Thank you very much for such a good job. We like very much #40. There are three coments I would like to make if you don't mind.
1.- The S remind us a italian shoes brand called Superga. Is almost the same S. Could you try to make it a bit different, may be taking off the "arrows at both edges of the S?
2.- How do you think the S symbol works on top of the SEAL logo? Don't you think that the original idea of sugesting a mountain with the A is not needed (Land is just one product line) and it could disturb the SEAL logo when the S is on top?
3.- This is a question I make also to myself. To break the E and the L in two peaces is something difficult to reproduce on one square centimeter. I like the efect of the Logo as it is now, but I am not sure we can print it on the watch screen of the watches, wich is the most important logo printing.
Thank you very much,