ReliveTV, LLCLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / ReliveTV, LLC

ReliveTV, LLC has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 261 designs from 47 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Everything Television
What We Do
We have the most extensive episode by episode database of all TV shows since 1948, with photos, articles, descriptions, etc.It will be used by researchers. (organized by decade and genre) will make videos of TV episodes available on computers, mobile devices and televisions so everyone can watch their favorite shows (just like music on iTunes). Logo to be used on website, display ads,etc. Should be suitable for animation. Hopefully simple. It must be colorful and have "life", i.e. standout.
Color Preferences
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We are uncertain about uppercase or lowercase letters, especially for the "R" or "r" in ReliveTV.


Order by
Entry Number
















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1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 5 Next >


#13 Far too complex. Brand will get lost. Black lettering not desirable.
15 years ago
#12 Does not speak to the brand. TV almost invisible.
15 years ago
#9, #10, #11 Looks like MTV logo. Too complex. TV set (brown etc) is too old.

#6, #8 Too cluttered. Center is overloaded with design. Gives a boxy look.

#7 The clock does not work for replication, approval. Black lettering in black is a

#1 okay. Would reverse arrows to give a forward look.

#2 Black background not useable or acceptable.

#4 Too many colors. Arrows need to go "forward" to the right. Four colors for each print job is too expensive.

#5 Relive in black does not work. Arrows should be forward not reverse.

#3 Best design to date. Letters should be in one color (try the same as blue background and others please) Reverse the arrows )forward not reverse). Please use a white background. Thanks.

15 years ago
#18 Dark background may not work on website. Design is highly complex.

# 17 # 22 Blue background not desirable
15 years ago
#14 Perceived as too boxy and square looking.

#23 R is too prominant. Otherwise interesting, except for spelling. Relive not Relieve.

#25, # 26, # 27 Each looks like a cartoon. Not serious enough.

#32 is best of 4 colors (#31, #30, #29) #30 color used by, #29 too red

#33 too complex

#34 thanks for improvement on prior design arrows to the right, good color.

#35, #36 interesting, but not special

#44, #45, #46 each looks too big and too retro

#47 Too complex and crowded

#50, #51 first two letters in reverse are unsettling. These do not work. Try #50 with letters in the normal direction Relive

15 years ago
General Comment: Many of you have submitted several interesting designs.Thanks you for your efforts and your ideas. We are doing a rough sort of the submissions and making some comments in order to suggest changes in color and content to optimize many submissions. We appreciate your interest.
15 years ago
Withdrawals are very high. Some designs that we really like have been removed. We do not understand why. Tudor, this question applies to you in particular, for example #37. Once an entry has been withdrawn we not only can't rank it we cannot ask for adjustments to be made with it since we can't see it or compare it to the others. This is our first and only contest so we are a bit confused.
15 years ago
Thank you for all the submissions and the responses to our requests. Here is all the feedback for logos up to #124
#21 We like the fontts, but although we try to like the TV set, the content of this TV set and other entries you submitted is too complex.. If you want, try something else in the TV set.
#3 nor previously commented on. We like this and have ranked it well.
#38 Tudor, #15 was better (now withdrawn). We will look at your newer versions
#43 unfortunately, colors are simiilar to a competitor,
#49 The V looks too much like a check mark
#52. We like this. Clean and simple
#56 The V should be the same height as the other letters. Other colors would improve it.
#60 We would like this better with solid colors for the letters rather than bleeding
#67 same comments as #56
#71 we like it Simple, clean look
#72 very good choice. Has life and a good feeling to it.
#84 too wild for us
#85 We don't want to offend NBC with creating another peacock by the way the colors are lalyed out.
#86, #89, #90 We are not fond of these designs
#91, #92, #93 we are not fond of these designs.
#94 we like the color scheme, but not the desigh
#95, #98 we are sorry that these two were withdrawn and we will look at new submissions
#96 we didn't like the green #97 not as good as the others
#99, #100, #101, #103, #104 we don't like the small TV, which reminds us of trademark symbols.
#102 We liked the blue
#105 The ghost on the bottom of the logo is troubling
#106, #107 do not feel right to us
#108 we cannot make out the tag line
#109 image is not corporate enough
#110 we like the colors, but the design is not comfortable for us
#111 clever design. We think it will not work on a website. Could work for print
#112 too black and white
#113,#114 logo stand our so much it overwhelms the company name.
#115 too complex
#116, #117 have potential Would you be comfortable moving the design above the letters to the left side of the name? Other colors might work better
#118 logo above the letters is not comfortable
#119, #120, #121, #123, #124 Font looks good, but we do not think that the logos represent our business.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Any Feedback?
15 years ago
Thank you for all of your entries. We appreciate your efforts. We will now face the challenge of selecting our favorites and the very best.
15 years ago
We have started our judging. We have provided many contributors with private feedback. I need to post more tomorrow for some of the best designers. We know that CH comments are imporant for you. Our selection and ranking is preliminary. We are still discussing the matter and will ask several people for their reaction. We also realize that we have corporate clients (people in the TV business, researchers, etc) and regular TV viewers. The same logo may not appeal to both audiences. Thanks to everyone for their good work. We are not finished with our review and thinking so don't assume that our job is done.
15 years ago
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