StayTrakLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / StayTrak

StayTrak has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 175 designs from 28 different designers from around the world.




































#36 is terrific! I put the ones I liked among the first few ranked and we will rank among them later tonight, so this one could definitely move up in the contest. I like the second color added although I am not certain if it will look great on the web site without changes to the site. I really like the hint-of-clock and integration of that with the k. The font is nice enough. The biggest issue with this one that I can see is that my colleague might not like that second blue color. If you could try it with a blue that is more like the website, that might help this one in our future rankings. Thanks!
13 years ago
OK, we just discussed your designs, eastbay, and this is the upshot. We like the colors from #38. Those will work well for us within the software itself and we can make them work on the web site too. We like the look of #36. So we would love to see #36 in the #38 colors both ways -- orange-blue-orange and blue-orange-blue if you are game to do that. Thanks so much!
13 years ago
Any chance we could see #38 in UpperCamelCase instead of lowercase? We definitely have an interest in that one too. Thanks.
13 years ago
I'm going through some of the top designs with the issues we have with them. None of them is perfect (who is, eh?) but I really like both #69 and #70. The biggest complaint about $69 from those consulted is that the font is not female enough. Given that our demographic is largely female, that could be an issue. The biggest complaint I have heard about #70 is that the clock at the end is not immediately identifiable, so it just looks like a semi-circle. For both of these, they are about clocks, which is an obvious theme even if it lacks the joy of children. The design in #69 has some joy and isn't too clock-y. Perhaps there is a combination of the font of #70, which I think was deemed more female-friendly, with the graphics from #69.

All-in-all, these two designs definitely make it into the finals for us. It would be great to see one in this series that hit the nail on the head. Thanks!
13 years ago
Logo Designer

Thanks for the interest and all the feedback. I've given you more font options that are hopefully more feminine without getting too decorative, and still allow the "k" to work as the clock hand.

I feel strongly that a good logo should create some curiosity, and I hesitate to make the clock suggestion more obvious. I agree with your comment about it being a "hint" without looking like a clock store or watchmaker.

I can certainly tweak the colors to match your site more closely if need be.

Thanks again!
13 years ago
Love the switch to sans serif in #100. This one will make the finals. I love it!
13 years ago
We still really like #100. There are two downsides to it. One is that one of our colleagues (from Europe, so not in our target customer base) indicated that it looks like a logo for a specific train company. The other thing is that although this clock has some joy, the image we get is a clock. I like the look of this, and we want to indicate such professionalism and what our software is about, but we might not want the clock to be the story of the logo. This one is still holding the number 1 spot, however because it looks great on the web site and on a business card.
13 years ago
#124 is great -- a nice effort to get the joy of kids into the mix too. One comment I got regarding it was that it looked like there was an additional letter at the end of the word that the person tried to read and couldn't. I suspect you were not able to integrate the child into the k? I like it, I don't love, love, love it...yet. If you are game to give it another go, I definitely think it has possibilities. Thanks!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
FYI I am out of town and will not have access to my files until after the contest closes.

Thanks again
13 years ago
Thanks for the quick reply on 166, I like the font better than 165. I'd like to see what it looks like with the bottom leg on the K being straigher to make it clear it is a K and also a clock hand - just like the arm above.
12 years ago
Thanks! I think we have all the variations we need on your designs, but still need to discuss them. We are going to get some additional variations from the other top designer shortly.
12 years ago
166 is still tops, but the leg on the K still invokes a little bit of H. 167 made it too much like the hand and it just didn't look right. Could you take 166, and straighten the tip of the leg of the k up just a tad without changing anything else - kind of like the difference between that part from 165 and 166.

Thanks - the end is near!
12 years ago
Congrats! I didn't want to wait until the last minute to decide since "stuff happens" and we could miss the deadline, so I went ahead and picked 166 without seeing the requested revision. Since it is very minor, I assume there will be a way for us to get that in some form or another once you've uploaded the 166 files.
12 years ago
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