My New Pink ButtonLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / My New Pink Button

My New Pink Button has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 151 designs from 26 different designers from around the world.
Prefers others.


Logo Designer
When picturing the pin up girl on the silver tin, I was immediately reminded of how pilots used to paint pin up girls on their silver planes. I've tried to suggest this with both the background and the font so that the label ends up looking like it's intended to go on the tin. I've also added a lot of depth in order to make the whole design rich and interesting.

While reading over the comments I saw everything about raster and vector. I've taken the time to recreate the girl using vector graphics so it can be blown up to billboard size without losing any quality. If you're interested, there's a basic explanation of the differences between the 2 formats here -

Feedback is welcomed and appreciated!


(This comment references Entry #49)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
I don't think there's any risk of the label blending in with the tin, rather it will coordinate with it! This particular design will result in a whole branding package instead of just a label stuck on a tin. If you like, I can provide an actual size version that you can print out for reference (it will have a watermark).

This version has the black outline removed from the pin-up, a richer pink and a simpler, cleaner font that still fits with the retro style.

p.s. If you leave your comments below rather than on the main page, I get an email alert and can respond quicker!

(This comment references Entry #58)
16 years ago
oh hi. i just reranked and made comments, but now I see this from you. Sorry. I would love an actual version because I can't imagine it not blending in. But you are the professional! do you need my email?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
A version without the background!

(This comment references Entry #76)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
New colors, font and added contrast.

(This comment references Entry #119)
16 years ago
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