Please keep the font in upper case. Sans-serif and more modern looking.
I would like too see the figure I a bright blue or turquoise. I don't like the antenna at the top but I do love the overall shape of this. I think of you take the person inside the shape and flip him upsidedown to he looks like a handstand then we will really have something!
Hi, I don't think you understood my feedback: #224 I want to see the lines that cross removed and the extra protruding lines removed too. I want to see the figure still have a teardrop shape, but the person be in a handstand in the figure. So the outter shape still the same as #223 but the inside flipped like #224 with no extra lines coming out.
Also, I still don't feel the font is modern enough. I like #226 but it reminds me more of a dance pose than a yoga pose. Our favorite poses are: handstands, forearm stand, scorpion pose, grasshopper pose, flying crane pose. You can look those up for reference. Thanks :) Lauren
#223 has come back as a big interest. I really like the concept and the shape, however i find it a bit to sharp and angular. Would it be possible to soften it and make the lines slightly more bold.. a little bit more like #201. We really like #201 however it resembles our biggest competitors logo way too much and can't use it. Yours is a similar concept, but completely unique - especially with its perspective. I'd love to see it work! Looking forward to seeing something new!
The concepts are interesting and very cool... very abstract, which i like as a new direction - creates a lot of intrigue... however please follow our feedback a little more closely. I find the lines too thin and weak. Please look at the top 3 design concepts and borrow from them. They are closer to the look we are going for. Love your artistic twist on them. Would still love to see more!
thanks to rank my designs so high during the contest and your continuos feeback I can send the last updates
but remember that to be allowed to send any variation I need to be ranked first.... during the "judging period" just the designer ranked first is allowed to send variations.... so I need to be ranked first.. after you can rerank
just fyi, during that period you can switch the designer ranked first anytime to ask for variations, and select the winner anytime
#271 - I'm still super intrigued with #271... but still having a hard time deciding how to make it work. Would it be possible to play with a couple small changes - however not really sure what to suggest. Hopefully seeing a few changes will inspire something. One thing may be worth trying is to have the two thinner lines that form the point at the bottom coming towards each other but not actually touch? hoping you can be creative and find what's missing on it!
Thanks for the new submissions. I find the new ones are a little too feminine and dancer like. Feel free to send new ideas if you have them, but i'd like to see you develop #271 a little more. What I like about #271 is that the way it is can represent a whole number of different yoga poses - which is why it's very intriguing! If you can stick to that concept for now and see what you can do with it.
hi thanks to you actually is difficult to change too much the shape without losing the simmetry and equilibrium... but I sent some update #294 #295 #296 changhing the inned space (where the "head" is) creating a more "yoga" feeling with a shape like a drop that gives more equilibrum and "something mystical" to the icon... I hope you like it
Thanks for all the updates and hard work. I'm going to take some time to look them over and see how they sit with everyone. I'll let you know if we have any revisions that we'd like. If you have any other concepts that you work on, let us know and I'll put you back up in first spot. I temporarily put one of the other designers up so they could submit a couple updates.
Thanks again for all the hard work and interesting concepts. Brian