I like the playfulness of the flowers in entry#2, and the more groovy font type in entry#1. The bus is painted very busy, so the letters should probably be all the same color, with the exception of the flowers...those colors are great!
Entry#12 is great! Like the white bleed out. Love the creative idea of using the same flower in groovy to dot the "i". Is there any other font type you could try to compare...like a bell bottom style...not too heavy though? Thank you for showing us what it would look like on a colorful background! :)
My partner and I have noticed that due to the font type, particularly the lowercase "g"...we have to focus harder to read what it says. Whatever font we choose, it must be easy to read at a quick glance. The uppercase "G" and "R" worked better in this font type, and it worked with entry #2. we would need a different font style with entry#12.
In your designer opinion, do you think the logo flowers would be better in two colors that are not within the bus paint job? Like, red and purple...would that make it pop even more or look tacky? Go to www.Facebook.com/groovyrides to see the bus :) thanks for all your time!
#16...try a blue color font, instead of black....and try incorporating the "of Savannah" in to the white bleed out. May need to outline lettering to give it dimension against white. Thanks! :)
Thanks for the feedback. For some reason I've just gotten the emails informing me that you've left comments. The G is the uppercase in this font. Personally I'd prefer to have the colors blend somewhat with the bus, but perhaps if the colors contrasted in the flowers it'd be a nice pop while still being cohesive. Uploading variations. Thank you.
Don't care for the white in #45... prefer white bleed out and colored lettering. That "G" is just not easy on the eyes...like the updated flowers in #44...just not caring for black font color. Also, like the "of Savannah" with new bleed out :)