BrillianTeamsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / BrillianTeams

BrillianTeams has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 130 designs from 15 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

Brilliant Results through Brilliant Teams
What We Do
We provide training, coaching and consulting to optimize the communication in IT teams.
Service Industries
Color Preferences
Generally, I'd follow the recommendation in the instructions and leave color choice to you, the design pros. Please take the following not as constraint but as inspiration:
Unless a proposal is extraordinarily positive, I'd prefer few, plain colors (mostly in order to limit production challenges in the future - though I'll whole-heartedly go for it if it's worth it).
I could imagine liking:
+ Green
+ White
+ Blue
I'd probably not like:
- Red
- Black
- Grey
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Please take the following not as constraint but as inspiration:
Somehow, I have a diamond-equivalent of the logo of the Ruby programming language in mind; see - I'm especially imagining a brilliant standing on its point, a bit like (originally embedded in this web page:, but somehow from a different plane / perspective.
Because the entire enterprise revolves around teams, people should appear as well, even if only sketched.


Order by
Entry Number













































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1 2 3 1 ... 3 Next >


I'm looking forward to your proposals! - Some of my friends have gotten their logos here, and the proposals were *so* great!
Logo Tournament is such a wonderful example for the style of cooperation I want to strengthen through my trainings...
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello! Here are some hints for getting the most out of your contest as it progresses:

~~ Rank designs daily -- this will encourage participation.
~~ Rank and re-rank a variety of designs to get a variety of entries.
~~ Ranking gets your contest noticed! Unless your contest is Private, 1st place entries are posted to the portfolio page:
~~ Leave private feedback by clicking on a design. Feedback will be made public upon contest completion
~~ The more feedback you provide, the better results you will see.
~~ Designers are not offended by "Not Interested".
~~ Over-use of "Not Interested" discourages participation.
~~ Designers earn points for designs ranked 1st - 10th. We like to earn points.
~~ After your contest closes it will enter Judging phase. You can re-rank designs in Judging.
~~ While in Judging, the designer ranked in first place can submit revisions

More detailed information on how to get the most out of your contest can be found here:

You can also look in:
13 years ago
Hello Nancy!

Thanks for the hints, I appreciate your support - and I'm eagerly awaiting the first proposals where I can apply your recommendations :-)

Good luck, everybody!
13 years ago
Hi all,

I just checked out the first three entries, and I'm thrilled at what's there already so early. Thank you thank you thank you to everybody making the effort to participate in this contest, it's great for me to watch how my visions take shape and I sincerely hope you enjoy it, too.

Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to what comes next.
13 years ago
Hi all,

thank you for everybody who stopped by, contribted and considered contributing. Here's my summary one day into the contest:

I have to say I'm blown away by *all* of the entries I have received so far, even though so far there are two I will clearly not consider. I'd like to thank FuturisticLOGO for bringin so many so different designs to the table, it's a big step towards the variety of choice I want to have for the final decision, and I appreciate the extra mile you went.

So far, I perceive a very clear "WOW!" group consisting of #3, #4, #2, and #1 that gives me a head-to-head feeling. At the same time, even out of the "WOW!" group, I'd hesitate to take any yet. There's a bit about the colors here, a bit about the layout there etc. - you can find the details in the comments to the individual proposals.

#5 is in between: It's neither an obvious "no" nor an obvious "WOW", I'll look at it again in about 12h.

Additionally, I have gained some insights on general characteristics of the logo:

#4 makes me realize that I'd like to have the following in my future logo:
Many people I speak to misunderstand the name "BrillianTeams", instead they get stuck at "Brilliant Teams". Based on that, the logo obviously needs to strengthen the "right" impression, that it is *one* word and convey visually that the word belongs together: One font, same color scheme, no line breaks.

#1 made me realize that I want something that works on a Web site with a white background. I like the looks of #1 a lot, it's just not quite practical.

It's great! - Thank you all again, keep up the energy!
13 years ago
New insight: In doubt, I prefer a horizontal arrangement like #3, #9 and #4. #2 is a laudable exception to the rule, there I can't imagine that a horizontal arrangement "clicks".

And as always, I'm looking open to be proven wrong.
13 years ago
After a lot of the entries have been withdrawn, I've re-considered all my rankings. I don't think I've made any huge changes, just an adjustment to the changed energy in the field of entries.
13 years ago
Dear Diary,
the morning of the third day of the logo contest.
Some of you may have seen that I'm using the concept of a "WOW" group to label the entries I like most.
My idea about things is, for now, within the "WOW" group there is little or no preference - there is still so much that can happen, and all entries in the "WOW" group are really promising.
I'll get down to a "real" ranking over the weekend and post the switch from "WOW" group to real ranking here once it's done.
As of this writing, there are 38 entries in the contest, and the WOW-Group consists of #14, #26, #34, #35, #38, #37 (and some variations of these that I wouldn't want to rule out at this time).
A big thank you to all participants. It is a great contest, and your entries are clearly increasing my enthusiasm for my new endevaour. Thank you also for that.
13 years ago
Pulled #32 back into the limelight based on feedback from friends: The enthusiasm for all the great artwork had clouded my view that, eventually, my business is primarily about the people...
13 years ago
Few words while I'm in a rush: Three more "WOW"-entries: #48, #50, #51 (in order of appearance). I'll add more thoughts ASAP and may revise the ranking again when I have more time for deeper thoughts.

Just one thing is becoming more and more obvious to me: Please avoid solid black backgrounds. I'm looking for something light-hearted and happy, something that creates the urge to "come to me to feel good" in the overwhelming majority of the population.

As always, I'm grateful and filled with appreciation for all your contributions!
13 years ago
I'm very happy with the current trend that brings a certain human touch, a degree of softness and flexibility. I start to realize that the "gemstone" analogy that I otherwise value so much can create an impression of rigidity and brittleness that is pretty much the opposite of what I'm teaching.
Combining the "brilliance" with "flexibility" adds another balancing act to the design challenge, and with everything I've seen so far, I'm already excited to see how you will creatively incorporate that.
13 years ago
Hmmm... I just realized that there are three types of "pools" for the discussion: This one, which is generall and generally visible. The friends+associates pool, which is apparently separate and not visible to you designers, and - new to me - a separate discussion between every designer and me that is behind the "feedback".
I wasn't aware that the feedback isn't world visible and will tonight extract the information I had intended for general publication and re-publish that here.
I'd appologize for distortions this mis-understanding may have created, alas with all those great contributions, there doesn't seem to be any.
13 years ago
Hi all!

It's about half time of the contest, and I can say I'm blown away by everything I've seen so far.
Based on a couple of unpleasant events, I've started to keep an eye on conceptual copying. Should you have the impression of being treated unfairly, by myself or by others, please let me know - I'm not sure I *can* mediate, I'll do my best. Fairness is very dear to my heart, to BrillianTeams, and it is an essential prerequisite for a platform like LogoTournament to work. That said...

My current "WOW Group" (and we're now at 62 entries) consists of the following entries: #13, #14, #32, #42, #43, #44, #46, #50, #53, #61, #62.
Note that I've consciously put them in numerical order here to illustrate that within the WOW group, I haven't been too diligent about ordering yet (and it will change later tonight when I have the time to think things through carefully).

What is emerging for me is that the design challenge has a couple of balancing acts that need to be resolved.
# One is, obviously, to bring the concepts of "brilliant" and "team" together.
# One that is more subtle is that the focus of the company is people - so the soft, human touch is important, too, while the focused attention that produces results is, like the gemstone, one that tends to lead to brittle, rigid metaphors. With the experience I've gathered so far, I prefer the "human touch" aspect. I start to realize that pointy shapes go in the wrong direction, I'd like to express feelings like friendship and presumably round shapes work better for that.
# While I visually prefer graphics and text side by side, I like the implication of "BrillianTeams supporting the teams" as it comes across where the graphics is on top of the logo.
# Blue has evolved as the main color of my preference out of the entries so far. I'm not sure whether a similarly bright hue of green as most entries are now in blue couldn't have a positive appearance, too. At any rate, I favor either bright colors (or potentially real pastel colors - I think there was only little experimentation with that) over plain colors.
# I'm looking for something that represents a respectable professional services company. So I'll let a few of the entries disappear momentarily that I find too playful or too consumer-minded.

I'll see whether I can reasonably update the briefing with this information.

I guess you've all read the briefing and realize to which extent you all have helped me clear up what I'm really looking for. I thank you all for your effort, your creativity and the time you have invested. I really, really appreciate it and hope that - like I - you find some joy and satisfaction in this contest.

Have a great weekend!

13 years ago
Wow, what great new entries in the last hours!

FYI: I have started to move into a "real" ranking mode, comparing entries one to the other, in a style like "if I'd have to choose between just these two, which one would I take". For the moment, I still find the results a bit discontinuous, I expect more and more continuity to come in.

My understanding is that ranks beyond #10 don't matter, so I'll stop this strategy around rank twelve or fifteen. Ranks after 15 are definitely not well thought-out. (If there are any objections to this cut-off, please let me know).

Thank you all for your hard word and dedication. The results are so great, if it would make sense, I'd probably buy the top ten or so. However, this is about identity, and that means that eventually, I'll have to make up my mind about how I *am* and how I want to represent myself.

All the visual impressions you have contributed have been really valuable, and I can't express how thankful I am for your contributions.
13 years ago
Final hour or so...
As I don't know whether I'll be able to post comments here once the contest is closed:
Thank you all so much for your entries. All I know at this moment is that it's really a tough call, and has been for the last days. I appreciate your creativity and your efforts and thank you from the depth of my heart.
Best wishes for all your future endeavours!
13 years ago
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