SHAKERS Vodka - BRANDINGLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / SHAKERS Vodka - BRANDING

SHAKERS Vodka - BRANDING has selected their winning logo design.

For $1000 they received 2037 designs from 183 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
We make the best tasting and cleanest vodka in the world.
Manufacturing & Wholesale
Color Preferences
Red, white, blue, silver, black
Our Ideas & Additional Information

please use the penguin and pull him out of the current logo


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Logo Designer
Minnesota designer and Shakers drinker here! looking forward to participating in this project.
15 years ago
Good deal. Thanks for the note. Glad you like us.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
this is a great contest - ill take part...

greets from germany ;D
15 years ago
Logo Designer
love the name IM in
15 years ago
Welcome, thanks for participating.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
drinking man..this for u health man.. ;)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
hope the healthy tournament ..
15 years ago
who says you can't drink healthy if you drink? this is for everyone who doesn't want to feel like crap the next day and who wants to enjoy themselves while drinking it...

15 years ago
We made this product because we were tired of spirits which tasted bad, and of waking up the next morning feeling bad. So we made it taste good. Without the salad bar needed as a mixer. We also took all the chemicals out. The ones you don't know you are drinking, but feel the next morning. Peace...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Glad to hear that about the chemicals! Great move!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
15 years ago
Logo Designer
One bottle free for every "Shaker" contest designer!!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
EVERYONE pay attention

the original Shaker logo has a split inner circle none can claim rights to this design layout.

No one can claim rights to the Shakers Font is the property of Shakers Vodka
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I don't know I am in or not... but, now I still enjoying music of your site, make me feel that Shakers Vodka has a great taste....

May be I am in just if you send me a bottle Shakers Vodka first... hahahahaha...

How can I design your logo if I never taste your product, right? LOL

Good Luck CH, good luck all. Do the best as usually we do...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the invite, what is wrong with the site logo? Need to update it?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
... is Shakers Vodka owned by Pepsi? Arghhh! ;o]
15 years ago
Logo Designer
wow @satto you're right I didn't realize it recalls the pepsi logo ......
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Pepsi has a new logo anyway. ;-)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I think its because of the use blue and red in the circle...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
gettin' a lil bit wired now..

whats up with the original logo !?

should we use the penguin or not?!
and whats about the red and blue circle !?

and by the way.
i need shakers in germany..
really diffycult..
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Vodka Martini drinker here, I would love to try it, but I can't seem to find it in san diego
15 years ago
Should be at Bev Mo. Also on web through with free shipping for 200 ml size. They ship to 30 states or so.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
any place in NYC
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I've never been to BevMo. I always thought it was like a Jamba Juice place -lol. My choices have always been ABSOLUT or STOLICH. I gotta check SHAKERS out.
15 years ago
Hey guys,

Thanks very much for the work. You have helped me work through some branding confusion I have.

We are trying to position SHAKERS uniquely in today's spirit/vodka market and against ABSOLUT, STOLI, GREY GOOSE and KETEL 1.

The product is really good. We have tasted literally thousands of people over the course of the last 7 years and 80% (actually closer to 90%) prefer the taste of SHAKERS versus their favorite vodka when tasted straight or over ice.

As far as I can tell, people are attracted to the bottle, the penguin, the name and the label/shipper design and colors.

We have two products, a wheat and a rye. We have plans to introduce more products.

We are currently working on a new website that is very cool. Shazamm is our agency.

I am going to judge the work from now until the end of this project if it is beautiful design that adds personality to our new and young brand. We need to say everything about ourselves we want to.

The personality needs to be unique to SHAKERS Vodka. If I could wave my magic wand the positioning and design would render all other vodka obsolete and boring.

Thanks again for the work. After now 700 designs my eyes are a little blurred, but I have had a blast seeing our brand through your eyes.

Mark Bozzini
Co founder
Infinite Spirits

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Had fun good contest....
15 years ago
Logo Designer
while ranking has been updated recently - several entries seems to be unranted - wish they are reviewed as well - either ranked or be put on 'not intrested' status'. i know with over 1000 entries its a daunting task - anyway cheers all.

this has been the mother of all contest 1000 + counting !!
15 years ago
Hello All,

I want to say thanks again for the work. It was a pleasure. I have looked at every design, and then some. I was expecting 2-300 and have been overwhelmed by the response. I came here curious looking for some images I could use for collateral materials.

When you create a brand from scratch like we have with SHAKERS and look at it everyday for 8 years you tend to become a bit blind. I realized, after spending the last week looking at your designs, we have a good label/bottle design which serves to identify the brand uniquely vs. competition and identifies our two product styles.

We have little brand identity or personality. I have struggled with this brand. I want it to look like a leadership brand. Like the great brands. The product delivers on that promise. The branding has not.
I would like the brand identity for SHAKERS VODKA to be considered alongside the great brands, not just the great spirit brands.

It's a lofty goal, but why not...I like the black and white versions in the box. The design needs to work vertically, horizontally, and with color. It needs to be better than the other vodka and spirit brands. It is better.

Thank you again.


15 years ago
Logo Designer
Please have a look at my designs if possible
15 years ago
Logo Designer

I hope you will see all the entries at the end of the contest. Thanks and good luck ;)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
sheer volume of the entry is gonna keep the Ch busy for weeks !
15 years ago
Hello everyone, thanks again for the work. I am impressed with quality and quantity. I have extended this project for 2 days to give myself the time to see and respond better to the work.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
sounds good theres alot to look at :)
15 years ago
As I understand the tournament, there is one winner of the $1,000, but I like more than one design and have other projects to do over time.

I am still wavering between traditional and unconventional designs. You have given me so much to consider in both directions.

Thanks again. Mark

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Mark,

i really don't want to offend you or any of the designers here but i'm really wondering why you want to change your current logo (yes you've explained but in my opinion as a designer, your decisions don't fit with your rebranding ideas). I think your current logo is better than most of the logos here (of course, i'm including mine). If you really want to do a rebranding, i think the new logo must be much better than the old one. If i were the logo designer of your current logo, i would be really sad if it wasn't like that.

Thanks and good luck with your competition.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Mark,

What is the story behind the penguin? I think its an interesting idea, but creating a logo without a back-story lacks depth and curtails much in the way of brand extension.
15 years ago
Thanks for the input.

When we were creating this brand we chose the symbol of a penguin for several reasons. It was a popular symbol on vintage cocktail shakers, then it was considered a symbol of prosperity. bow tie, tails and all fit with the 20's and 30's culture. We also considered it friendly (most other vodka brands are a little more sterile looking) and consistent with vodka. An American image of prosperity and personality to go along with a not so American product in vodka, now made well here in addition to Russia, Poland, Finland, et al.

I like our current logo. I question whether it is the right "brand" look versus our competition who all look good to me. I question the type face and look as a bit old fashioned, and wonder if we want to be a bit more contemporary. I also believe we have an opportunity to utilize the penguin as kind of a spokesperson, especially for collateral and print mediums.

There is so much good work here that helped me look at colors, typography, vertical and horizontal treatments, various stylized treatments, etc. I have only seen our current logo in its current form, so I am looking at optimizing our branding.

Hope this helps, and again I appreciate the work and the feedback.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
@ CH could you please review all entries in this contest.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
was going to try and design something for this contest but there are sooooo many fantastic designs & ideas I think I'll just move on....good luck!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
did you check my work, I did more simple the problem, now you have bigger scale pinguin and can make it as a stamp
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I would love some feedback:)
page 25
15 years ago
Logo Designer
i even can't see my entry... lol... this contest is so crowded...
hope ch can decide the logo..
cheers with shakers vodka
15 years ago
Logo Designer
This competition is very crowded, but it's been a fun experience for my first contest.
15 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
This is insane 1800 entries!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
This contest has to be a record holder for the site... Good luck everyone who has entered ... I am just here to see whats up.
15 years ago
Hello everyone,

Thanks very much again for all the work. 2000 quality and original designs was more than I expected. It wasn't possible for me to feedback on all the work, but I looked at all your work, more than once.

I would have not have ranked the top 10 any differently, but I would have ranked the top 50 or 75 a bit differently, but it just took so long to drag and drop with this many entries I gave up.

Many of you have been a bit put off by lack of feedback? I refreshed the site several times a day and if I liked the work I ranked it high, and if I didn't it stayed in the new work file.

Thanks again,

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Well Tyler if you guys implement some kind of control i.e. the number of entries a designer is allowed for large contests like this and maybe the ch won't be "overwhelmed" by the entries
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Even with 2000+ entries - the final verdict came far too quickly - a record of sort!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Considering the CH ranked all the way to 84, I've got to give him credit for going as far as he did to review all work. It's a lot more than many CH's do with even much fewer entries.
15 years ago
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