#63 Thank you very much for such a good job. Please, don't be so much focused on Sea. Sea is only one product line. There is something very interesting in #64. Could you try an S more S? Coud you show the S on top of SEAL (it will work either horizontal and vertical). Thank you again,
#37 The S will be used separated from SEAL (in the crowns of the watches, for example). Somehow, it may reppresent the same values and style than the SEAL. Solid, safe, consistant, durable, strong, reliable... I should say the same for #64. Thank you.
Hello Ray. Great job. Thank you. We like #165 We can expect problems to reproduce de proposed A in your tipography. Logo will be used with the "Instrument Watches". Thank you again,
#365 Very good one. Difficult to see how to use de sylbol separated from the logo, how to work with an Horizontal version and where to ad Instrument Watches.
Hello Ray, Thank you for such a good work. I hope I can help to make it better for all of us. Please, check the post placed for all the 3 finalist designers with all the general comments. In adition to that, there are recomendations for you: As you may change the tipography, symbol could be very different. Do not loose the actual looking. Red color may be more red, less "orange". Instrument watches tipography may be too bold, and too close to the logo to reproduce small. We want to make a final decission asap. Any question, let me know. Thank you again.
..i kinda see what you mean, so i have just altered the letter 'S' so that the little end points dont get too close to the rest of the letter 's', (#430) maybe this helps ??