HI Tania-Here is another I was working on before I submitted the first; it still has the gray pin-up like the first submission but the colors are a bit different and I was experimenting with 'weirder' type borders-this one is what I call a watch-band border (and the pink could even run longer down the sides of the tin as a seal as well as top label/logo).
The not so smooth lines you saw in the second submission (and things like that you may notice in these subsequent submissions) are because I did not spend too much time vectoring (that is the process that makes the pixels into shapes and allows you to have your printer make your final product in any size desired without losing anything...)...If you choose my logo to be yours, and there are things like that that need detailing, I, of course, will take care of that for you. Right now I just am not spending hours do the small details, just quickly vectoring so you see the ideas/options...
I may have one or tow more...will wait to hear your critique and go from there...
Thank you as always!
E. (tyro)
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