BrillianTeamsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / BrillianTeams

BrillianTeams has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 130 designs from 15 different designers from around the world.












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Logo Designer
notice eachi hand forms a head and the letter b as well.

(This comment references Entry #38)
13 years ago
Hi Terry,
thanks a lot for your entries! I like the style you've used for the texts.
#36 is nice, and I prefer designs that illustrate the ideas of "brilliant" and "team(s)".
I especially like the theme of "world domination" ,-) that you are alluding to with #37. "Fixing" communication in a distributed team is one of my specialties... I also like the association to the size of the team that this visual creates: It may be well over the ten people many people associate with the topic, 50 appears to be a critical limit for many of the approaches I'm teaching.

At the same time, some kind of link to the "brilliant" idea would be great. The match, the congruency between the word and the picture is really dear to my heart.
Thanks again for investing in this contest!
13 years ago
... and expanding to #38: the vivid colors are great for a change. Thank you for taking the courage. I like the idea to bring the letters into the visual, though I consider that optional. As earlier, some kind of link to the concept of "brilliant" is truly important to me.
You may have seen that I'm using the concept of a "WOW" group to label the entries I like most , and #38 and #37 are in my "WOW" group for now.
I'll post that in the general forum now: For now, within the "WOW" group there is little or no ranking - there is still so much that can happen. I'll get down to this degree of finetuning over the weekend.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for your precious feedback. It really depends on what your definition of wow is...or what WOWs you and what wows others. I dont think those pointy sticky people could be a wow for me coz they are overly used...and even if I try hard I cannot make another sticky swoosh people design :). I have vowed not to :). I'll see if I can do anything else professional.

13 years ago
Hi Terry,

thank you for your new designs. I agree, "Wow" is ultimately subjective. For now, my personal "WOW" group has grown by your three new designs. I like #46 a lot because it gives a nice synthesis of the brilliant and the team aspect, espcially it does so in a ... soft ... way. A bit like #45, where the "brilliant" aspect is retreating a bit, and my preference to simplify production concerns comes more to the foreground.
What I like most about #44 is the dynamics it emits, that's to me the main feature of that entry.

All in all, I see a tough call approaching when the time comes to prune and seriously rank the WOW group... What a nice problem to have... Thank you for your efforts, I definitely appreciate it.
13 years ago
Addendum about #36: An associate has pointed out that this resembles a swastika for him. While I'd say the similarity is really faint, I also have to accept that the WWII-participant countries (Germany, Austria, Israel and also partly France and UK) may expose strong, polarized reactions to such designs and we want to differentiate by other means :-)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem. Thanks again for your detailed feedback. it is very helpfull indeed. As for my thoughts about #36,... I used geometry to produce a spark with 4 hands with basic lines. In the middle is the spark like star while the hands are the one's who form the spark. It was based on teamwork, and spark(wow) and symetry (perfection). But I respect your point of view as well. Let me know if you want me to spill some creative juice in another direction.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I have some more ideas that you may like!
13 years ago
Hi Terry,
go ahead! I'm looking forward to every single new idea, every single new entry. Some of your entries are really great and - to me as a design layman - show a lot of creativity, I can't imagine what else you think up next and I certainly want to find out :-)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
The shining sun with the team.

(This comment references Entry #48)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
monotones do not lose the feel, meaning and philosophy of the message in the logo.

(This comment references Entry #49)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
again the sun concept with a different approach. You can also color the heads different to show versatility in the team. Plus sun is a powerfull reference to all the things you mentioned in the brief that you wanted to convey.

(This comment references Entry #50)
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #53)
13 years ago
#54 is - to me - too close to some other participant's earlier entry, namely #43.
I definitely like the sun-like concepts #51, #50 and #48.
I'll also write this to all:I'm very happy with the current trend that brings a certain human touch, a degree of softness and flexibility. I start to realize that the "gemstone" analogy that I otherwise like so much can create an impression of rigidity and brittleness that is pretty much the opposite of what I'm teaching.
Combining the "brilliance" with "flexibility" adds another balancing act to the design challenge, and with everything I've seen so far, I'm already excited to see how you will creatively incorporate that.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
This one is a long thought. Another prestigious abstract mark to convey leadership and execellence is by a Crown. I have used the human touch to form a crown. Hop you like it.

(This comment references Entry #64)
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #65)
13 years ago
Hi Terry,
thanks fr #64 and #65. You are right, I do like the crown, and I like the star-shape even more. To me, the star conveys joy and passion in a way I haven't seen in any other entry yet. To stretch it, I could say the people in #65 are dancing, and that's an association I really like. The crown, on the other hand, conveys the value to me that I do like, and at the same time, it feels pretty static. I can't imagine a dancing king, for example.

Do you think there is a way to combine the joy of #65 with #53, without drifting into a party mood (e.g. #48)? I mean... I really liked #48 because it also reflects a part of what I am, but when I deal with my customers I have consciously chosen to initially expose the "white-collar side" in me. Part of my job is to bring my customers from serious white-collar effectiveness back to joyful playful effectiveness, and the logo has to reflect the entry point, the serious side, while it may already show a glimpse of the joy side.
13 years ago
Very very nice. Just brilliant.
Would you mind submitting the tagline in grey/silver?

Thank you so much for your creativity and efforts!
13 years ago
Oh... I'm not aware if there is a policy on Logo Tournament on this, I see that the font on #95 is the same as in some other, earlier entry. How is this normally handled among gentlemen?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Font is not copyrighted unless a certain treatment on the font by a designer. Even in that case the treatment is protected but not the font. Thanks for your great feedback and all the best!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
tagline color updated

(This comment references Entry #98)
13 years ago
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