What would shakers in black and vodka in blue look like to you? What if we did something totally different in the background of the circle rather than the equal color split? Peace.
it all looks really good. I like the black shakers blue vodka font/look the best of any #211. that was new learning from this project. there is still something interesting about #174/#175 still.
Hi mark no matter what i think about I see your brand mark should be simple and clean so this is where I will be and i put americas in there because I think people should know its made in use .....
Hi mark no matter what i think about I see your brand mark should be simple and clean so this is where I will be and i put americas in there because I think people should know its made in USA .....
HI Mark in this ideal I have the Icon Penguin standing on top of a curve representing Shakers brand as being on top of the vodka world. And maybe you make want to add USA BRAND to show that the USA can make a GREAT VODKA Also because most vodka drinking think that the best vodka come from over seas somehow I feel by branding and putting it in people face that its a USA made vodka will make vodka drinkers take notice and have to try it and be proud of such a great vodka they can call there own.