The InsidersLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Insiders

The Insiders has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 332 designs from 21 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Las Vegas
What We Do
The Insiders are your inside source to everything Las Vegas such as: Discounted Hotel Rooms, Credit Lines and Comping, Event Planning and Coordination, Custom Vacation Packages, VIP Hosting and more...
Travel & Hospitality
Color Preferences
Black, White and one or two other colors. Bright colors fine to enhance logo. Color contrast is important. Must look good on white backgrounds.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Winning logo may be featured in Vegas Reality Show. Please view the biography in our profile to see more information about The Insiders in addition to the photos w/descriptions attached. The photos will show our current logo which we like the concept of two doors forming the shape of an "I", but not satisfied with the color, detailing, or complexity. We don't care if the doors "I" is part of the spelled out portion of "The Insiders" or used as a mark or part of emblem. Open to new ideas as well or something maybe combining old and new ideas. We are looking for a logo design that exudes class and reliability. Something that people get a good feeling about turning over control of their Las Vegas adventures to The Insiders. As submissions come in we will be sure to provide feedback to narrow down what we are looking for. Feel free to contact with questions. Good luck!


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I apologize if I don't use the right terms, but will try and be as clear as possible. Feel free to comment.

I'd like to see some logos with less going on.

I like thin lettering better. I'm a fan of the font used for Porsche' logo. I'm not completely opposed to thick bold lettering, but it will need to go well with the mark.

My logo will need to look good as a header for written proposals, so nothing too large top to bottom please.

Maybe some versions of the logo mark as a background to the written part would look nice.

Remember, it is "The Insiders" with an "s" on the end.

The doors do not necessarily need to be clearly defined. An abstract version is fine as we show in a basic sketch in attached in the Brief. If you do base the doors off an actual picture we would like to obtain a copy of the picture in order to use on our website. It would look cool to see where the abstract logo came from. Creativity is much appreciated.

I like the logos with the script writing for The and Las Vegas.

Some of the logos have too much going on. I am looking for a sleek, elegant logo. The Insiders have stiff competition in Las Vegas and do business with some of the biggest Hotel and Gaming Corporations in the world. We need an impressive logo to represent ourselves in this hard to stand out environment.

As of now I am not in love with any of the logos. I will rank them as best I can though.

I have participated and assisted in other contests with Zappy and the winning logo was usually pretty obvious to me. I will continue to update you as the new designs come in, so that we can continue to improve. Thanks for all the submissions and let me know if you have any questions or comments.

14 years ago
Colors have been updated.

Black, Gold (similar shade to a solid brick or Mandalay Bay exterior) and White. Bright colors fine to enhance logo. Color contrast is important. Try to keep to black white and one other color

14 years ago
Try using reflection. Maybe take the doors out and place Las Vegas next to The Insiders. Use a simpler mark set behind the lettering. Try with some different shade backgrounds grounds to show variations.
14 years ago
Use all upper case letters.

14 years ago
I like the idea of the doors, but I don't like them sitting in a square or rectangle. It is possible that we may have to scrap the concept of the doors entirely or maybe just go with a more abstract version.

You all are very talented and if you understand the basics of my business and that I am competing in Las Vegas, a cutthroat environment, you should be able to come up with some great concepts. DO NOT feel obligated to follow my specifications. I think I've put a lot up here to understand my tastes, but if you want to do some concepts "outside the box", I would love to see what you come up with.

14 years ago
I would like to see some versions using refelction beneath the writing/mark, like there is a pond.

14 years ago
Just a random idea, may work or may be terrible. Try using the Bellagio Water show as a backdrop. This may look good with the reflection beneath too. I don't want the Water show to overpower the logo, but it may look good and make it more Vegas style.

Sorry in advance if I scrap the idea as soon as I see it, but may be worth a look

14 years ago
Hi all,

Thanks for submitting a designs everyone I'm not in love with any right now, so it is still an open competition. The doors idea is not something I am married too and have not seen it done right yet, so if you wish to go off that idea, feel free.

Can you look at the attached pic "Rough Sketch" in the brief. I did that in Paint, but it gives an idea of the simplicity and sleekness I am looking for. I don't want anything too complicated, just a nice sleek, elegant font with an impressive Mark to go with it. The Mark may be used on it's own for merchandise, social networking profile pics, e-signatures, and more.

I am encouraging everyone to submit more simpler, sleeker designs. Think if you were going to a Las Vegas Management Company to handle your Las Vegas hotel bookings, events and casino services what logo would give you that feeling of confidence in The Insiders? That's the mindset you need to be in when designing.

Thanks and Good Luck!

14 years ago
I love the look and feel of #72, #73 and #74, they just look too similar to the Wynn logo. Also I will need a mark to go with the written portion of the logo for use on it's own on merchandise, profile pics, e-signatures, and documents...

I also think something similar in shape and simplicity to #43 may work. But plays on this design will need to be drastic. The font on that one doesn't work for me and I don't love the red circle. Again I will need a mark in addition to the written to be used with or on it's own.


14 years ago
#70 is cool, but doesn't seem to have a unique feel. May need just something simple to put it over the top, but not certain.

14 years ago

14 years ago
Winner will be offered Friends and Family Rate through The Insiders for LIFE any time he/she visits Las Vegas!!!

14 years ago
14 years ago
All submissions should be on both white and black backgrouds. Also please use at least one color in addition to black and white. Thanks.

14 years ago
We are definitely getting closer, but none of the designs are the obvious #1. Hoping something comes in that is "it". Please keep trying, I don't want to have to extend the contest, but will if nothing becomes the obvious winner.

The Mark is very important, fonts are easy.

Anyone attempting an emblem style logo, it will be possible with an amazing design/concept, but very hard to win the contest.
14 years ago
I like the text treatment in #210. I like the icon in #226.

Let's try and keep the icon SIMPLE in order to present a high class image.

Please submit ALL logos on both white and black backgrounds and do not use too many colors (1 or 2 tops) unless your concept is amazing.


14 years ago
Keep in mind that it is more important for the logo to look nice on a white background as we will be printing it on linen papers and using a white background for our website.

14 years ago
We are very close, but not quite there. Sorry, but I had to extend the contest just two days to try and narrow this down.

Please make sure all submissions come in on white backgrounds and I would also like to see it on black.
14 years ago
I like the concept on #300 because THE INSIDERS is inside the box. Nice to see a simple version that relates the word directly to the design. Would like to see more.
14 years ago
Would like to see some abstract Vegas related icons. Maybe a pair of dice, some gambling chips. Simple shapes, and dots/designs. Colors are fine, not limited to gold. Keep it simple.
14 years ago
If you use dice, do a 6 and a 4 facing up.
14 years ago
If doing dice, they must be custom drawn, just lines and dots, no actual images please (unless doctored up). The only color should be the white background and the dots (black or you can get creative). Would like the lines forming the shape of the dice to look almost incomplete, like an eraser was taken through parts of them. Must be 2 dice.

14 years ago
** Looking for some icons showing 2 dice. I'm not looking for actual images of dice, but a more abstract version. The way I see it in my head is 2, 3-d, dice shapes made by incomplete lines forming the two cubes, then the dots placed accordingly. The white color of the dice will just be the white background, so no color necessary. If you want to use color, maybe the dots can be in colors (or black). Something very simple and abstract.

14 years ago
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