#21 is Lovely. This has lots of the elements we are looking for 1) The name as StayTrak rather than staytrak (which I realize is what is out there now) 2) An identifiable icon in the clock, my colleague is more excited about clocks than I am but I do like this one 3) The icon connected into the words in a very nice way 4) A font and colors that work. One drawback I can see is that if we do want to "simply" put a name logo somewhere, the clock is a big thing to drag along. I am trying to visualize this logo with only the clock hands for use in those situations. Thanks!
I'll upload a couple of variations with the clock removed from name where the clock stands on its own using similar graphic with the word to the right with the same look and feel.
#45 and #46 look like good variations. I still really like this one, but I am not as big on the clock as colleagues of mine. I prefer some hint of the joy of children in the mix, but I do think #21 looks great and is a definitely contender. We will see how things rank after we discuss them later tonight. Thanks!
I love #57 but I can see that it might be too busy and the S might be hard to read as an S. I would love to see #57 combined with #45 to make a less busy logo that still has both hints of children and a clock. I don't want to make you do work on it before we meet to discuss these, however, but just in case you are in the mood to do so,,, Or also #57 combined with the words from #44, sans the circle for the clock. Thanks so much. These are currently very much in the running for our top choice.
I got feedback from more voices. This font in #74, for example, fared better than some of the other fonts, but some still deemed it too masculine, not female-friendly enough. However, I also get the comment that it is a bit too wispy, which I might think would be female-friendly, as if a company with this logo were too flighty. I like the child playing in the S, but it is not clear that the S is still highly readable. I like #75 with the clock gone from the front of it. That would just have the focus on the child, with a hint of clock in the hands of the clock in the Y. This set of logos seems so close to me, and they will definitely make it into our final meeting on the logo, but I don't know that there is any one that will win us over. I cannot think of other ideas for you, but you might be able to take this feedback and come up with a female-friendly yet professional font with the joy of the child, the combo-color (which people seem to like better than the original colors I mentioned), and an S that is clearly readable as an S. Sheesh. I don't blame you if you ignore me, but I will say that I think you could win this if you went to the well again and gave it one more try. Thanks for your work so far.
Not sure when your meeting again, but I will work on a few variations for you taking into consideration of all that you have commented on. I probably won't be able to submit until late this evening if that's O.k. It has been a great experience working with you and your team. I always find a joy working on projects that let me be creative.
I love #85. It is beautiful and very usable. The reason it is not in first place right now is that it does not look as great as some of the others when placed on the web site page, replacing the current logo. It looks good there and great on its own. Plus it has all of the elements; joy of children, the colors, sans serif font, ... So, I'm a fan and this one and others of your designs will definitely make our finals. We will be discussing them in a few hours, so stay tuned. Thanks for everything you have done to come up with so many great entries!
We really like #107 #108 and #109. The biggest issue with them is that the complexity looks better when the logo is on its own or on something simple like a business card. I tested it on the web site without any round part of the clock and liked that better. It might even be better if the clock were out altogether, with the only icon being the person integrated with the S. However, then when thinking of icons within the software, it might be a shame to distort every image of a person in order to get that S in there (on the other hand, that might be perfect). I'm guessing I'm not being helpful, but I am trying to pass along the flavor of our discussions regarding these lovely designs. They are so close, but something is holding them or us back. Thanks!