Thank you for your entries. We left comments in the general area. We would like to see the V in 56 and 67 to be the same height and font as the other letters. We think changing colors would be helpful.. We like #72 very much.
This revision just for comparison based on your suggestion about the typography. The color is not too far from previous just a little bit change. I just make it more stand out. Thank you
praztea Thanks for your good work. Thanks also for reading our comments and making changes. We like 255 very much. Using uniform fonts is better for us. The TV set with your design works best on the right side like 255 and not on the left like 254, especially due to the overlap of the letter R. We are tihnking about what colors would work the best for us. We are not done in our judging. We know that you can change the colors if we want, but we think we should make up our minds first. We also know that we can get revisions in the system if we rank you #1. #72 is still a great choice for us. We are thinking that our currently first ranked logo (with the two TV sets on the left) is very corporate, for people we would work with in industry, TV studios, etc. Your #255 is very good for the public who we cant to watch TV and search their programs on our website. So we are learning by seeing such good submissions.