Great. WE like the bird/W icon very much. I am not sure how much the winner received, but I'm willing to pay you the same. I'd like to receive the art and font files. Please send me a price and I can send to you via Venmo.
Thank you for your feedback. Of course, we can continue to work on this logo outside of the contest. This version of the logo costs as much as any other design that has won this contest.
Hello. Would you be willing to work on further refinement of this outside of the contest? Please let me know your hourly rates. How much would you charge to send us the art files now?
How would this work as a horizontal lock-up, given there would be two w's at the beginning. Would you mind exploring making the font weight a bit thicker, but not as thick as the bird. Thanks.
This is one of the best bird/W's that we've seen. Thank you. Can you try something for us? We'd like to see it integrated more with the wordmark. Can you use a somewhat stronger lowercase font and have the purple birdtail represent the dot over the i? Thanks so much.
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