Some feedback we've received is that it's a bit too busy and may not reproduce on some of the smaller items that have been planned. Any suggestions to simplify this? Someone also responded that it's a bit techie and nuclear. You might want to adjust accordingly if you prefer. Thanks much.
This is one of our favorites. Would you be able to darken the font color? One more comment: There's something in here that says "researching order from chaos" that is very on strategy. Is there a way to start with chaos (randomness) and end with a some kind of order or alignment?
This is really cool. It might be too busy to reproduce in a smaller scale, but we really, really like the energy that you've captured. Would you mind playing with size, position and color? Very cool. Thank you.
We like this very much. Can you explore a few other color directions? I would also like to see if you could create a larger sense of movement with the circles (more colors? more lines?) We think you're onto something here. Keep going!
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Thank you for rating. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to tell me. I am ready to work.