Our Ideas & Additional Information
We want a logo that is:
Different & Unique
Something attention grabbing
will build fast recognition
We are unsure if we want to use a "person, or figure doing yoga" as part of the logo. We don't our logo to be cheesy or cliche in anyway. We have considered using a person in a yoga pose repeated multiple times in a circle creating a mandala effect, looking somewhat like a flower. (for example: www.bwy.org.uk)
We are open to a symbol as the logo, perhaps using sacred geometry, or repeated geometric shapes. The symbol needs to speak to who we are: fun, dynamic, creative, experienced and include the transformative energetic qualities of yoga.
We do not want: Lotus flowers, Om Symbols, people meditating or any typical yoga imagery.
If the logo does feature a figure, we love handstands, arm balances, scorpion pose, advanced/challenging yoga postures.
Here's us: