Compelling stories that unveil God’s heart to the spiritually curious
What We Do
We create content that is meant to entertain, educate, and change lives through books, film and media.
Color Preferences
Vibrant colors first and foremost. Blues, Greens are some of my favorites - they bring a sense of life, vibrancy, the hint of the wind, the uplifting sense of a blue sky.
I like the Blue – for the sense of authority, royalty, speaks of ‘revelation’ and possibility – but the color grade is more of a Deep Royal Blue – (not purple, but draws from that well of association). A color combo that would inspire a sense of trusted wisdom; courage and capacity to bring change (not so much confrontive, but the hope of change, that it’s possible), growth and life… all of which is rooted in a real sense of relationship – I guess that’s why the last go around we settled on the brown and green—because they felt organic, relational, human touch… I personally like vibrant colors that draw my eye and attention – but as logo ones, those can feel ‘overstated’ and hyped – I want something real, genuine, solid, trustworthy – inspires confidence, hope, something will
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I’m wanting something that suggests movement, something living – in the past we have had (A) “leaf” with a couple of lines that suggested the wind was carrying it along; and then (B) a brown seed – out of which is flowing a green sprout/leaf… and then in the written words – it highlights the “wind” in windblown (in a brown tone/ connecting the notion of the seed being planted in the ‘earth’) and then uses “green” to express “Media” – the means by which that is express, and what comes forth.
The 2nd logo – was the result of this kind of dialogue of what we were looking for, and wanting to convey. the seed/sprout focuses on the effect – as a nod to the parables of a seed being planted … Both are “OK” – but I don’t know if they really “do it” quite yet.
The inspiration for the name comes from a verse in the Bible about the work of the Holy Spirit
John 3:8 "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit." – the whole idea was to provide a non-religious point of connection to something spiritual; likening it to the wind – it will produce an effect; but it’s hard to pin down and put a direct label on – it’s not something we can control, but it is something powerful that we can be impacted by, can harness, can enjoy…
I like the movement of our initial leaf logo – both other than the whispy lines, the leaf? – not that enamored with it. the seed/sprout highlighted “wind” part of windblown – I do like, but it doesn’t really have that sense of the wind… not in the image… but I like the thought and meaning that it captures in terms of the impact or effect…
One idea that I have been mulling around with is to do something with the “W” in our name – and perhaps use the body of a Blue Butterfly with dark fringe on its wings to perhaps simulate the “W” and allow it to speak of the kind of transformation that is meant behind what we do… and an effort to incorporate the Name more into the icon… The most often kind of shorthand we use internally when referring to Windblown is “WB” – I’m not wanting the Warner Bros kind of WB… but if there was a way to give a Pictoral Mark that suggests movement and transformation… the wings of a butterfly in flight – that would suggest something with the kind of meaning behind the name.
I like the iconic nature of a Butterly in the form of a “W” that we can recognize… and then I do like the type-elements of our 2nd logo – where the first part of the name is highlighted for emphasis “wind” and I did like the “MEDIA” was a separate, smaller and different type format that allows that to be the full name, but move toward the 1 word “windblown” kind of recognition. Legally the name is Windblown Media (and it is an inc.) -- but in speaking about it, we rarely say Windblown Media – it is usually just “windblown”… And I do like, (but don’t have to be married to this) – but I do like the “windblown” being in all lower case type, and “MEDIA” being in the all caps… that also has an intentional import of desiring to function with a measure of understated, non-hyped, humility (lowercase)—but with the hope that the reality of what we produce will have a life-giving (which is why in the 2nd logo it was green) BIGGER “shout it from the rooftops” kind of IMPACT (the uppercase letters)… Again – don’t have to keep those, but that is why we did what we did in the past.