Your TWO strongest that we REALLY like are #35 -- the bird swirls; and the Butterfly #5 -- I believe we sent a private message to that effect encouraging some add'l possibilities with those -- just wanted to make sure you got the feedback. Thank you for what you have done -- we're very interested!
You are definitely one of our favorites ! I really like the two-tone use of color for the bird/wind #82 -- that really is becoming our top choice. Could you try a few other color combinations on that - maybe a more vibrant green and a rich blue.?
On the butterfly -- I like the improvements. Our audience is a good strong mix of 50% male and 50% female. Your butterfly is one of our favorites as well -- but at first it was feeling a bit too "feminine" -- and i was afraid the male 1/2 of our audience wouldn't respond to it as well. I'm not exactly sure what to suggest to change that -- though I like how you dropped the bottom antennae/body and just have more of the "W" shape... Could you try some more options of showing the Butterfly as if it is in flight or adding something that would convey "wind" or movement?... VERY NICE WORK!!
Can we make a request on the bird image/wind -- your top ranked one. In looking at the variations you have done on that -- we took a poll and felt that the bird looks better on the RIGHT side of the name, more than the left. We like the 2-tone use of color, but are not crazy about the choice of green (thank you trying that and going in that direction) -- but having sat with it for a bit, it's "OK" -- but could be improved. I'm wondering if you would be willing to try a brown and green combination (brown for the wind portion on the bottom -- that's what we think it is :) and green for the top bird part ) -- those 2 combinations might have more of an organic feel. --similar to what you did in #82
And then maybe change the combination of #82 -- to have the brownish/black tone -- but a little greater contrast in a blue tone (do what you think would be most appealing to your eye)
And then our straw poll -- also felt that the closed tail was a little better than the open-ended 3 lines. Took us awhile to notice the nuance and decide -- but in one of our best-selling books that has sold over 20 million copies -- there is a strong theme connected to a "bird" character that symbolizes our fulfilling our purpose -- as a bird is meant to fly, so we as humans (created by God) are meant to "live as loved" -- So that's why there is a real gravitation for us to the bird, with the wind seemingly beneath him... (You may not have meant any of that, but that's what we have read into it and where the attraction for us exists)...
I hesitate to ask this -- but the only thing lacking with the bird and the Wind image is a way to connect it more clearly to "windblown" -- if you were to just see the image without the name -- I'm not sure that anyone would think "Windblown" -- I don't know if there is any kind of way to envision a creative or suggestive "W" into that image... that suggestion might ruin it -- or maybe you can think of a way to help that be suggested?... If I saw how, I would have described it to you -- but I haven't yet figured that out... not clear to me if that would clutter it up and muddy the image.
And then lastly -- we would like to also see it as a gray-scale -- black and white (black/grey) a gradation... kind of 2 tone b/w.
Can we make a request on the bird image/wind -- your top ranked one. In looking at the variations you have done on that -- we took a poll and felt that the bird looks better on the RIGHT side of the name, more than the left. We like the 2-tone use of color, but are not crazy about the choice of green (thank you trying that and going in that direction) -- but having sat with it for a bit, it's "OK" -- but could be improved. I'm wondering if you would be willing to try a brown and green combination (brown for the wind portion on the bottom -- that's what we think it is :) and green for the top bird part ) -- those 2 combinations might have more of an organic feel. --similar to what you did in #82
And then maybe change the combination of #82 -- to have the brownish/black tone -- but a little greater contrast in a blue tone (do what you think would be most appealing to your eye)
And then our straw poll -- also felt that the closed tail was a little better than the open-ended 3 lines. Took us awhile to notice the nuance and decide -- but in one of our best-selling books that has sold over 20 million copies -- there is a strong theme connected to a "bird" character that symbolizes our fulfilling our purpose -- as a bird is meant to fly, so we as humans (created by God) are meant to "live as loved" -- So that's why there is a real gravitation for us to the bird, with the wind seemingly beneath him... (You may not have meant any of that, but that's what we have read into it and where the attraction for us exists)...
I hesitate to ask this -- but the only thing lacking with the bird and the Wind image is a way to connect it more clearly to "windblown" -- if you were to just see the image without the name -- I'm not sure that anyone would think "Windblown" -- I don't know if there is any kind of way to envision a creative or suggestive "W" into that image... that suggestion might ruin it -- or maybe you can think of a way to help that be suggested?... If I saw how, I would have described it to you -- but I haven't yet figured that out... not clear to me if that would clutter it up and muddy the image.
And then lastly -- we would like to also see it as a gray-scale -- black and white (black/grey) a gradation... kind of 2 tone b/w.
Dear Sir, I have updated the design, change the color to brown and green ( make green more warm so more perfect combine to brown ) in #165(color), #166(gray) and the bird icon on the right #167(color), #168(gray)
and to connect bird and the Wind image to the text, I try to make the designs to look like this #169, #170 bird on the left #171, #172 bird on the right
Love what you have been designing -- thanks! Seeing those options are very helpful. I think we like the tail of the bird best on #76 and #77 ( no need to to keep making further revisions -- this is one of the designs that we definitely will be through to the next phase.) Nicely done
As to your butterfly design: -- that is another one of our top picks Thus far-- we like #78 the best -- has the strongest sense of the W and we like the italic lean of the main font. nice (it gives a hint of movement) -- BUT -- we really like the two tone color effect of #97. would you be able to do that similar two-tone color affect (that we see on #97) -- and apply it to the font and design in #78 -- so the top portion of the butterfly is that lighter blue and the darker portion allows us to see "wind" a littler clearer. We really like how that comes across.
All in all -- you are doing some really wonderful designs -- you will definitely be going through to the next phase.
Do you mind making a little tweak to #190 -- we do like the two-tone color combination; but we would like it to look like #97 -- where the whole top part of the Butterfly is the lighter color, and it also has the separation -- so we can see the bottom "W" more clearly (like you have in #97).
Then -- sitting with these for awhile -- we all sort of like #35 the best of the bird/wind variations. Would you mind coloring in the top portion of the bird with a vibrant green ( giving it a solid color portion ) -- similar to #93 but solid, not just the lines.
On your latest one (thank you) #211 -- we didn't want the tail/wind section to be a solid color -- the lines down there is what gives it the wind effect (in our estimation). The only part to be a solid was the the great section -- you don't have to keep making revisions at this stage -- I think this is one of the logos we really like -- and you have designed 2 of our top picks, so barring some last minute crop of other submissions we haven't seen -- you are safely in our set of top 5 designers; and we can work on refinements in the next phase. Thanks for being so responsive to the requests. Much appreciated.
You're one of our top 3 designers -- with 2 of our favorite possibilities. 1. The bird/wind logo; and 2. the Butterfly one. Can we make a couple of requests for refinements:
on #211 -- with the dark background: Can you make the portion that is currently green -- white (i.e. like a white dove) ; and then have the "w-i-n-d" part of windblown the vibrant green -- as well as going back to the closed tail portion of the lines for the bottom half of the image (the wind portion of the image) -- and not have that a solid, but rather be the vibrant green color, but the lines like #189. So similar to #189 -- what is the darker black lines of that one, would be the vibrant green color. Does that make sense. The top bird part of the image would be a solid white, but the bottom 1/2 of the wind would be the outlined, closed tail vibrant green lines.
Then for the Butterfly -- we like how you have done the colors in #212 -- but we like the rounded bottom of the W better -- similar to what you have in #190, and #97 -- and then we would like to see the separation of the left top wing of the butterfly from the curved "w" -- similar to the way you have positioned it in #97. ( or you could say we like the colors and separation of #97 -- but prefer the FONT of #190. (sorry to be picky -- but if you could do those little tweaks, that would be helpful for our decision-making). Thank you.