Color Preferences
White, pink and dark grey are the colors we have used on all the apparel and gift boxes, and we are open to suggestions. Not looking for a lot of different and or bright colors, looking for a sophisticated, stylish and cute look, Logo must monogram, silkscreen and print beautifully.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
The name of the company was given by customers reacting to the baked goods. They would say "ooh too pretty to eat" or "that's really cute, I want that". The baked goods sell themselves based on the look and taste.
To date, on the apparel we have used a digitized "hand-written" image of the company name in lower case letters, some with a bow and some without. The stylized bow was confusing to people, it had no tails so it was hard to tell what it was. The lower case written "too pretty to eat" was received well, it was printed in one color on the apparel, but people said it was a little flat and it needed something.
The logo does not have to be food related at all. It needs to be respectable and draw women to want to purchase the line of apparel and paper goods, while supporting the line of baked goods in the same manner.
The logo needs to be simple, serious with a touch of playfulness and monogram and silkscreen beautifully