ideas with me, it's great!
hi magnita. thanks for trying out those ideas. i think it's getting a bit too playful and losing some of the elegance of your original idea. perhaps you can try another variant or two, going in the direction of a bit more serious (but not too serious, we're not a law firm : - ). also, would like to see what other concepts you can come up with, as i think you've got a very nice style.
Hope you like the new approach :) And haw about a symbol from your national flag? i mean the + ? This idea just popped up, and decide to share it with you.
hi manita. those are some cool ideas in 252 and 248...but they're a bit too futuristic for us. (thanks for the idea about the swiss flag, but we don't want to be tied to switzerland in the logo, so we'll pass on that...appreciate the thinking, though). im sure you can find more hats with rabbits...
hi magnita. well, may you always have a hat full of rabbits! 291, and the others like it, are just a bit too complex. we're leaning toward simplicity, so keep that in mind...
Hi! I have five more days to find the right one. I'm just going to dig deeper in that hat! With eyes closed and finger crossed I'll hope to catch the right one... thank you for being here!
thanks for throwing a few more rabbits, uh, into the soup! these ideas are very cool, but just aren't getting across the feeilng we want to communicate. you'll be able to see from our top ranked ideas that we're erring toward more simple and bold, with a twist of cleverness.
welcome back! well, thanks for the further rabbits! 470 is really nice, although i see something different in it that you see - i see a butterfly, which somehow suggest transformation, delight, new potential. i like it. of course, looking at it as a clover is also nice. the guy with the flashlight is an interesting twist, although i saw it initially as a guy with spiked up hair!
Yes, all of the back look that you saw, a saw it too, but thought that it will be too funny to share it with you (especially for the hair lol) :) And the yellow clover was at first thought as a butterfly, but that the idea for the clover popped up and I decide to name it all clovers.
So, you got all the ideas...
I appreciate your feedback, now i need more guidance to work forward, thanks :)
whoa! tons of ideas. impressive output! 475 reminds us a bit too much of wagamama with the star. 502 is elegant, but somehow we we really like 470, even if it is a bit too complicated. it just has a nice story with it.
hi magnita. thanks for your further efforts - but that's too many versions of the same concept. we don't feel these concepts have got much more left in them, and that we're already narrowing down our top choices.