I'm going through some of the top designs with the issues we have with them. None of them is perfect (who is, eh?) but I really like both #69 and #70. The biggest complaint about $69 from those consulted is that the font is not female enough. Given that our demographic is largely female, that could be an issue. The biggest complaint I have heard about #70 is that the clock at the end is not immediately identifiable, so it just looks like a semi-circle. For both of these, they are about clocks, which is an obvious theme even if it lacks the joy of children. The design in #69 has some joy and isn't too clock-y. Perhaps there is a combination of the font of #70, which I think was deemed more female-friendly, with the graphics from #69.
All-in-all, these two designs definitely make it into the finals for us. It would be great to see one in this series that hit the nail on the head. Thanks!