This is great! Love the font type and the use of the flowers! Perhaps, if we unstacked the flowers just a bit, it would be easier to read the word Groovy. Maybe have them slightly playful but more in line with the lettering :) thanks!
Thank you so much for your feedback. I was trying to keep the logo a little tighter so "groovy" wouldn't spread out too wide, but I understand what you're saying about the flowers and will work on that :)
One favor though. If you like this new version would you mind only ranking the one on the white background since the tie dye photo is a bit blurry and the white will look cleaner in the portfolio :)
Could I see this same design with capital first letters and lowercase for the rest? #22... I think the color on the outline will clash with the bus's paint job...can you try it in white, so if we order tie dye merchandise it will stand out a bit? Thank you for showing us #24! :) I liked the dimension in #21 better than #22 b/c the word "Rides" was not the same length as "Groovy".
#27 is fabulous! Font is groovy and easy to read and flowers look great! (May have to tweak color or shade of purple one...possible green or slightly darker purple). Love how word Savannah has slight graduated appearance to still see it well! Love the color of font and white background... Think this will look good on the bus, as well as print ads and merchandise! Thanks for your efforts and time :)
My partner still likes #23, but we would need to find an outline color that would not clash with bus paint job. Perhaps tweaking the purple flower color would help...and could you add a small white bleed out behind the whole thing so it will stand out better on the tie dye merchandise? Thanks! :)
I meant small white outline on the entire outer edge to stand out on the merchandise...not bleed out behind letters...sorry for the confusion! I think my partner likes the dark blue bleed out behind the yellow letters...
#37, #38 with some tweaks on the flower colors and #39 with different flower colors and a white outline. Hopefully I got your chances right :) Please let me know if there is anything else.
#37, #38 with some tweaks on the flower colors and #39 with different flower colors and a white outline. Hopefully I got your chances right :) Please let me know if there is anything else.
#37, #38 with some tweaks on the flower colors and #39 with different flower colors and a white outline. Hopefully I got your chances right :) Please let me know if there is anything else.
#37, #38 with some tweaks on the flower colors and #39 with different flower colors and a white outline. Hopefully I got your chances right :) Please let me know if there is anything else.
You did everything we asked for! :) just a matter of deciding flower color options and outline color. Wondering about new purple coloring in #37 to be in place of green switch in #39...we liked the slight tie dye effect on the outline that complimented the flower colors in #23, and wonder what we could do with the purple and red?
P.S. To do this type of work, you must have the patience of a saint! God bless! :)
Thank you, but not at all :) Creating a logo is a process and it's great when the contest holder is very involved. #40 and #41 in a red and purple and red and blue option.
Ok...try #39 with white bleed out and blue lettering, like #37, but keeping green and reddish flowers and font style. My partner is partial to font in 37...but I think white bleed out works better and like blue font color. Other partner likes green and reddish flower....Trying to blend our likes :)
I posted a comment regarding the smiley faces but it does not appear to have gone through. I wanted to let you know that I had this idea and did some checking as to whether or not the smiley face is copyrighted to someone else or not. From what I read it is not copyrighted in the U.S. but Walmart has attempted to claim ownership and has not been successful. I will keep checking, but I think you are alright because they are not the main icon of the logo. But I understand if you don't want to go there :)
From what I read, they lost their argument and no one can claim the smiley icon, so we are gonna use it....worse case scenario we one day may have to go back to a traditional worries on this side! Can you apply them in #49 as well?
Sounds good! I have to head out for a bit but will add the smileys to 49 when I get back. I also just saw your note about moving the "y" up more, etc. so I will do that as well.
#63...the "v" is hiding a bit and it seems like the word Rides is thicker and larger. Can we scale down the size and thickness of the word Rides just a tad?
I saw what you were saying and enlarged the type etc. in #66 because I kinda of like the idea of carrying on the curve. I also turned out the "y" and the "G" a bit to give it an even more off kilter look.
We really like #66. Is there a way to stretch the "of Savannah" a bit so we can read it a little better in the curve? Also, do you have any ideas for shaping the white bleed out? We are already looking at expanding to party boats for private charter. Can you add any highlights to the lettering to give it more life?
I have to leave for a bit so if you have any additional changes, I would be happy to do them when I return. Even if the contest does go into judging, I can still do any additional revisions.
#105 looks Great with the highlights and lettering placement!! We may need to make the "G" a bit larger...we're kinda losing him over there....great job! I like the color for Savannah portion :)
Seems like we lost a little bit of size on the lettering, they all appear shorter than #66. can we get a little size back and keep the highlights? Everything else is great!
Yes! Now, can we move the reddish flower towards the green one a smidge to pull him off the "v" some? I like the flower placement but if they are closer that's ok with us.