Mobile 1UPLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Mobile 1UP

Mobile 1UP has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 166 designs from 34 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

single player games on the go
What We Do
Mobile 1UP is a game design and development company focused on the growing handheld and wireless market - inspired on bringing classic "1UP" game themes for use on the go.
Color Preferences
retro, 8bit computer game colors
Our Ideas & Additional Information
the current logo ( is based on nintendo's 1UP mushroom, i would like to keep this concept in mind; however, look at steer away from copyright/stealing of artwork

while i'm open to new suggestions (please do submit them), i would also be perfectly happy with a rework of our existing logo so it doesn't look like it was ripped directly from a NES game :) i would like to see a few entries even toying with the mushroom - is there any way of making it fit today's world - yet still express "retro"? it's all in your hands. :)


Order by
Entry Number






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welcome designers!

i have seem some great designs here and retro gaming is a classic genre that i hope we can get an array of various designs and themes going. Mobile 1UP needs a new logo - and we dont have to stray much from the current one, but i am also open to seeing what ideas you guys can create. if your a retro gamer; you know what 1UP means - lets portray it in the logo!

currently the site/company focuses it's efforts on iPhone gaming; but it can easily be expanded into other mobile markets (Android, Windows Mobile, et al) and Desktop Markets as well - so it doesn't have to have a target device/handheld theme at all.

looking forward to the submissions!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
I'll Coming soon ! :-)
16 years ago
... off to a good start!

i was delighted to return to the site to see a few entries; while they don't meet the requirements at this point, i picked out a few which played with a few interesting ideas/concepts within them. to assist the designers; i think it is very important to establish that Mobile 1UP has been in operation for a while - and one of the key visual "indicators" is the 1UP concept; specifically the mushroom. if your looking for ideas; also check out the mobile 1UP website - ( - right now a bunch of Game & Watch classics are there, but there are a number of other titles planned - platformers and other unique 1 player games.

while i'm open to new suggestions (please do submit them), i would also be perfectly happy with a rework of our existing logo so it doesn't look like it was ripped directly from a NES game :) i would like to see a few entries even toying with the mushroom - is there any way of making it fit today's world - yet still express "retro"? it's all in your hands. :)
16 years ago
lots of great ideas - looking good.

i've started ranking the entries - but i would like to make it clear that there are elements i like in each design - there are a lot of similar designs with various background colors which i've moved down, it does not mean the designs are not liked at all. for reference purposes; black is the default background, support for white would be nice as well - so, clear definitions/borders are a must.. still open to new ideas however.. things are looking great!`

i also want to make it clear stealing ideas from other designers wont be tolerated - order of submission grants idea ownership. if you have any questions, or want to discuss ideas - do not hesitate to contact me privately as well. i am open to answer any questions.

i'm also looking for some game artists on a work-for-hire basis for some retro-remakes as well!
16 years ago
gone quiet? lost ideas? possibly the contest is too long.. :P

I am really liking where this competition is going - there are definitely a number of talented designers out there - i hope there can be many new variations/cool logo's submitted.. i am open to non mushroom logos as well; as shown by entry #36 - submitted by Jason from PrintMarketDirect. it's catchy - and there is still a valid reason to move away from the 1UP mushroom. the mushroom in entry #34 is subtle; can also be removed and used as a mascot in some way - but then the variation shown in entry #25 - which could replace the "1" in "1UP" (awaiting a design with that Jesse!)

i am really open to providing as much feedback as possible - so keep those submissions coming in.

16 years ago
are any designers out there? i would really like to see some different ideas appear here
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Because of the length of the contest, it's normal to see a lull in the middle. Most people don't want to leave their concepts out in the open for days just to have others copy style and elements. I guarantee it will pick up in a few days!
15 years ago
only a few days left - look forward to some new designs/entries..
15 years ago
one day left! i want to point out that my top 10 ranking are my current favourites - it is difficult to decide which is the best; so just because your listed as 2nd or 3rd; it doesn't mean your out of the running. i am looking for a logo which can be used and adapted in many places.. some of the designers have sent a lot of messages and we have exchanged feedback and i really appreciate this..

similar items i simply pushed down - it doesn't mean they are worse.. i'm trying to identify the main features i like in the top few. this has been an excellent competition; i am thinking it may be nice to have 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize money, not just 1st - it seems a little unfair :(

// Aaron
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I see..7UP!...............

15 years ago
7UP! :) you know, that's an interesting idea - pencil handheld mascot anyone? :)

loads of submissions - awesome stuff. there are many entries that are awesome here; so the competition will end on time, in fact - i have an independent jury of my existing users to do voting on the best logo (after my filtering). there are many duplicate entries; just because i move them to "not interested", it doesn't mean that specific version sucked (i just want to provide a filter for my jury).

it is my understanding that the final winning logo can be delivered so that elements (glare, ornamanets et al) can be removed from the graphics files so that a suite of common looking artwork files can be generated - there are many sweet elements from many people here...

less than half a day left! :)

// Aaron
15 years ago
*phew* - that hurt! (trimming)

get your submission in early / before the deadline especially if you want to receive advice for slight improvements. the final top eight (8) i will be providing to a jury of voters (including myself, site users) so we need to make sure your best is put on display! keep in mind that most effects/glare/shadows are layers that can typically be turned on/off depending on the scenario (hopefully you've designed this way) - so that the same logo with slight modifications can be used for web, t-shirt, mugs, mouse-pads etc..

i look forward to the submissions coming through the day - the last two hours i will be sorting through submissions and be available for comments on this site (contest ends 10pm my time) - so, be sure to be here around closing time if you want feedback and last minute changes.

cheers guy! its been a great contest - you've all done an excellent job. new ideas are also welcome! surprise me!

// Aaron
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thought I'd get away from the mushroom a little to concentrate on the logo.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
jajaja, you want a fido dido too?? :P
I keep with #134 by
but good job everyone!
Ardiri you're the Contest Holder with more feedback!..GREAT! :)

15 years ago
nat, ah - yes, the 7up guy was called "fido dido" :) thats right. thanks for your entries, unfortunately they dont match the criteria for what we are looking for unfortunately :(
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello nat did you like it or not :)
This was a nice project but I was late to start.. wish good luck to all ;)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
hemmm...i don't have any entries here jajaja...i just looking around ;)
I saw the entry in first place and iit it remains me to 7up logo...:P
I hope you find it your logo!

Hugs :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
i think Nat was talking about #37

because that font's number 1 does look a little like a 7... and it is white letters on a gren background..
and ON THAT ONE it even has the little bubbles
it definitely reminded me of 7up as well as soon as I saw it.

not as bad in the version without the bubbles..
15 years ago
Logo Designer
yes, i like it so much logobyte...because it's symple and it transmits better the concept without use so many objects..
I think that it's more manageable for future applications


Sorry for my english jajajaja
15 years ago
Logo Designer
yes, the green bubbles reminded me of 7 up...and some kind of fonts
15 years ago
Logo Designer

i JUST realized what the symbol was..

it's a mushroom head ON an iphone..!

i'm not sure that that is legal to include a trademarked product design into your logo...


and while they are drawn differently, all these mushrooms are still described in WORDS the same way :
a green and white polka dot mushroom .
so im not sure that legally they are different enough from the nintendo ones we were tying to avoid?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
well... is a long discussion...jaja
whatever...ardiri has the final word :)
15 years ago
woah ;) long discussion - lets keep it positive tho! :) i'll try and answer everyone's questions..

nat; didn't realize you didn't post any submissions (sorry logobyte); i need to select a "top 8" for the shortlist for my jury vote - so, just because you submit; it doesn't mean your logo sucks! i appreciate everything that is submitted - why oh why cannot a company have multiple logo's? :) i think there are a lot of great entries, a lot of great entries are making it to the "not interested" pile tho because of the competition..\

in regards to the mushroom legality etc etc.. its a mushroom.. - i mean, how many companies have a mushroom in their logo: logo

my currently logo pretty much used a classic pixelated version which you could argue was taken from an NES game direct (it wasn't, but - it does look damn close to it). entry #58 has a unique mushroom look; there are many mushroom styles here - some more subtle than others - for example, entry #69 has a mushroom under the 1UP; its just viewed from above.. that's creativity at its best!

i'm going to be online the next three hours until the end - and i'm here for your comments/suggestions.. i'll post comments even to those i move to not interested - so, you can still get feedback. remember its the top 8 that matter. so, if you respond/react, you could kick someone out..

and, btw - there is no order yet! :)

// Aaron :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
you rocks Aaron :) !!

entry #69 i'm sure it's the best...

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks, Nat!

Aaron, the final winning logo CAN be delivered so that elements (glare, ornamanets et al) can be removed from the graphics files so that a suite of common looking artwork files can be generated but it's up to each individual designer IF they want to and IF they will charge for additional work. (I don't charge)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Dude, turning off a vector apps' live fx is hardly a bother. See the flag? It says d-e-v-e-l-o-p-i-n-g c-o-u-n-t-r-y. I'll even throw in my old SNES in view of the theme of this project. Everything MUST GO!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
what?...PrintMarketDirect doesn't won?... :S

15 years ago
thanks everyone for the submissions - the top eight have gone through a strict jury of mine - i wont update the order of the winning results until i get the results back from my jury (my users tell me whats best) :) there were more than 8 exceptional submissions; but i had to draw the line somewhere. :)

printmarketdirect: understood about the layers; ::)
franknfurter: i never had an SNES; but we did write an emulator once :)
Nat: the final results will be available in a few days :)

once again; thanks to everyone who submitted logo's - in less than a week i hope to have a completely new logo on my website and within my games; all thanks to logotournament :) everyone who submitted exceptional work knows who they are; and i encourage them to continue doing so; even if they dont win this contest..

// Aaron
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for this fun comp. Aaron. :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
applause for Aaron :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
#165 xD Nice!!!
15 years ago
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