MosaicLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Mosaic

Mosaic has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 304 designs from 34 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Broken Beauty
What We Do
We exist to gather people to a relationship with Christ and one another.
Color Preferences
Black or white background (pref. black). Orange, bright green, ice blue, (bright colors, though NOT neon), silver
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I would like 4 broken tiles, of different colors that when placed together the broken edges would form a cross (where the grout would be)...perhaps with light shining through the cross...The tiles can be scratched or marred. I would like to have the cross slanted slightly.


Order by
Entry Number




























































1 2 3 4 5 6 1 ... 6 Next >


I like the brighter colors of #1, #2, and #3. I also like the use of silver for "broken beauty", but I'm also drawn to the use of orange there as well. I want the tiles to look more broken, as if they were left over pieces that have been re-purposed to create the cross that emerges because of the way they are aligned. I would love to see a what a "shadow" would look like as if the light was coming through the cross and shining down. I like the font of Mosaic in #4 because of it's "variation". But, I also like the clean lines in many of the other designs.

You guys and gals are really GREAT! Thanks for all your entries. What a great group of talented folks on here!
15 years ago
I also like the rough texture of the tiles in the first 3. And the subtlety of "broken beauty" on several of the designs. I like BB in both the clean font and artist brush cursive in several of these.
15 years ago
How about someone using broken triangles instead of squares and possibly four different sizes placed to create an abstract cross in the "grout line". I do need 4 different tiles because the logo will be in the home page of the website and each tile will be a button that links to the inside pages of the website. Another option for design would be to have broken beauty be "", since that is our website name. We may not want it on the logo, but I'd like to see what that looks like.
15 years ago
I'm getting some feedback from friends who say that several of these look too much like Window's logo, especially some of my top pics. I still like them, but wonder if there is a way to move away from that some...Maybe it's the colors...I don't know. Just something to consider.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Kyle,

if this is your first time using this site could you please spare a minute to read this post:
it contains some important info that I'm sure you will find very helpful.

15 years ago
Nat, Thanks for that discussion post. You are correct that this is my first contest and that was great info for a first timer. It helps me to understand the process. I'll go back and rearrange some!
15 years ago
The tiles represent people and their lives. So that is the reason for the different colors and can also be different size/shape. All need to be marred and broken from the journey through life, but the goal is to represent how the cross brings beauty to our broken individual pieces. So, it would be best to have them be broken in different ways...with cracks, with scratches, with chips...all parts of a former "whole".

Designs that have all smooth edges are least preferred. If an edge is smooth I would prefer to have it be the inner edge that forms the cross...kinda like it was the corner piece of the original square tile.
15 years ago
I'm meeting with our entire group tomorrow, so I should have some "group" feedback for some of you guys that are at the top 10 or so. Who knows, with more eyes and thoughts, some of the others might jump up. If there are others to submit...tonight would be best. One thing I know they are saying is that MS Windows keeps popping into their heads on some. Great for MS branding...but not for us.
15 years ago
Here's some of our group thoughts in "general". I'll also leave some specific comments on individual designs. First, we are grateful for such a talented grouping of individuals all giving us their creations! So many to choose from does make it difficult.

We wondered if there was some design "outside the box" that I've created. Several designers have taken new directions and others have stayed right with what I've been asking for. It helps to see outside the box, even if it means that we do come back to the box we started with. Your creativity is inspiring and some of you may have ways to express who we are in a creative way that we would never think of asking for. So I guess we're asking for someone to surprise us.

Another thought was instead of the picture for mosaic, what if the word MOSAIC had each letter in a different font to symbolize the uniqueness of each person (letter) coming together to form a new design/word.

The group thought that the colors were causing some to look more like MS Logo, along with the slant The vibrant colors of #79 best capture our interest.

We also had an discussion about the prominence of the cross for the post-modern crowd that we want to reach. Didn't come to a clear consensus on that one. Some want subtle cross/no cross...others want clear cross...So I know that doesn't help you much. We'll just have to duke it out on our end.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear CH
Is it broken as per design #96 which you have rated 1,or just broken beauty

please clarify

Thanks & regards
15 years ago
Kash, broken beauty or are equal options. I know that ultimately that can be changed after the contest closes. I'm mostly focusing on the artistic elements in the overall design and the type of font chosen by each artist.

Thanks for asking!
15 years ago
Our group decided to extend the contest for one week, though I will add that we might end the contest at any point in the next several days. There are some really great designs on here, so we're only extending it to see if there are any other different designs that someone might create, and also to allow several in our group to weigh in and think through the selections. Since this is our permanent logo, we want it to be perfect for us and that we would have a strong consensus about the image.

All of the info in the Contest Brief remains unchanged so please make sure that your submissions reflect those needs. I don't want to be discouraging by putting peoples work in the "not selected" bin, but then sometimes I just don't understand how the design reflects the already stated objectives. With that being said my goal is to keep the best of each artists work on the site. So if you have submitted a lot of different designs of the same thing, with only slight variations, I'll be narrowing down those options and keeping the top ones from each designer.

For all those who have submitted entries so far. BRAVO!! This is one talented group of artist. I will be sharing this site with as many people as I can.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks this have been a really good contest having fun I will keep the designs coming ..dave
15 years ago
Logo Designer
You are one of the most responsive CH's i've come across with so far. :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I completely agree with husky....
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I totally agree!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Must say this has been a great contest and agree with the others on the CH
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Lots of beautiful designs here. Good job everyone!
15 years ago
I have been INCREDIBLY impressed by all the designs here. This is my first time on here, but I doubt it will be my last!
15 years ago comes the hard part, picking the best design. My goal is to take each individual design and rank it. So if you gave me multiple variations of a design that I like they "extras", will move to the bottom of the stack. I will only be placing designs in the not interested bin if it's a version that I'm really not interested in, or the design just didn't fit all together. I know that awarding points is a way to say thanks for your designs, and so I want to award as many as possible. I should have the final decision made by this weekend.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
back to designings :)
15 years ago
OK, you two! Let's get back to the rule, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". My desire is to keep things positive. I realize that it's too late for that in the past, but let's just agree to move forward and keep personal opinions to ourselves. I know that I have multiple GREAT options. Dave, you gave me EXACTLY what I asked for and I LOVE it. Nat, you gave me something I'd never thought of, and I LOVE it!! And for that matter, I don't think I'd go wrong with anything in the top 10!!! At this point it is a matter of preference, and I'm not sure what our group prefers. So relax, enjoy your designs, keep cranking out great designs.
15 years ago
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