Thank you. I liked the cute design but we are talking about expanding to boat rides as well, so the wheel concept won't work, but thank you. I'll rank you in 5th since the other designer has not responded to my feedback, and you can submit any new ideas...please work in the retro flowers somehow, either in the oo's or around the design somehow. Full white bleed out behind all lettering is going to work best for us.
Like the new design! Please make the lettering color a deeper blue, and have full white bleed out behind it. Love the "of Savannah" scroll! I like the center of the oo's having a little color...try green and red. Like the flowers:)
#70 is good. Please also show me this design with capital first letter and lowercase for the rest. I like the shade of blue on the bleed out on #69. And I liked that the lettering on #68 and #69 had a slight shadow to each letter. Can you try using the blue mentioned with a slight shadow?
A yellow smiley face is common for the 70's. However, in a flower is another thing. Another designer has already introduced that idea in the contest. Since it wasn't in your design brief, or general comments, I feel I would be copying her by putting the face in the flower. Sorry.
I totally understand and respect that! I hate that I didn't put it in the general comments b/c we totally talked about that beforehand...doh! Would you be allowed to replace the two flowers on the outside with just smileys, then?
Yes, I think I could. Actually I'm finishing up one with the smiley face dotting the "i". But before I submit I will check with the other designer to make sure she is OK with it. She should be, since the smiley face is a common/generic icon for the 70s. Thanks!
Sunglasses on the smiley...seriously cute idea! :) can't decide if we like it on the "i" or like it better on the outer parts...maybe each smiley has diff. color shades? Think it may read better with the blue center flower on the "i"