Windblown MediaLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Windblown Media

Windblown Media has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 274 designs from 21 different designers from around the world.












































































































Prefers others.


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Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.
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You certainly have provided us a wonderful array of submissions -- very nice!!
#71, #83, #74 would be our top picks from you.
I'm really fascinated by #83 -- very creative. your #80 initially caught my eye, but a partner felt that it was too similar to the AT&T logo... which is why your #83 really interested me. Would love to see some more possible development of that -- right now it is suggestive of the wind, but might also suggest waves.... on its own without the words "windblown" -- I'm not sure as an image anyone would make the connection to the name. Without being overt, I'm wondering if there is some way to connect it better?

Your butterfly has some definite interest to us -- you might try to some different "fonts" to be honest. While I like the images you are working with --I'm not that excited about the "font" choice for the name. It's simple and clean, which is nice, but it feels a bit emotionally empty or generic. Would love the image and the font choice for the name to work better together.

On the tree/leaf/swirl -- it's attractive, we like it -- but would love to see further options with that. perhaps some different font choices -- or some kind of integration of the image with the name where the image might be above the name and also below?

We like your work!! "thank you"
9 years ago
Logo Designer
pls check
9 years ago
Thanks for the last exploratory batch -- there are some nice elements in those.
Much better choice of a font for #117 ( your top ranked one) ...

I'd love to see you explore a few more possibilities with #121 -- the "W" you have created in there is nice. I'm not sure the overall circle is really the best feel for that -- you have an interesting almost pastel/watercolor feel to some of your designs that is very artistic -- something we like. You might try using that sense of movement and the W -- but freeing it from the confines of the circle (feels locked into it a bit) -- your previous one #83 -- was suggestive of a cirlce, but didn't actually complete it and this it had greater interest... I'm not sure the blue and green together work that well -- thanks for exploring it, but it probably would be better without the green in this particular direction.

We like your sense of design, and barring any other submission from designers that haven't submitted thus far, you are definitely one of the ones we are looking at for the finalist phase... so, thanks for what you have done thus far.

I moved a bunch of designs into the not interested space -- just to thin the ranks a bit -- and focus you more on the directions we are interested in continuing to explore and refine.

If you have time and the inclination -- the ones that we have the most interest in are:
#121 / #83
and then probably the butterfly approach of #119
9 years ago
of the 3 newest ones you have submitted -- #154 has the most potential. It has your sort of unique, artistry feel to it -- not polished and finished off (which I very much like) -- but we are needing to end up with a signature single mark that can be readily associated with "Windblown" as an image ... hence there is a desire or the suggestion to have some kind of "W" that will connect more readily with our name... Amidst your creative ideas -- can you try to incorporate some kind of freeform, free-flowing sort of "W" of some kind as that mark. #155 and #156 are interesting but do not readily allow for that association... Just some suggestions -- we are very much interested in you and your designs.
9 years ago
I do like the handrawn feel of the font you chose for Windblown -- I'm not sure the "media" works all that well with it -- that could be improved, but both #154 & 157 are attractive to us... the paintbrush kind of feel to it helps suggest movement and wind and very naturally evokes an "artist" and personal feel... many of the designs that others have submitted do not carry that kind of feel -- and it makes yours standout as a little more relational -- like a person clearly did this (not just a computer). That's nice!
9 years ago
I do like the handrawn feel of the font you chose for Windblown -- I'm not sure the "media" works all that well with it -- that could be improved, but both #154 & 157 are attractive to us... the paintbrush kind of feel to it helps suggest movement and wind and very naturally evokes an "artist" and personal feel... many of the designs that others have submitted do not carry that kind of feel -- and it makes yours standout as a little more relational -- like a person clearly did this (not just a computer). That's nice!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
:) 10x that is my goal too (more human approach in all that technical world)
9 years ago
Nice! Go humans!
the latest 158 has interest -- I like the rough edges to your 154 and 157 better though, keep reaching toward an artistic W... you got skills!!
9 years ago
yes, nicer on 159 -- good added touch, maybe play with a little sense of the "wind" in that line -- perhaps like a brush mark that is a 'maybe' a little wider on the far end as if the wind has interacted with it. I'm not wanting to be too prescriptive and tell you what to do -- just know we are liking the emotion and feel you are bringing to this. Very nice!
9 years ago
Thanks for your newest round of submission - really like your #180
9 years ago
Logo Designer
happy to hear that :)
9 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Admin note: #117 has been removed due to a Logo Court site action. Bordo was the first designer to use the concept of a tree / person in this contest. Due to the exceptionally detailed brief, such a combination is deemed protected and for use only by Bordo in this contest.

If the designers wish to work together that is their choice.

Please let us know if you have any questions at Support.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
10x Ivan
9 years ago
Your #180 is our new top pick -- would you mind doing a copy of it in B/W graytones... We need to see what it will look like when NOT printed in color.

And then -- we love the font choice. BUT, we are wondering how readable it is for folks unfamiliar with us. This may not be possible, but if it was -- is it possible to play with the Font a little -- we would be curious to see if you could make the font a little taller; and also a little more "bold" --or thicker. It may ruin the hand-drawn effect, and if so -- then we won't tweak anything in that direction.

Any chance you could try some of those so we can see. NICE going! We REALLY LIKE this one!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
yes sure
9 years ago
Logo Designer
9 years ago
Thank you -- that was helpful to see. the Logo does great in graytones as well, and with the height just a tad bit higher, it is easier to read. I'm not sure it's as nice "thicker" -- but thank you for helping us see those options.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
always welcome :)
9 years ago
Could we see what the image looks like all by iteself -- without the name.

And then -- how the name looks all by itself without the Logo.

9 years ago
Those requests were in regard to #200 (the latest one you did -- and the top ranked #1)
9 years ago
Logo Designer
yes sure i am uploading
9 years ago
Logo Designer
#222 #223
9 years ago
Thank you -- very helpful. they look great!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
happy you like :)
9 years ago
Is this a hand-drawn font you created just for this logo -- or is it a font available that we would be able to use on Business cards, letterhead and other basic info? (just curious)... If it is hand-drawn -- would you be able to work with us to produce the other info and applications.. we like it. :)
9 years ago
Logo Designer
it is ready made font with just small tweaks. once the contest complete (winner chosen which can be made in any time) i can give you more info. also i am not allowed to discuss future work until winner is chosen :) 10x for understanding: Liliya
9 years ago
That's cool -- totally understand.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
10x :)
9 years ago
Congrats! you are the #1 pick going into this next phase (and frankly the likely winner)...
Our team was wanting to see a couple of options -- so we could see how it might appear on the website home page we are redesigning. Currently our website redesign has a blue sky and green field image background to it -- so we were wondering if you could do the logo and the name in "a reverse negative" -- where the logo and name appeared on a dark background (either a dark blue or black) and the image/name were largely white -- and maybe the head of the angel was a grey or gold (might be nice to see both) -- and you would also do something similar with the line and "media"...

And then could you put the image and the name where they both appear "in line" -- where the image is just to the left of the name. (and then also do that same thing against a dark background as described above)

Those tweaks would allow us to see how it might work on our website...

9 years ago
Logo Designer
hello sure i am these
9 years ago
Logo Designer
pls check
9 years ago
Thank you! -- love what you did with the white and gold It works well against a light background as well as a dark one - great! i think I prefer the little nuance where "media" is in white as well and matches the wings -- and the line below windblown is the grey. Could you do that on #232 as well (when they are all in-line with each other).

I like when them both -- when the image is in the same line as the name, and then when it is above.

Another tweak that was being asked for -- was: is there something more that you can do to the wings in terms of 'Feathering' -- not too much -- but maybe just a little something to play with? and also -- is there a way to position the wings that suggests more movement, and something in flight... (those may not work, but one of the staff was wanting to see what was possible in those 2 areas).

9 years ago
Logo Designer
pls check
9 years ago
of the last 5 you have submitted -- I like #233 and #234 better -- those wings (which I think are your original ones) are more attractive and distinctive than the others that follow. I don't like #236 and #237 -- #235 is better than 236/237 -- but I think the slits in 233 and 234 (your originals) are the better route to go. You might try just the angel image by itself -- and perhaps add a couple more slits than just the 2. (That may prove NOT to be something to mess with -- but it will show us if there is anything to pursue there or not). I think the wing size of 233,234, 235 is the right sizing ... 236/237 not as good.
The resolution on these images is not the best -- but I'm guessing you were trying to do some kind of shading on the wings -- that might be an improvement -- but not at the expense of losing the slits -- I think the slits in the sides of the wings is what gives them their interest.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
9 years ago
Thank you -- let me have my staff weigh in on what they like and prefer and we will come back to you.
Your attentiveness and tweaks is very much appreciated.
9 years ago
Could you do the gold one on the white background with the additional slits in the wings -- for the comparison.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
sure i am preparing this
9 years ago
Logo Designer
9 years ago
OK ... verdict is in; I think we all prefer the wings with just 1 slit in them (it allows it to remain a little more abstract, and invites some thought/interpretation). So no need to explore repositioning or feathers -- your original wings are fine.

We did however want to ask for a couple of small possible refinements or options: (based on #200 as the top pick)
Against the white background -- one of the staff commented that the black dot felt like it was drawing his eye too much. So we wondered if changing that a tiny bit might help (it may not) -- but could you try the black dot (the head of the angel) as perhaps (1) grey?, or (2) a complimentary shade of red (not too bright) -- that might do the same thing and stand out in a way that is not helpful, but if you don't mind a quick option, or (3) perhaps more of a brown (similar to the shading you do with the name on the black background) or (4) -- increasing the shading inside the dot a little -- it looks like you have a little grey in there... (a) could you increase it a little, or perhaps (b) try a gold color in there that you might shade a bit?...

As it stands -- by far, you are the top choice to be our "winner" ...

I also had request to ask you to try this design in a few other colors: -- agains the white background -- instead of the gold -- could you try: (a) Blue, (b) a Vibrant green; (c) a Red .... I personally like the Gold/black/grey - we are just wanting to see if the logo will work in a number of different color combinations as well. Throughout our website -- we have different color schemes on different pages and different backgrounds and we are wondering what all our options might be in terms of the use of colors. (Wouldn't ask this of you, if we weren't "sold" on you as our top pick. )

You can do those in just the vertical layout -- no need to do them in the horizontal "in line" layout
9 years ago
Logo Designer
9 years ago
Very helpful !! Thank you.
9 years ago
Thank you for all the variations -- #265 had some very nice shading. I think your black and gold one is still my preference, but what nice to see is that we are able to do pretty much any kind of color variation and it still looks very nice -- that's incredibly helpful. Not a lot of designs are capable of that -- so well done!!
I'll check with the rest of my staff in the morning, but it looks like you pretty much have this won! -- we'll confirm it tomorrow. Thanks again.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
10x a lot :)
9 years ago
Logo Designer
hello is there snything else i can do about the concept?
9 years ago
You are our Winner! -- one of the team that is the technically minded is going to reach out to you and ask some of the more technical (design file format) Q's in the next day or so. There may be some minor refinements that we may ask, that relate to the colors and shading, but for the most part i think we are settled on the design you have of the abstract 'angel' and the placement and size of the wings, etc -- that all seems good, as does the font. The primary little refinements are the shading possibilities Left to Right in the wings; the options for shading the head dot; the shading in the line; and also the font. You have given us a wonderful set of options -- we're now trying to figure out what works best in the various applications we will need to use it. a) on the website, and on which background colors; b) in print for books -- title page and as a spine mark; and c) business cards and letterhead, etc... Not sure what works best where... still noodling those options. The basic design elements we are all good with.
"Thank you" -- "congrats" -- we are really happy with what you have come up with, very excited!

Kyle is the person who will be reaching out to ask you a few questions about the file formats, etc... and then we will go from there.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
so when you choose the winner here we are allowed the upload only the selected design in tho file formats: eps and jpg. after that the contest holder check and Approve files so the project could be compled and the winner can be paid (the payment depends on approval). after that the winning designer send all other need files formats via e-mail asap. that is the procedure.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
we the designers here are not allowed to contact with client outside the site before the contest in complete (it is agains the rules here) in our legal contract is written: "1. Logo. The designer/vendor agrees to provide the buyer with a vector file in .EPS format as well as a .JPG of the winning logo. The designer/vendor also agrees to provide additional variations upon request including: White Background, Colored Background, Black & White, and Solid Colors. Additional requested formats can include .AI and .PNG. All deliverables are referenced herein as defined as the ("Logo"). Variation requests are required to take place within 2 weeks of selecting a winner."
9 years ago
Logo Designer
that is what isten in our legal agreement everything else i can discuss often the contest is complete..10x for your understanding: Liliya
9 years ago
At present, we are trying to decide between the white background or the black background as to which one we will declare as the "winner" -- You have different shading elements and color combinations in each of those, and thus, I was stymied on which one, and which files would be the most useful to us. We like and will need to do "both"-- as such, Kyle, who is more familiar with this process and is the primary point person for working with the design files, had a couple questions to ask. The answers to which will help us know which one is best to declare the "winner." He will be in touch with you shortly. "thanks"
9 years ago
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