To #346, #259 and #399
We have received 400 logos to work with. This three are the ones we consider the very good ones. And there are reasons for that. Thank you. And congratulations. We sugest you to keep working with us in order to make the better logo we can make together.
Next step is about to focus on details and applicaions (reproduction). There are general coments for the three of them, and particular comments for each one. Here you will find the general ones. In a private message we will write to the three of you to comment the particular issues.
Lets go with the general comments:
You are using the same tipography. We like that tipography. We like it very much. Actually, it is the tipography we show on the SEAL image attached to the briefing. That is the tipography we want. But we CAN NOT USE IT. Because it is the SAWC tipography.
We like that tipography because it reflects the values we want for SEAL. So please, look for a different one but similar enough for not to loose personality, that same modernity (no more, no less) and the values expressed in the briefing.
The logo has four elements that has to work all together. They are:
-The logo itself (SEAL)
-The symbol
-Instrument Watches
-The R letter for Registered Trade Mark
It is time to show all the elements and its final position. It is very important for us the precission, simetry, distance between elements and so on. There must be a reason for every tiny detail, as it happens in our watches.
Keep also in mind that Instrument Watches and the "R" not always appear. We use those two elements everywhere but the watches. As an example, in the watch dial we only use Logo+Symbol. We use the four elements all together when printed (Web, Catalog and so on).
Take a closed look to measurements. All the elements will reproduce really small sometimes, and it has consequences not to think about this in advance. Some air between alements is needed.
There may be different versions as follow:
- Horizontal version (symbol on the left of the logo)
- Vertical version (Symbol on top of the logo)
- Black and white version
- White and Black version
- Symbol separated from the logo (SEAL logo will NEVER reproduce alone)
- Possitive and negative for the RED symbol (as #346 did)
- A version of the symbol with volume (brights, shadows, etc.) will be very much appreciated.
IMPORTANT: Logo+Sybol does not work always together with Instrument Watches and the "R". So, according to your particular design, there will may be requested one more version of all of the mentioned versions, with and with out Instrument Watches+"R".
Thank you so much for your time and your work.