My New Pink ButtonLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / My New Pink Button

My New Pink Button has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 151 designs from 26 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
An adult novelty product used by females who care about their appearance.
Color Preferences
Must have:
Other possible colors to incorporate:
not see:
green, blue, orange, purple, yellow, brown or any variations of these colors.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
You will need to incorporate one of these two pin up girls to the logo (please see our website for the two pin up girls to choose from (these are royalty free images that I have purchased). OR you may create another original pin up girl. Please remove the background from the pin up girl images so that only the body and clothes are shown.

Please include our web site on the logo:

We would like this to have a young, fun, flirty retro feel to it.
Our label will go on the top of a silver tin. the label will need to be circular. The dimensions are: approximately 2 & 7/8 inch in diameter.


Order by
Entry Number






























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1 2 3 1 ... 3 Next >


Logo Designer
Wow, interesting idea, illustrating this might take awhile. If you want a Vargas type look and feel for an original pinup, I suggest bumping up the $ a bit.

I see this going into a retro 50ies type of style.


16 years ago
Logo Designer
Do you own the rights to these pin-up images? Otherwise we cannot just trace and copy them because that would be illegal.
16 years ago
Ex 2. Hello. Thank you for your comment. Thanks for making sure that I purchased these images! I should have stated that. So yes, these royalty free images have been purchased!
16 years ago
ex. Thank you! I like the colors used. And I like the concept but, I would like to see the one of the two pin up girls used in the logo that I provided on my website. You are right, we would like this to have a 40's 50's retro feel to it...really fun, girly, flirty...with a classic look. Because this product is considered "adult novelty" we would like it to have a retro feel so that it steers it away from "adult novelty" allowing anyone to pick up the product and look at it without being embarrassed--which is really important to me. This is a beauty product that any female can use--whether they would be in an adult novelty store or not. I cannot yet discuss what this product does, but there isn't any other product like it on the market...and there is potential that this product will generate a lot of press!!!
16 years ago
ex. 2 is more like it! I like this logo. I like the colors too...but I wish it were a bit more retro in feel... also I am not sure about her literally pushing a button...
Also, I would like for the name My New Pink Button and then the website to be two different things. I wouldn't want someone to think we were just a web site! Thanks!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
For some reason mine came out a purpley pink colour I shall redo in a deeper pink, unless you like it! Thanks
16 years ago
Logo Designer
ex. 2 is more like it! I like this logo. I like the colors too...but I wish it were a bit more retro in feel... also I am not sure about her literally pushing a button...
Also, I would like for the name My New Pink Button and then the website to be two different things. I wouldn't want someone to think we were just a web site! Thanks!

I am working on a few changes.e.g. removing button, - I also think a more Fifties style of font is required to get that retro feel. I do think the logo needs to be kept quite simple, if it has to be reduced to 2 inches, otherwise small details may not be very clear. So I guess that is another challenge.
16 years ago
ex. 4 Thanks for posting. I like this one, but I agree that the color is off. I think a deeper pink would be better, or yes-- less purple in the pink. I think that it needs to be cleaned up a bit around the hair? Also, in the title MY is all capital letters whereas the others only the first letter is capitalized. I think that should change to: My New Pink Button for consistency
I like the stripes. I am a fan of stripes, polka dots, etc. etc. There is something about this that makes me think the size proportions are off. Maybe the My New Pink Button Part could be bigger or the pinup girl could be bigger? I like to see your revisions before I rank this!
16 years ago
ex. 2 I agree... simple would be best for this logo--so long as simple doesn't =boring I am looking forward to what you come up with. Thanks!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the very constructive critisism Tania, I will alter the things you suggested and have another go :)
16 years ago
Ex. 2 and 3... I have been thinking about your logo more...and I would like to see the pin up girl look more realistic. I like the creativity that you put behind changing her up...but she may work better for me if she didn't look so comic bookish??
16 years ago
Client's getting there...and I think the change in color helps out a lot...but something is still off a bit for me... the My New Pink Button Part could be bigger-- I feel like the name is getting lost, or the girl could overlap the stripes just a bit, so it's not so half there half here.. (does that make sense?). OR maybe the stripes could have a variation in color.. such as two color stripes or a different color than the trim..etc. etc. I am really liking your logo and think together we can come up with something that I love--just a little more tweaking in the proportions and color. Also, would it be possible to maybe see an example with polka dots rather than stripes?
16 years ago
#5 and #6 I like the boldness of your logo..but I don't think this is what we are looking for. It doesn't really tell the right story with the umbrella.. also, I am looking for something a bit retro 40's 50's and the bubble font makes me think of the 80's. I like that you used a literal button as an O in the word button--that is exactly what I did in a mock up logo I did myself. Thanks for your effort!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Well actually there is a problem here with most of the logos (and it is not to criticise the other designs), but most apart from 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8, go against the rules of design on the site here. Logos are supposed to be Vector graphics, which means that we cannot just paste in a raster graphic like you have provided, but have to redraw it if it is to be used. There are different reasons for this, but they all have to do with ensuring that you get a quality product.
Oddly enough the moderator has not interfered here (they might remove them).
Below is quoted from the site here:
Your work must be created in a vector program such as Adobe Illustrator, and the final files MUST be delivered in .EPS format. Photoshop is not for logos and.
Admins & Mods will remove entries without notice for not following the above submission rules.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Ex. 2 and 3... I have been thinking about your logo more...and I would like to see the pin up girl look more realistic. I like the creativity that you put behind changing her up...but she may work better for me if she didn't look so comic bookish??

I am working on the 50es retro style both for the girl and the font.
Before I was actually experimenting with a litchtenstein-inspired effect here, and maybe it does not work so well here as it is a comic strip effect. That was before I realised that you wanted it to be 50es style (that idea sort of became clear in the comments). It will take me a little while to draw this.
16 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Hi All,
I thought I would repost some email comments that I made to the CH:

I only recommend that logos be done in true vector format, but if you are aware of the issues then I will make a rule exception. You might be able to get the designers to "vectorize" the images which might not look all that great, but it will make the logo scalable.
16 years ago
#8 and #9 I like number 9 to 8. I like that the pin up girl is in the middle of the logo, and I like that the name is circular! I don’t really care for the silhouette that is in 8. I would like to see this logo with a different font. This font reminds me of a 70’s font. Also, I would like to see this logo without the cloud and stars as that reminds me of the 80’s.. and I am looking for an 40’s 50 retro feel. Plus, the clouds take away from the circular shape that I am looking for. Thanks for posting!
16 years ago
#10 and #11 I like the scale of these compared to your first take—but think it still needs some work on the scale as the name of the product gets lost in the logo. Maybe it needs a different font or color of font that will make it pop more. Also, I think that our website gets is too bold in this—and not easy to read. Maybe take it out, or make the web address subtle. I like the retro stars on the label. Reminds me totally of the 50’s. Also, the pink went back to a purple color. I prefer a more pink color like the one you had in 7 but maybe a little less fuchsia.
16 years ago
#12 #13 I like this, but think that the pin up girl doesn’t have enough dimension to her. Also, not sure if I care for the font.. I prefer 13 to 12 because of the omission of the white on the product name. I like how you made the website more subtle and I also like how the pin up girl overlaps the trim a bit.
16 years ago
#14 #15 #16 I prefer number 14 in this series. I like the scale, and the dimension in this pin up girl version. I really like the boldness of the font you used, but would be interested in seeing this logo with a different font and possibly a different background color—maybe a shade or two different?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok, I am thinking of withdrawing my work, as I think since this contest is bending the rules of use of the site with use of vector graphics. A few of us here are spending ages actually DRAWING this image, while others just cut the original out and PASTE it in. In the in end this won't scale well.
Obviously a vector image is going to look at bit more like a drawing that the original, but at least it will look good in a larger format. And it will be more original. Anyone can cut and paste.

16 years ago
Logo Designer
There is no need to get funny about this, it stated in the brief to do this and the admin hasn't interfered. We would all be attacking each other constantly if we allow these sort of comments (anyone can cut and paste), like I think Orion? said, if a design is better than yours (not yours personally) we should just accept it is good and bow out gracefully. Not try and get the admins to withdraw peoples designs. Just my 2 cents.
16 years ago
#18 and #19 I like your revisions… but I am still not a fan of these stars. Also, Perhaps the pink trim around could be white or a different color than the pink. I think that there are too many colors here. Also, I would like to see the name not in all caps.
16 years ago
#24 I love love the girls you created--especially the one bending over. I would like to see one made with just her in it—with less pink and a simple font? I also really like the color choice in their clothes—I love that ruby color. Maybe if you used less pink your pin up girl would really pop out! I like what you did with the other girl too, but I don’t really like that girl as a brunette.
16 years ago
#25 #26 #28 #28 I like these better as far as the scale is concerned. And although I like
the font you are using, it’s just not bold enough for this logo. I think it gets lost. I like the color in 27, but I don’t like the heart. Also, after looking at this I would like the website on the logo, but in a different simple font thank say used in 26.
16 years ago
#29 #30 Thanks for the revisions. Comparing your pin up girl to the others I think that her face is slightly blurred or something amiss? Not quite sure what it is. After seeing these two I like your 16 better as the girl pops out more (bigger in size).
16 years ago
#31 I like the polka dots. I like this one much more than the stripes. As noted from the other samples you created, maybe a different font would work better for your logo. The font you are using is so dainty that it is too ignored when you eye catches the logo. Also, I like how the web site is listed in a small way.
16 years ago
To the designers: Maybe less pink in these designs? Although I do want pink— I would like to see some that have less. Also, I would like it to be noted that I like polka dots—I think it adds to a play on words for this particular product! Thanks for all your work. I love logging in and seeing all the wonderful creations! I hope my comments help. Feel free to email me if you would like to ask any further questions!
16 years ago
#24 I should mention that I don't want two pin up girls in one logo... but I have ranked this as my 2nd choice because I like the pin up girl you recreated...and would like to see her (the one bending over) in a logo on her own! thanks
16 years ago
#31 could you try the dots in a deep maroonish or burgundy pink color?
16 years ago
To the designers: I have a suggestion... For the name try having the words My New be smaller in scale compared to the words Pink Button. That might help things a bit.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
could you provide the source where you purchased the pinup girls. A lot os sites a royalty free, but do not allow images to be used in a logo.

16 years ago
I purchased from
16 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you tania:) you may want to contact timetunnel, as I reveiwed end user agreement, I'm not sure the image can be used in a logo. could you check with them?
16 years ago
tini1: I did my homework before even purchasing the images. The user agreement is pretty clear that you can use the images for use in products, marketing materials..etc. etc. including logos. I also checked with logotournament regarding the use of this image before I posted this contest to make sure it would be OK. I did go ahead and send timetunnel an email to confirm and I have heard back that yes in deed I can use the images for the above purposes. Thanks.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you tania, I just wanted to make sure:)

(usually all royalty free images are ok to use on marketing materials(like a poster, brochure)but not for a logotrademark/anything that is copyrighted) so I was confused.....:)
16 years ago
#32 and #33 Thanks for changing the font, but this font isn’t working for me either. Also, maybe part of the problem is that the words My New Pink Button is broken up.
16 years ago
#34 #36 #38 I like these designs but I would like to see a different font used. The font here reminds me too much of Saturday Night Fever and not really a retro 40’s 50’s style font. Also, I was wondering if you logo would stand out more if the light pink portion of the logo were white? Perhaps that would help it pop out more? The girl with her leg up isn’t working for me as a brunette. Another suggestion would be to change the heart shape into a more nonheart shape. I am not a big fan of hearts—but I like the two color variations as a breaking point in the logo. I absolutely love your pin up girl!
16 years ago
#39 I like this logo compared to #19 in these ways: I like the font and color on the bottom better and I like the omission of the stars and replacement with the little circles. I like #19 to number #39 in these ways: I like the darker pink trim after all—but I think this pink is too peptol bismalish in color. I also like all capitalized letters on your logo as I think it works in this case. I am not a big fan of these stars, but I like them against the darker pink trim. Could you mix up another logo based on these things listed above?
16 years ago
#40 and #41 I really REALLY like number 40 as it looks really clean and simple. I like how you were able to maximize the size of the pin up girl by finding a way to overlap her on the name. There isn’t much I would change. The white makes her pop out more. The only thing I would like to see is how the name would look with a gray shadow as opposed to black. Thanks for reposting!
16 years ago
#42 This is one of my new favorites. I LOVE the font choice—right on the money. There are a few things I would like you to change on this label however. Because our tin is silver I am afraid that the gray pin up girl will be lost when placed on our tin. Could you make her in color? I also think this label would look nice with a trim of some sort. Could you remove the button or dot above the shoe? And finally, although I love the font choice I think it doesn’t stand out against the pale pink background—so maybe the font color could be different or the background could be darker (if you want to keep it in a white font). Thanks for posting. I hope to see revisions to this logo soon!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
#34 #36 #38 I like these designs but I would like to see a different font used. The font here reminds me too much of Saturday Night Fever and not really a retro 40’s 50’s style font. Also, I was wondering if you logo would stand out more if the light pink portion of the logo were white? Perhaps that would help it pop out more? The girl with her leg up isn’t working for me as a brunette. Another suggestion would be to change the heart shape into a more nonheart shape. I am not a big fan of hearts—but I like the two color variations as a breaking point in the logo. I absolutely love your pin up girl!

I have spent hours and hours and hours on creating a professional piece of work and altering the girls to make them look unique, so that no one can see it is taken from another piece of artwork. I have also worked on creating the style that you seee in the old advertisements using a slight offwhite and warm pink to give it a retro feel. BTW it is not a heartshape but a curve.
To be honest it is a bit much work for 250 USD, so I am not keen on changing it anymore now. "Saturday night fever" has an entirely different font and there is no resemblance whatsoever. The font I used here is called Harlow Solid, which is a actually a true retro font, which I have carefully selected after researching it to that sort of . It can be recognised by its loops. Here is a description: "Harlow Solid effectively captures the flavor of the 1930's and 40's with its strong geometric letterforms. Letraset designer Colin Brignall created the capital letters to work as initials and the lowercase letters to overlap in order to convey a strong graphic appearance."

16 years ago
#34 #36 #38
Thank you for your logo entries. I really appreciate the work you put into it. It is difficult to put your art out there and have it basically criticized-- I know from my own experience. This site makes it virtually impossible to not give feedback—and it seems that feedback isn’t easy for you to hear. My opinions are just--that my own. As for the comments: I didn't say that your font was the font used in Saturday Night Fever, only it reminded me of it. I am sure if were to remind me of it-it would remind other people as well. It might have worked in your favor to have told me a little bit more about the font you chose, esp. since I commented on your font choice from the very beginning. And, for this contest you are allowed to cut and paste the pin up girl already provided--that could have saved you the hours and hours you spent creating your version (which by the way is really great and beautiful). Simply telling you that maybe white instead of pink (on that one portion) shouldn't have upset you so much. I love the dusty rose color, but you have to remember that I am trying to think of what would work best for my product and ALL of it’s parts (where the logo will be used-the color of the container it will be used on etc. etc.). I could go on, but I think you don’t take criticism very well, and I am probably not the first person to tell you that. This type of competition may not be suited for you. Those were simple requests that could have made me love your logo to #1. Again, thank you for your entries. You are very talented. Best of luck to you.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
And, for this contest you are allowed to cut and paste the pin up girl already provided.

I guess that it is just not my style to do such a thing as just cut and paste - because in my eyes it would not be an original product. I could never submit anything that I was not personally happy with, just in order to win.
I am not really upset, but I just feel that I have spent enough time on this thing for the time being at least.
It is a piece of work I have created and it is entering the contest as is, and I needed to explain the thoughts behind my piece and also why I chose that particular font.
And you actually only asked me to change logo 24 with two girls to a logo with just one girl and use less pink. So I did.
In my opinion my entry would of course make your product look very professional, unique, and I could easily imagine it looking great on a round silver tin, but then again everyone is different.
16 years ago
#43 I like the trim around the circle and like the retro feel to your logo. I am not crazy about all the pink. I would rather see the pin up girl look more realistic than pink. I like that you made the circle an actual button, but I think it is a bit distracting. The banner across is also distracting to me. Maybe there are just too many elements in this logo. We plan to use this on packaging and it will be very small, so I think the more simple the better for what we intend to use our logo on. Thanks for your entry.
16 years ago
#46 I love the revisions!!! I like this one more than the last. It really stands out. I am curious about your other variations that you mentioned and look forward to seeing them. The only negative comment I have it that either the pink trim or inner circle is a bit rough. Thanks for the revision you made. I appreciate it!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Is it possible to work the image (only the girl) as a raster until the CH chooses a winner? That way we don´t waste time on redrawing an image for nothing!.

16 years ago
that's a great idea. no problem if you want to do that.
16 years ago
I should say I don't know what a raster is, but if it means just cutting and pasting that is fine. logotournament approved cutting and pasting for this contest only since I the CH am ok with it, and provided the image--but I know some of you do not want to do that and want to create your own version. thanks!
16 years ago
#48 Thanks for posting! I like the creativity of your logo—but I don’t think the swing works for my product (although I think she looks super cute on a swing!). I love the polka dot background and think it would be great to have a logo that had an all polka dot background with a simple pink trim. I like the font you used for PINK but the font for my new button don’t work that well for me.
16 years ago
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