my first attempt. I used a keyhole to represent the "i" and through the keyhole is a dollar sign to represent all the savings you get with this company and also to represent "Vegas" fortune. The gold color was also used for authenticity and quality of service
#5. I've played with the keyhole concept in the past, just don't think it works. I don't like the dollar sign, I think it makes us look more pricey than it does cost efficient.
#8, #10, #11: Too basic. I like double doors better than just the one door. I don't like how the dollar sign is used for the "S". Not a huge fan of thick block lettering.
I posted some things in the general comment area to assist. And reranked the submissions.
#13 and #14 seems awkward to have a square above the lettering.
I like #12 the best so far. The overall shape is great and it feels sleek. Can you submit different versions with this in mind:
I don't like the sun on top of the doors. Maybe nothing or possible an outline of the city if it works. That may be overkill though. Nothing might be best.
I like the script writing for "The" and "Las Vegas". Maybe try some different styles, angles of italizacion and positions.
I like the sleekness of "Insiders", would like to see some other fonts similar. Also play with the spacing and size. It may be fine how it is, but would like to see other possibilities.
The underlining. Maybe try different colors or try just one line.
Play with the door a little bit, maybe different looks, or size of the handles.
Let me know if you have any other questions. Good luck!
Try using reflection. Maybe take the doors out and place Las Vegas next to The Insiders. Use a simpler mark set behind the lettering. Try with some different color back grounds too.
Just a random thought, it may complicate it. But I'd like to see what #34-36 look like with a faint image of the Bellagio Fountains in the background. You know the water show they do there, if not I'm sure it is on youtube. Maybe this can work well. Try it with the reflection too if you can. Thanks.
I don't think using the abstract "I" as a replacement to the written "I" is going to work as you can see by my rerankings, but if you think you can make it work...I may be wrong.
Keep in mind that the Mark will be used a lot on it's own. Like on merchandise, social networking profile pics, e-signatures, and documents. So it will need to be memorable and impressive.
The slight variations you are making, while creative, are not making it a better logo. I think it is getting more confusing and less sleek. I don't like the black outline on the lettering and do not love the "I".
Please read through some of the comments I put on the main page as well as the ones for YSONMEZ. I think these should help. I know you have the potential to win this contest so encourage you to stay in the runnings. When I see a logo that is "it" I will know, but just have not seen anything yet that will win this contest. 4 days left. Good Luck!
While I like the logos you submitted, I would encourage you to do some more drastic variations and maybe submit some completely new designs.
This is just to show that the mark is already in the design. The "I" (doors) can easily be used on their own and as I have shown in earlier designs, the doors can be represented on pretty much any background. I know you want something impressive and memorable and believe me, this is a pretty impressive mark. The first time I saw it when you posted the image in the brief I was already impressed! The name is clearly represented by the logo and it doubles as an "I" and open doors. This is original and you should keep it!
The more sleek and simple it is, the more impressive and memorable it will be. Think about computer giants 'Apple' and leading apparel brand 'NIKE'. They have 2 of the most impressive yet simple logos I have ever seen. And 'Apple' follows that trend with the way they design their products. Simplicity wins EVERYTIME! Trust me...stick with the doors. This is your original just want it to be eye-catching and welcoming.
I LOVE THE CONCEPT! And I think a most designers will tell you the very same thing.
I will still try to come up with different things.
On #149, I'd like to see more of the black on the base of the "I", the red carpet should stop right before the doors. Maybe the red carpet come in from an angle and/or be a bit larger.
Also, I don't feel like the overall shape is quite right. "Las Vegas" just feels like it is floating there and I don't like the position of "The" either. I would like to see them in different positions, maybe Las Vegas higher up or even meshed with INSIDERS and to the right. And "The" can maybe go on top of the door, to the left of it or just positioned better where it is. Also would like to see THE in print font.
Also, would like to see some plays on the font used for "NSIDERS" and also using different colors (black and white, depending on background)
I think THE should be the same color as INSIDER and slightly more to the left.
I don't love the icon. It may be the coloring, maybe try some blue, but I don't know if that will work. It looks a lot like either a W, Hanukkah Menorah, or a branches off a tree. The concept of an abstract water show is cool, but try and keep the icon simple.
I think it may be best to try and keep the designs to just black white and one other color.