Entry #72 - letter M | circle for dynamism / fluidity | dot at the center for meditation | 3 verticle lines as letter M and three things you want to convey about the logo | center Verticle line as a person - logo is iconic high brand value works in single color
Interesting ideas, however #177 and 178 look like they should be used as logos for a coffee and donut shop - they don't speak to who we are or what we do. We'd like something dynamic, exciting, punchy, modern, strong.
#174 is much more interesting however resembles one of our biggest competitors logo - which is a flame. I realize this isn't, but the shapes are too similar - you can check it out at mokshayoga.ca. I otherwise love the concept - just needs some refining.
I like #176, but don't like the figure - I find it too wavy and feminine.
Looking forward to seeing more. Thanks for the effort!
#181 anks for the quick second attempt. I prefer the first approach better. I find the new one looks even more flame like. Maybe try a slightly different pose? Hoping something else works!
hi Thanks for the feedback - I will rework some variations - its 5 am here and I havnt splet as yet, will try some variations at my next login - hope you can understand regards mare
#183 - still too rounded, and the pose doesn't speak to us at all. Try something a bit more dynamic, modern, cool and strong. Otherwise the concept is sitting well. Keep refining and we'll get somewhere!
I still keep coming back to this one. I like it - just concerned that it's too close to our competitor... Can you try closing the gap a little and make it resemble a water drop more than a flame? Not sure that will work, but if it does, could be a great way to differentiate the look - there could be a slight ripple and mirror effect below it. What do you think?
hi Thanks for the feedback - will upload the changes in just an hours or two time, gota a meeting to attend. Btw I dont think #174 looks that close to http://mokshayoga.ca/, their logo is clearly a fire like icon, while #174 is an abstract human, none the less its best to remain as distinct / different as possible, and so I will incorporate your ideas and try some variations ASAP regards mare
Lauren's feedback: #174 I love it! Great concept but it does looks too much like Moksha's logo. Perhaps try flipping it upside down so it resembles a person in a back bend like wheel pose or scorpion pose.
Also, I'd like to see this logo in a very bright Cyan against a white background or a bright royal blue. The font should be more modern and sans-serif.and written in black or a contrasting blue. Look at the other logos we like as a cue for fonts. Simple. Clean. Upper case and hyper modern.
Entry #191 Entry #192 - flipped with font changes Entry #193 narrowed the gap with font change and color Entry #194 narrowed the gap upright Entry #195 with water ripple
Do let me know your thought so i can make any more changes you like to see
Laurens feedback: #194 #195 these dont work. They look too mch like ducks in water. #191 could work if you shorten the thinner line so it looks like a leg and not a tail and the move the head up higher to the round outer curve of the shape. That way it makes more sense anatomically.
I love the way you did the shading on the red concepts but not the blue ones. Can you try the blue shadings again? The fonts are much better!!
hi When you mean shading you meant the reflection or the gradient itself - colors are easly matched so that can be worked anytime Entry #196 Entry #197 regards mare
Entry #221 revised from Entry #183 and again tweaked to a more dynamic Entry #222 ( person lunging forward / stretching )
As for your comments above for #221 " #183 looks like elephant trunk pose! A yoga arm balance. Cool concept. But don't know if that will be so obvious to others. "
I'd say less obvious ( and an abstract figure ) the more intriguing the logo gets
I'm really liking #221, but still afraid it's too close to our competitors. We're looking and thiking of little changes that could help make it stand out. Can you try adding a faint halo effect in orange along the front/right side of the image... i.e. where his heart would be, giving it a glowing effect.
Lauren's feedback: Unfortunately the new entries do not work for me at all! I think they cheapen the logo quite a bit. We also need something that can be desaturated in order to make into a watermark... these can't.
I would love to see #183 in the blues that you've been using. I really like that figure! Would you be open to trying this concept with other poses? I would love to see it! Thanks, Lauren
Thanks for making those changes.. its not exactly what I had in mind. I was hoping for more of a edging glow not like its glowing out - the different colour should only be along the front edge of the character.
I agree with you completely about the flame vs. human element - however at first glance the shape is similar and I dont want them or the market thinking we are copying them. Our studio concept is really quite different and unique and we'd like that to come across in the logo.
I like the orientation of #201 and 198 the best. I dont really like the horizontal positioning, i find it looks too much like someone flying or swimming. I'll try to come up with other ideas or suggestions in the next hour or so. If you have any others, please send a few other variations. We are liking these best and are hoping we can finalize the logo in the next few hours of the competition.
best regards and thank you again for your responsiveness! Brian
Lauren's feedback: #238 I like this pose!! I find the figure a bit - fat looking hehe... It also looks to me a bit like fingers of a hand about to pinch something. But I like this pose alot!! I think you can do something with this :)
Maybe make the legs a bit shorter, or the figure a little less wide at the mid section? Thanks for these changes!
#238 - I like the new idea to use scorpion. It's different. The first one is still best. it's killing me haha Can you try #240 with the head lifted slightly more and the feet curling in going towards touching the head - making more of a spiral than a flame? that may break the similarities. Let's see if that works!
#238 Scoprion pose could definitely work, we both love it... however there's something off with the figure... the body is too fat and round and makes the legs look like they're just dangling and flapping in the wind. Is it possibly to give it a bit more structure, strength, form?
We both like #246 a lot! We want to see three different variations if possible: 1) legs together instead of the split at the end - similar to #195 and #231 2) Solid legs as above (instead of the split) as well as solid arms instead of there being 2 - similar to #236 3) In the second variation (above) - solid arms and legs, can you also try playing with the colours/shading giving it a bit more of a spiral / 3D look - not overly 3D just to add a bit more dimension.
And also if its possible can you go somewhere in between #246 and #247 on how wide/over/round it is. I like the rounder one and Lauren likes the more oval. I'd settle on a bit more of a rounded oval going more in Lauren's preference... i just find it a bit too stretched out as is.
#250 - This one doesnt work as well. It looks a bit too much like and egg... i like the way the others flow better. Part of the problem is the thickness of the bottom part. Let's put the one aside for now, if you can work on the 3 new variations I described above it would be awesome!!
Very impressed with how quickly you connected with our vision. Great working with you. Brian
#259 we really like it!! We like the vibrant blues of #255 Can you play with the shading of #259 I like where the shading is, but I like the purplish blue of #255
Can you keep the #259 shading as is, but just enhance it ?
Entry #273 - shape of the body like the letter Y, for yoga
Btw the contest will shortly move to the Judjing Mode which can last a few days during whihc period only the first ranked entries can submit entries, how ever you can continue to rerank so anyone can be placed first for them to submit any changes you may want - am off to bed its 4.30 am - any changes at my next login
#259 is by far my favorite so far. I'm loving it. It's simple, clean, modern. A couple little changes to try for the next one: 1) can you make the arms a little bit more pronounced... when the logo is small they're hard to see, making it look a little bit too much like a circle. The arms are what give it that human element. The head position is a little too low. I'd like to see the 'chest area' up a bit higher. If you can either move the head up slightly, or rotate the whole image - as if it's at 12 o'clock now, bring back to 11 or 11:30.
Thanks for the fast turn around with #273 - i like the shape of the hands better in the previous one - the change does something funny to it - now it kind of looks like a fish turning up and eating its tail lol The hands work better when they're more parallel with each other. I'd still want to see the head moved up a bit.