WellbridgeLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Wellbridge
Wellbridge has selected their winning logo design.
For $675 they received 849 designs
from 91 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Wellbridge is a new, residential (in-patient) facility for the treatment of substance use disorders (SUD) and addiction in people 18 years of age and above.
Color Preferences
Black, White, Blue, Green, Purple
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Brief attached.
Please do not dwell on the "W" of the Wellbridge name. That has been explored.
Please try to avoid illustrations of bridges. That has been done and rejected.
Please do not dwell on the "W" of the Wellbridge name. That has been explored.
Please try to avoid illustrations of bridges. That has been done and rejected.