A really pretty set of designs. Great font and the cake looks good. Could you try a little deeper shade of pink on the pink cakes(#11)? We like tthe way the icing stands out on the peach cake(12) but think we want to stay with pink. The deeper shades would allow the icing design to stand out a little more. Also do you think the "Beautiful and Delicious" would look good in a deep gray??
Thank you.... This its what we asked for, but now we are asking what color would be best for printing on both white and pink apparel? Could this design be made to work on white and pink using different shades of gray, and it still be good as it looks now.
Well on white apparel you will have no problem, on pink you could go to gray scale . I'm not sure it would have the same impact however,I think the design stands alone and would be recongnizable in any color format.
Dear Kimberly #25 We love the design but would like to see how it would look in a charcoal gray color. I know this may sound odd (it does to us), but we need to get the design that allows us to print on the pink and look great also.
One other thought is to make all the 3 cakes a little shorter just to see if it still looks good but allows the design to be a little less tall. Our thought here is for embroidery on the front of a hat, a little more of a rectangle design, but do not go here if it makes it look bad.
And please offer suggestions on our base colors for apparel.