BrillianTeamsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / BrillianTeams

BrillianTeams has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 130 designs from 15 different designers from around the world.






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Prefers others.
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Logo Designer
connected people presented like brilliant sparkles. simple, elegant and creative. Feedback appreciated

(This comment references Entry #3)
13 years ago
Hi wookasheen,
thanks for your proposal in #3! I really appreciate it, I like the symbolism and the proportions. And at this time (within the first 24h of the contest), it's so different that it's hard for me to compare it to the others. For now, it appears to me to tie for first place with entry #2.
I'm lucky to have a few more days to finally make up my mind on this ...
13 years ago
Hi wookasheen,
after a good night's sleep and several re-rankings, you see it's still number one, kind of tied with the others in the "WOW" group.
I could imagine brighter colors and/or a 3D-ish look to make me like it even more.
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #28)
13 years ago
Hi wookasheen,
thank you for these new entries. I see #32 as the best successor of #3: I prefer the light background, and also the light shine of the central figure.
13 years ago
Thank you for #34! Looks really nice!
13 years ago
Hi wookasheen,
many of my friends and associates have brought #32 back to my attention, and as my focus on the social, team aspect has been sharpened, I'd like to ask you whether you can fix something: the five people in the graphics somehow feel like falling forward for my sense of perspective. Can you do something about that?
Thanks a lot in advance!
13 years ago
Hi wookasheen,
thanks for your new entries! They are really great. I like the colors of #77 and #78, and I especially like the network aspect that comes across in #78.
I'll focus on #78, from my point of view it's the one with the biggest potential. The main qualities I'd like to see there (and I'm sorry for not being able to be more specific about it) are dynamism and shine. It's really a great entry, and these two qualities could make the difference for me.
Dynamism means to me a sense of movement and joy.
With "shine", I'm referring to a quality like shining eyes (see movement and joy above :-), It could also be simply visual shine, a halo or reflections or a perspective like in #32. What I'd like to convey is also a sense of value, something like "the whole is more than the sum of the parts".
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for great feedback an rankings, here I tried to refine this design and also to add a sense of motion,. Let me know am I on right path.

13 years ago
Hi Wuk,

yes, this is definitely on the right path, especially #86 is just brilliant. Motion, colors, graphics... So good that I don't have any constructive suggestions, at least not at this time. I guess I'll have to sleep over it one last time ... OK, that won't work timezone-wise ... If my timezone-clock is correct, my evening will work for you. I'll clear my mind over the next hours and provide more comments in ~8h (20:00 CET give or take an hour).
Thank you thank you thank you!

13 years ago
I've been thinking about the feedback question on and off for hours now. I'm sorry, there is no more hint I can offer to you :-/ I'll give it another shot tomorrow morning. (i.e. in ~8h / around 8am CET)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I think I know what is wrong, It wasn't geometrical perfect and symmetrical, now it is.

(This comment references Entry #94)
13 years ago
Hi Wuk,
yes, I had seen that there was a little kink in the symmetry, but that hadn't made the difference. I can't tell exactly what you did, but you've done more than just fix the symmetry thing, didn't you?

#94 is fabulous.

At any rate, I'd suggest to play around a bit more with the colors. Especially the pink/mauve... whether I like it or not, my target audience is >80% male and it may lead to strange associations... the yellow/green/blue from #84 I find a bit too bright. The grey and the blue are nice - I could imagine blue/green/grey working, or possibly also ... hmmm ... blue / yellow / grey - probably not.
Speaking of colors, by now it's clear to me that "BrillianTeams" should be written in blue, with the tagline in a different color that matches the graphics.

Thank you for all your efforts and creativity. I start to run out of words to describe my appreciation.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
another try...

(This comment references Entry #121)
13 years ago
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