BrillianTeamsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / BrillianTeams

BrillianTeams has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 130 designs from 15 different designers from around the world.




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Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


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I like the first entries, #1 and #2. They elaborate on my original ideas in a way I didn't anticipate, and ... did I say I like surprises? It may feel like a risk to you designers, all I can say is I like surprises, I like and appreciate risk takers.
About #1, I like the plain style. There is a little catch: My vision of the corresponding Web site is also very plain, especially I'm thinking of a white background. Off the top of my head, I wouldn't know how to integrate that solid blue into a mostly white Web site. Maybe I'm wrong and the Web site itself will be white-on-blue? I do like the look of #1... Let's see how things evolve. I'll let it sink in, sleep over it and comment again in ~18h.
About #2, I like that it is easy to integrate in all kinds of environments because it makes only minimal assumptions about the background. The green in the text "BrillianTeams" is irritating me a bit. I'd prefer a single color there. (The gradient in "Teams" is definitely nice, so it doesn't cound against that "one color" thought). Come to think of it, something 3Dish might make the name shine brilliantly...

Thanks again for posting the first proposals, I definitely appreciate it!

P.S.: I hope these comments are helpful, if there are suggestions for improvement or specific questions I'll do my best to provide rapid-turnaround answers.
13 years ago
#5 seems to me to focus on the people aspect, and that -in its own way- hits the nail on the head. After all, in my business, coaching, training and consulting, it's all about the people.
What appears "off" with the present entry is that I'm somehow not behind the coloring scheme. There, #2 and #1 are much closer to my taste.
And, while I appreciate the people aspect in the entry, my first impression when looking at the visual was "what's that?". Only upon second glance, I realized that it's four people in a circle raising their arms, and that aspect has to come out more obviously.

Thanks, FuturisticLOGO, all your entries so far were really helpful, and you've contributed half of my "WOW" group so far!
13 years ago
Wow, what a range of new entries!
Staying up to date is getting harder, and I like that.
Thanks for your effort, that made it easy for me to decide what I like and what I don't.
First, I see the entire family #16, #17, #18, #19, #20 as succeeding #2, and it worked: I've taken #2 out of the contest and put #16, #17 and #18 in place instead. When the time comes, deciding between these three is going to be tough, because all three are in the "WOW" group in my mind.
I liked the shine on top of the diamond that was present in #1 and #2, though...
I'm curious about the feedback I'll get from friends and associates (including potential customers)

Great stuff, gimme more ;-)
13 years ago
Wow, the entries are coming faster than I can comment. Great pace!
Still, I'm putting all four of them "out" because I like the colors and the "shine" towards the bottom of #18 much more. They've inspired me to the following thought: What I'd like even more is a shine similar to #2's on the "table" of the brilliant.Something like that could also improve on #5 and #9.
For the moment, LogoTournament apparently hasn't executed on my re-ranking. I'll try again in a moment.
13 years ago
#25 is displacing #18.
About #26: I like it, I like the thought of having business cards like that. At the same time I'm still struggling with the thought of putting this onto a Web site... Let's see... I start to figure out how this or also good ol' #1 could work out in a Web Site context.
13 years ago
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