StayTrakLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / StayTrak

StayTrak has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 175 designs from 28 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
We provide hourly billing software for drop-in daycare centers. The software is a web-based business information system that also handles record keeping, reporting and other management functions.
Color Preferences
Blue (multiple blues), white, possibly gray and feel free to be creative as long as it would go on the site. See for the colors. We do not plan to change the website (much) other than to put this logo in the upper left hand corner, so it needs to mesh with this site.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
If you go to some of the links on you can see the websites of some of our existing customers. This should give an idea of the business demographics and style. We do not need to look just like our customers given that our customers are different than theirs, however. NOTE: We have a set of about 20 icons within the software that will need new designs in the future too.


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1 2 3 1 ... 3 Next >


Logo Designer
Hello! Here are some hints for getting the most out of your contest as it progresses:

~~ Rank designs daily -- this will encourage participation.
~~ Rank a variety of designs to get a variety of entries.
~~ Ranking gets your contest noticed! Unless your contest is Private, 1st place entries are posted to the portfolio page:
~~ Leave private feedback by clicking on a design. Feedback will be made public upon contest completion
~~ The more feedback you provide, the better results you will see.
~~ Designers are not offended by "Not Interested".
~~ Over-use of "Not Interested" discourages participation.
~~ Designers earn points for designs ranked 1st - 10th. We like to earn points.
~~ After your contest closes it will enter Judging phase. You can re-rank designs in Judging.
~~ While in Judging, the designer ranked in first place can submit revisions

More detailed information on how to get the most out of your contest can be found here:

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13 years ago
In talking with my colleague, now that we see some great options, we love the fun and sans-serif font in #1 and #4 and like the capital S and capital T in StayTrak in #2 and #3. We had not specified that up front, but like a lot of folks, we are finding it much easier to have opinions about existing designs than to be able to know what we wanted in advance. When we write the name of the software application, we write it as StayTrak.

For the designers, I prefer #4 to #1 and #2 to #3. If we can get the upper camel case of #2 and the joy of #4 that would be even better than either of these two beautiful options. We look forward to seeing a lot more options too, and will try to give feedback as they come through. Thanks!
13 years ago
After consultation decided that we are not big on the checkmark with #2 and #3, Mustafa. We also do not agree on which of the two we like better, so do not assume that white on blue is the way to go as the blue wording was appreciated too. We like all of these 4, but none enough to be sure we would want it. We look forward to seeing more. Thanks.
13 years ago
We like the look of #11 but #6 and #4 have graphics that relate more specifically to the business. These are all good and we are excited to see other entries as we are not yet getting a collective "yes definitely" from us (not that everyone will have the same opinions). Thanks!
13 years ago
The top several as well as some of the unranked are all great. We will be discussing them later today and re-ranking them. I like #16 but the yellow doesn't cut it with everyone, perhaps two different blues? I like #19 too, but it is lowercase again and we decided (after the first few) on UpperCamel case. Thanks everyone, we will rank what we have again tonight. There are, of course, differing opinions. We will likely extend the contest to get a many possibilities as we can and present a few to colleagues.
13 years ago
Wow, you guys rock. I did a stab at putting the ones most liked towards the top and ranking at least all of those we knew we liked. We will be discussing these in a few hours to get a clearer ranking among us. In other words, don't give up if you are not 1st in our current list. We like a lot of them. Thanks a bunch to everyone!
13 years ago
#6 and #32 are two with a "hint of people" in them. The joy of children is nice to see. That is one of the comments we had from colleagues. Thanks.
13 years ago
The top many are all still in the running. We will be discussing it today (we have requested an extension) and I will rank them after we meet. With #57 one question will be whether it is easy enough to read the S so that people clearly see the name, but I love seeing the joy of children in it. With #21, #68 and #71 we will be married to a clock, but that does tell part of the story. With #49 and #6 we love both children and clock in it, so the question is whether it is as visually appealing as the ones we currently have ranked ahead of these. #65 is a nice new addition with both the children and the clock. We simply have not yet discussed it but I put it among the contenders. Thanks so much everyone. These are beautiful and so very helpful to us. Cheers!
13 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Contest Note: Hi all this contest is extended. The client requested more time for the following reason:

Client needs input from team, would appreciate other logos too.
13 years ago
We have a lot of great options for a logo. We ran them past more of our colleagues, customers, friends and family and passed along comments to several of the designers. The primary comment was that the logos did not seem female-friendly enough, on the whole.

Just like a "typical end-user" our requirements have evolved as we have seen various designs. At this point, we are drawn to those with features such as:

1. Introduction of one of the other colors that we have in our product, such as orange or red, in addition to various shades of blue that go with the web site. We are testing each logo by photoshopping it (poorly, like a software developer would do) into a screenshot of the homepage and checking what we like and do not like about it.

2. Female-friendly as well as trustworthy. This can be a hard balance. We would like some fun in it and a female-friendly font while also indicating that we are a solid business. I think I have mentioned I do not like sans serif for this logo (I am not opposed to it, in general, of course)

3. While the clock is appreciated with "Bob, the owner" and there are many variations that look great, if we can get evidence of the joy of children, even if just hinted at with liveliness, that would be great. We might end up with the only graphic element being a clock, but we would love to see more directed toward the Drop-in Daycare folks.

4. And, of course, we want it to look great whether large or small, in color and grayscale, etc.

We are not at all disappointed, but we have not yet had that "ah ha, that's it" moment. If you are game to give us some more options, we are definitely still open. You guys rock!
13 years ago
Wow, lots to consider. Thanks everyone. We are out this morning and then meeting 6 hours from now. I will do some quick just-my-own opinions ranking, but stay tuned, we will at least narrow it down considerably today. Thanks!
13 years ago
I would love to do more ranking this morning, but, alas, my ride is here and I have to run. Back later. Thanks!!
13 years ago
#96 #98 and #107, for example, have this other thing going for them that is not part of our requirement for a logo, per se. The software has icons for children, checking in and out and the like. We need new icons soon, so when there is a logo that looks like it could translate into icons within the software itself, that is an added plus. That will not be a determining factor, but it is one of those things that plays into the plus column. [We were wondering if it is fair to ask each of the top designers what they would charge for such a set of icons -- I will try to search the faq or policy statements about that, but if you want to send me a private message regarding such...]

We have another day and a half left before we go into the phase where we have 7 days to choose from among the designers. I hope we can do so sooner than that, but we are really up in the air at this point. There are great designs here and none that is a slam dunk as yet.

With each one we like, we cut and paste it into the upper right hand corner of, so anyone who is game to give it another try, make something that is great for that web site with other features we are seeking too (blue with one or more other colors that could play well in the software), sans serif font, professional yet female-friend and fun without being too cute (although I still love those ducks), one or more visual elements that hint at what the company is about, etc.

Good luck everyone. There are a lot of good entries. If you have it in you to push one more time to get us a slam dunk within the next day and a half, that would be terrific. Thanks a bunch.
13 years ago
2 hours to go and these designs are looking great. This is going to be a very difficult decision. I can honestly say that we do not yet know which logo we like best nor which logo to work with, but I'm headed out right now so I'm hoping a few of you will take one more hit-it-out-of-the-ballpark shot at it and I look forward to reviewing everything after the contest ends. Thanks soooo much!!
13 years ago
Please note that the current rankings are not close to being the final rankings. We will be meeting on Tuesday to discuss and it sounds like some folks will be providing feedback later than that as well. So, this one might get dragged out a bit. Thanks for your work and for your patience. There are many lovely designs and I am sure that one of them will serve StayTrak well.

One note is that we are unlikely to rank any of the designs that are all lowercase or all uppercase at this point as we really do want to use UpperCamel for this logo. Everything else is on the table.

Thanks to all who participated.
13 years ago
Thanks to everyone who participated, and sorry it took so long to decide. From the start we had a conflict between secure/trustworthy/business like and appealing to our customer base of women in the child care business who might prefer a softer look. We felt that both eastbay 166 and mustafa 170 were successful at capturing that, with 170 being more on the safe/secure side and 166 being more softer. Based on feedback from our current customers and others combined with the way the logo looked on our website, and of course our own opinions, we decided to go with the softer look.
12 years ago
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