My New Pink ButtonLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / My New Pink Button

My New Pink Button has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 151 designs from 26 different designers from around the world.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.


Logo Designer
Well, I love the feedback afterall I/we am/are here to give you what you seek :)! I took your thoughts into consideration; removed the dot/button on top or the high heel, made the pin-up colored (instead of gray) made a subtle border, etc., and changed up the font colors a bit (all white except the "O" in button) PLMK if you like this one more or less, if I changed too much or too little, or ??? I already started working on some other variations (the possibilities are endless :)!!!) and am quite curious about your product!!! ;) If I still am on the right track I will post some other variations, and/or attempt to follow your new thoughts...

(This comment references Entry #46)
16 years ago
#46 I love the revisions!!! I like this one more than the last. It really stands out. I am curious about your other variations that you mentioned and look forward to seeing them. The only negative comment I have it that either the pink trim or inner circle is a bit rough. Thanks for the revision you made. I appreciate it!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
HI Tania-Here is another I was working on before I submitted the first; it still has the gray pin-up like the first submission but the colors are a bit different and I was experimenting with 'weirder' type borders-this one is what I call a watch-band border (and the pink could even run longer down the sides of the tin as a seal as well as top label/logo).
The not so smooth lines you saw in the second submission (and things like that you may notice in these subsequent submissions) are because I did not spend too much time vectoring (that is the process that makes the pixels into shapes and allows you to have your printer make your final product in any size desired without losing anything...)...If you choose my logo to be yours, and there are things like that that need detailing, I, of course, will take care of that for you. Right now I just am not spending hours do the small details, just quickly vectoring so you see the ideas/options...
I may have one or tow more...will wait to hear your critique and go from there...
Thank you as always!
E. (tyro)

(This comment references Entry #50)
16 years ago
Hi. This is kind of random but my partner and I were thinking that for some reason the body of your pin up girl looks a little bit bigger in size around her bum and thighs???? Would it be possible to trim her out a little bit ? LOVE your label! Would it be possible to see it with a different background other than purple-- maybe switch the trim color with the purple color? Thanks for clarifying the rough edges. :)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello again-I was not positive what you meant about trading the purple with the details but this first new one is what I thought you meant; the pink details I made the purplish color and anything purplish I made pink (?) :)

(This comment references Entry #65)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Then I started to realize that maybe you really like the more feminine lighter coloring so I basically went back to my first submission and added the pinup in color but did a more subtle border than I had done in my second submission after you had liked it but wanted the pinup in color instead of gray...hope one of mine will win ;)

(This comment references Entry #66)
16 years ago
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