Recipe SubstitutionsLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Recipe Substitutions
Recipe Substitutions has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 254 designs
from 29 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
comprehensive website detailing recipe/ingredient substitutions. Similar to a food/recipe blog
Color Preferences
black white grey green blue orange
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I made a quick placeholder logo and attached it for reference. An idea would be to still include a simple picture, but maybe somehow cross out one of the ingredients to show that you're substituting it for another?
Dimension specifications:
My website theme allows for a longer logo where the length is about 3x the height. If logo is not that long, it's okay, but will just have white space on both sides to fill the area at the top of my site.
Also would like some kind of round version, either with the full words "recipe substitutions" or the letters RS. This may be used in my sidebar, as a watermark on photos, or not at all. Example attached.
I want it to be clean, easy to read, but interesting and unique. I really like the simplicity and color schemes of these logos/sites:
I would also very much like any other corresponding images/icons/patterns that I could use. These include but are not limited to borders as well as category icons (listed in order of importance - spices, dairy, oils/fats, herbs, pantry/baking, condiments, meat/seafood, fruits/vegetables, stock/broth/soup, alcohol). Examples of these category icons are attached.
I am open to any color combinations as long as they meet website contrast recommendations and are easy to see/differentiate. Want to stay away from bright pastel/neon palettes.
I haven't quite come up with a catchy phrase yet. I've only been able to come up with cheesy examples like "find what you're looking for" or "don't have it? no problem!" Not sure if I'll use one... but I'm open to ideas!
Dimension specifications:
My website theme allows for a longer logo where the length is about 3x the height. If logo is not that long, it's okay, but will just have white space on both sides to fill the area at the top of my site.
Also would like some kind of round version, either with the full words "recipe substitutions" or the letters RS. This may be used in my sidebar, as a watermark on photos, or not at all. Example attached.
I want it to be clean, easy to read, but interesting and unique. I really like the simplicity and color schemes of these logos/sites:
I would also very much like any other corresponding images/icons/patterns that I could use. These include but are not limited to borders as well as category icons (listed in order of importance - spices, dairy, oils/fats, herbs, pantry/baking, condiments, meat/seafood, fruits/vegetables, stock/broth/soup, alcohol). Examples of these category icons are attached.
I am open to any color combinations as long as they meet website contrast recommendations and are easy to see/differentiate. Want to stay away from bright pastel/neon palettes.
I haven't quite come up with a catchy phrase yet. I've only been able to come up with cheesy examples like "find what you're looking for" or "don't have it? no problem!" Not sure if I'll use one... but I'm open to ideas!