Groovy Rides of SavannahLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Groovy Rides of Savannah Groovy Rides of Savannah has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 118 designs from 10 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client GroovyRides United States Slogan Savannah's #1 Fun Bus! What We Do Private bus charters for fun event rental Industry Events Color Preferences Our bus is tie dyed with lime green, royal blue, yellow, and orange. We need something that will pop as this logo will be enlarged on an auto wrap and affixed to the side of the short school bus. Wondering if white background or white lettering would be best because the paint job is busy and colorful. This will also go on t-shirts and in magazine ads.... Our Ideas & Additional Information We have tried a bell bottom style font with shadows and outlines, but looked more ghetto, like graffiti instead of psychedelic and groovy. We want to avoid peace signs so we don't appear secular to a hippie audience. We would like the name Groovy Rides to stand out and "of Savannah" appear smaller. See our for ideas. I can text or email pictures and files we have for inspiration if you contact me at Themes ColorfulModern Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st Faith 2nd rapunzel Withdrawn 3rd LeahMB1 Withdrawn 4th sahmmy Withdrawn 5th Faith Withdrawn 6th LeahMB1 Withdrawn 7th 2BCreative Withdrawn 8th lotus creative 9th ggk 10th MAREMA Withdrawn New sreekantg Withdrawn New sreekantg Withdrawn New sreekantg Withdrawn New sreekantg Withdrawn New sreekantg Withdrawn New sreekantg Withdrawn New sahmmy Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New 2BCreative Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New sahmmy Withdrawn New LeahMB1 Withdrawn New LeahMB1 Withdrawn New LeahMB1 Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New rapunzel Withdrawn New lotus creative Withdrawn New lotus creative Withdrawn New lotus creative Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New LeahMB1 Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New LeahMB1 Withdrawn New LeahMB1 Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New LeahMB1 Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New LeahMB1 Withdrawn New rapunzel Withdrawn New rapunzel Withdrawn New rapunzel Withdrawn New sahmmy Withdrawn New sahmmy Withdrawn New sahmmy Withdrawn New rapunzel Withdrawn New sahmmy Withdrawn New sahmmy Withdrawn New LeahMB1 Withdrawn New LeahMB1 Withdrawn New LeahMB1 Withdrawn New sahmmy Withdrawn New LeahMB1 Withdrawn New sahmmy 1 2 1 2 Next > Discussion GroovyRides Client Think Austin Powers...shagadelic! :) Groovy Baby...Yeah! 11 years ago GroovyRides Client The use of retro flowers somehow would be an idea. Perhaps inside the oo's or dotting the "i". Or faded into the background...bottom line...this needs to be very easy to read on the side of a bus :) but, we also want something great looking for our print ads and merchandise. Thanks everyone! 11 years ago GroovyRides Client Please show a design with the words horizontal and with the words stacked, as we are trying to decide where on the bus, the logo will fit best....Thanks! 11 years ago GroovyRides Client Whatever the design, it will need a white or light colored bleed out so it will be clearly seen on the busy painted bus. 11 years ago GroovyRides Client There are 4 of us. My partners and I are meeting tonight to make decision on the best layout concept for the design. Please submit any changes to layout or concept by 8PM. After that, it's just a matter of which colors work best where and spacing, etc. Thanks so much for all the great ideas and efforts you all have made on our behalf!~ Renee 11 years ago GroovyRides Client Another idea would be to incorporate the use of the 70's icon smiley. 11 years ago